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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Ronnie Taylor's First Test (locked)
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- - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-23-2010 23:42 Edited 12-24-2010 00:49
This was Ronnie's first Test as a Pro. The Outcome wasn't as we had hoped, BUT, he had a pair of Brass Balls to even attempt this test as the first time out. Good news is he is still with us (and will be for awhile) and just doing some Non-Critical welds that do not require Certs. The Test is a 6G-R T.Y.K. Connection, 1" wall top with no bevel to a .160 wall Bottom with a 30 degree Bevel. 1/8 gap, 1/8 land open root with Dual Sheild. The Stick test is the same with 7018 all the way out. All this is per AWS D1.1 and D1.5. He will test again when he is ready. This is one test that will seperate the Men from the Boys in a Hurry ! All of this Pipe is API 5L X52 8" Preheat of 150 degrees minimum
Parent - By 65 Pipeliner (**) Date 12-24-2010 02:03
Good for him!!!!

Parent - By weldwade (***) Date 12-24-2010 02:28
Well darn! If I walked into that test without practicing it would be a crap shoot for sure. Glad you are keeping him workin Cactus. Let us know when you get that test behind you Ronnie.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-28-2010 20:12
That looks like a b!@#$ of a test
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-28-2010 20:37
It is
Parent - - By Rig Hand (***) Date 12-29-2010 01:47
I have a question. If the bottom is .160 and the top is 1.00 does your root just need to be above flush on the .160 and melted into the 1''. Or do you actually have to break down both walls like a regular pipe test.

Ronnie, I wouldn't feel bad at all about busting that one.

Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-29-2010 12:03 Edited 12-29-2010 13:58
It has to be flush to 1/8 in
- - By joe pirie (***) Date 12-24-2010 02:46
hardest test i ever took was a 6" .500 wall to a 6".750 wall in the 6 G with a restrictor ring
7018 all the way open root iwas shocked i passed as so many better welders than me had failed it
it will definitely weed out the imposters
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-24-2010 02:50
The Company Single Hands have tested 40 Welders. All of which have welded in this shop for over 10 years. 4 have pasted it
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-24-2010 03:39
I am glad to see that You are giving Him His start in the big stuff. Sounds like the seasond men are having a time with this test too.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-24-2010 16:27
Well, he has to start somewhere and if you are gonna be a Bear, you might as well be a Grizzly.
Parent - By rick harnish (***) Date 12-25-2010 01:04
Ronnie will own the next one!! Give er hell, Ronnie!
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 12-25-2010 02:18
thank you for showing the restrictor plate I have always wondered what it looked like setup
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 12-25-2010 12:54
Nice job Ronnie, made it out to the bigs!! Guess I'm kinda jealous, look at ya!!! Nice going and congrats, got your foot in the door!!!!
Parent - By rick harnish (***) Date 12-28-2010 21:08
That lo hy root. Passed it before, but dang...
- - By ESC300 (**) Date 12-26-2010 19:13
Hang in there ronnie,you are working with some of the best around.
Parent - - By Skaggydog (**) Date 12-28-2010 17:25
As Ronnie induces some extra carbon into the heat affected zone, he shows us his "Eyes of Steel"!
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-29-2010 02:02
I particularly like seeing all the UV in the pipe and very little outside....He is laying in that root!!! Ronnie if you had to pick a test to bust You picked one that would bust most!
- - By NEED PIPE Date 01-05-2011 01:59 Edited 01-05-2011 12:18
<deleted> by moderator
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-05-2011 02:27 Edited 01-05-2011 02:40
Great ! Another Loudmouth Super Welder with a hidden profile. Is that name.. NEED PIPE or should it be NEEDAJOB ? I guess I should just face the facts. I am an IDIOT Magnet ! I wonder if Deep Woods Off makes a spray for that ?
Parent - - By rumley3060e (*) Date 01-05-2011 02:40
Wow.  Lets pick the grammer apart on this one.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-05-2011 02:45
Probably some Kid on his Mommy's Computer or an unhappy CWI that I know
Parent - - By jpill (**) Date 01-05-2011 14:05
Nope they don't! I've checked Cutter and Deet's brand too. I'm hoping for a vaccine that can be administered to newborns a few minutes after birth one day but so far no such luck!!!
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-05-2011 14:20
PLEASE Keep me posted. As you can see, I would be a HUGE customer if I can find some.
Parent - - By jpill (**) Date 01-05-2011 15:12
Hey if we can come up with a formula you and I will quit all this welding nonsense and become filthy rich gazillionares......Harley Davidsons, Cohiba cigars, single malt scotch.....all thanks to a small can that can be be carried in a pocket or belt pouch "Idiot Rid"
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-05-2011 15:39
COUNT ME IN !!! How do we get started ?
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-05-2011 15:44 Edited 01-06-2011 00:12
I am sad to say that someone beat us to it. So I just ordered a case of it. Now if we can come up with the Idea and method to disperse it via the internet, THE BRING ON THE CIGARS !!!! Take a look********/Detail
Parent - By jpill (**) Date 01-05-2011 16:02
Dang it all the good ideas are used up! On another note I listened intently to an in-law over Christmas tell all of his greatest hero stories all of which everyone present knew was not true. I ate every bit of it up almost begging for more till he was done. After which I let out a long sigh and responded, "Wow, the only super power I have is turning food into high grade crap." The look from every one present was priceless as we all waited for his response that didn't come!
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-06-2011 20:57
Boy I could have used a case of that for your lying ass down in Hampton AR. what with all the BS you spouted.

