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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / pipeliner 2D not welding
- - By CK Welding (**) Date 01-01-2011 20:58
I was welding the other day and around about 10 in the morning I set my stinger down for a fwe to check work for level.  When I went to fire back up there was nothing.  Just little sparkles when you hit the pos and neg together, just like when you have the remote switch on remote without having the remote pluged in.  I searched all over for a fuse or breaker and never found anything.  I checked for a stuck brush and they all look fine except the sparks under the brushes act like they want to follow the exciter around instead of staying under the brush.  I can't see any scratches in it or anything.  I also don't know why it would do this all the sudden when I have never had problems before.  It is a 2008 pipeliner 200D with about 1500 hrs on it.  The weather outside was about -4 with snow and blowing snow.  That might have something to do with it.  I moved it into a heated shop and let it set a couple days and still have the same problem.  Any help would be appreciated thank you.
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 01-01-2011 22:49
What a coincidence CK, partner with the same machine as you was having identical problems just before the holiday break. Very similar weather conditions, cold and snowy and he was understandably frustrated with what was happening. After dickin' around with it for an hour, he took it in to his welder mechanic who just changed out the exciter brushes. Old ones were worn but had just a slight film of ice on them to give him grief. $25 for a new set of brushes and he was rollin' again. He was fairly surprised with it just being the brushes after checking them a zillion times and re-seating them too, but maybe with the snow blowing and cold fingers, a guy can overlook the obvious. Bob.
Parent - - By CK Welding (**) Date 01-02-2011 00:19
thanks brother I guess I will give that a shot.  I will have to order some but that sucks because these ones just got broke in about 200 hours ago.
Parent - - By texasrigwelder (**) Date 01-02-2011 07:40
Uve got a fuse also
Parent - - By CK Welding (**) Date 01-02-2011 17:24
where is it?
I don't see one.
Parent - - By pocket change (**) Date 01-03-2011 03:15
the fuse on a 200d is to the right of the dc plug below the face plate. Its about 1/2" round quarter turn plastic piece. Mine says fuse on the cover. take the plastic cover off and there will be a old style straight fuse in there. Take the old one to home depot, lowes or any hardware store that sells fuses they can cross reference the numbers with there number I bought a three pack for $7.00. lincoln wants 27.00 for theres "same part number & amps" One of my 200d's did the same thing you desribe put a new one in and runs like a champ.
Parent - - By sjkelly328 (**) Date 01-06-2011 15:05
ive got a 200d and mine does it from time to time i take the brushes out put a light filling to them to knock the film off and put them back in it has seemed always to work for me. the fuse only works your aux. power, it doesn't have anything to do with weld power.
Parent - By CK Welding (**) Date 01-06-2011 22:03 Edited 01-09-2011 03:42
thanks men,  I got her to going I just stoned the exciter and main armiture and that took care of it.  Thank god something simple.  must have been from snow or ice or something.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / pipeliner 2D not welding

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