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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Thermal Spray Wire Substitution?
- - By OBEWAN (***) Date 01-12-2011 21:55
A vendor submitted a PQR for a thermal spray process that I am inclined to reject.

The wire requirement is AWS C2.25 W-AL-1350 (aluminum).

The vendor used 1350 Alloy H19.  From what I have been able to glean so far, this is an electrical wire usually made to ASTM B230.

Am I missing something?  I will get a lot of heat if I reject this PQR since it is already on Rev. 7.

But, on the other hand, they knew what wire was required - without question - and tried to slip one past us.

Electrical wire could have all kinds of tramp elements if it is not made to AWS spec.
Parent - - By MMyers (**) Date 01-13-2011 13:40
I'd call and ask them for the cert on the wire.  Once that's in your hands, you can make the proper decision and have solid information to back you up.
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 01-13-2011 14:03
They emailed us back and said it is AWS wire and that the H19 is a temper designation related to stiffness which impacts ability to feed properly.  There is nothing in the AWS spec about H19 or a temper designation.  I am wondering if they are feeding us a line of bull
Parent - - By MMyers (**) Date 01-13-2011 23:53
Just a thought, have you called one of the Aluminum mfg/suppliers and gotten their info on the H19 designation?  Alcoa and AlcoTec both make/supply the 1350.  The wire from AlcoTec looks like it's on welding spools, but no spec sheet to be found. 

Is there anything in your contract documents that give you some leverage for demanding a material test report?  You and I both know that saying it's AWS wire and looking at an MTR are two completely different things.  Seems like they're trying to squirm out of this one.
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 01-14-2011 04:08
Yes the contract spec says they have to supply the wire spec. And yes, I did contact a wire supplier.  The wire supplier ignored my question about AWS specs but did tell me the H19 designation is common for small dia wires to make it harder so it feeds properly.  H19 is not stated in the weld specs since chemistry is what is most important.  I spent 1  hour in Google looking for AWS wire and could not find anyone who posted the AWS spec - they only post MIL specs or Pratt and Whitney aero specs.
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 01-14-2011 18:28
Steve, could this be like ER630 vs 17 4PH. same chemistry different Heat treat thus different name.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Thermal Spray Wire Substitution?

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