BTW I still have not heard back from you about the invitation I offered you. Just as I figured, you don't have the cajones.

That OK though, rest assured, the meeting WILL happen.
Parent - - By jpill (**) Date 01-07-2011 16:21
But, I've never been to Hampton Arkansas.....
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-07-2011 19:05
He is just confirming my need for the Spray ! He does a good job of proving my point every time he post something.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-08-2011 21:05
Well it is better than having the people in AR. confirming to three members of this forum that you are a liar. LOL.

Again, how about that invite? You are sure one to issue challenges to others but when one is issued to you, you hide in the corner behind a woman.

I can think of three times when you have issued challenges and then scoffed when they were not accepted. Well BOY, the shoe is on the other foot now.

BTW I think it is pretty sissified of you to cry to the mods about me doing to you the same thing you have done to other people on this forum. Sissified but not surprising considering your recent actions.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-08-2011 22:48 Edited 01-09-2011 01:50
Look IDIOT, My address and every other piece of info you need to find me is on here. Apparently, unlike you, I work, EVERY DAY. As far as people in Arkansas, Funny you should mention them. I had lunch with them on Thursday in Houston. You are still not welcome there.  Now as far as a challenge. You haven't shown me a challenge. You have threatened me, You have promised me an a*s whipping. But like I said, You haven't shown me a challenge YET.! If I were to threaten you, I dont expect you to come to me so I can carry it out ! What a DUMBA*S suggestion ! #1 If I had a bug up my A*s that is as big as the one you seem to have, I would go to the problem. I would not sit on my Computer and be a Keyboard Bada*s. Now, Once again. All of my info is on my Profile In case you can't figure out which button the Profile is, I live at 287 private Road 5182. Grand Saline Texas. about 60 Miles East of Dallas or 7 Miles  North of Canton. I never realized that the Arkansas job, or working with me, was your dream job. IT HAD TO HAVE BEEN. Otherwise you would be over it by now and you would not be so Butthurt over it. Damn I need some of that spray ! As far as reporting you, Yes I did. I gave you your very own thread to talk about me and threaten and promise all you want to. However, you never fail to hijack another thread for these purposes. You have not posted ANYTHING in the Last few months unless it pertained to ME. Thats a little weird if you ask me !
Parent - - By kcd616 (***) Date 01-09-2011 02:05
Please treat everyone with respect.
From someone who has made a dollar or two, welding.
I think you make yourself look worse.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-09-2011 20:33
  I will treat this slimeball with the same respect that he treats others with. I am doing nothing to him that he has not done to others.

Thank you for you concern and your honesty. Honesty is a big thing with me.

Best regards,
Parent - - By Jaxddad (**) Date 01-10-2011 05:19
For gods sake man let it go.......Their are going to be those jobs that just do not work out no matter what the reason. Dont take it personal things just do not work and you move on to the next job. I do not know cactus personally at all as you know I butted heads with him over the TWS thing then later after I left there and had time to think about it I realised he was right and I sent him a PM and told him I was sorry for the way I handeled the situation. I do know that he stood up and did what was right by Ronnie and continues to as far as I know. And that takes alot of balls just to do that in this day and time. Months after we had our run in he was man enough to takl to me on the phone about work after some of the crappy things I said to him. I wish I could go down and work for him its just the money is not right for me right now. If it had the benifit package I have in my current job I would have been down there weeks ago.
You talk about respect dude have some respect for yourself and go on to the next job.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-18-2011 00:38
   The job not working out was not the issue. It was his lie about why it was not working out. Rather than saying the truth.."Because of some unforeseen setbacks we are running behind. I know I said we were ready but as of now we are not."

Hey man,, cool. It is what it is, chit happens.

NO...this punk lied, and not like a man, he lied like a little child.

As for going to work for him, well I think you and Cactus would work out great.

Cactus!!! Hire Dwight.

Parent - - By stanantonio Date 01-12-2011 15:18
John (jrw159)
  You can meet me here in Oklahoma I've been to Cactus's house before and will be stoping by there sometime this week or the next. I am sure your more than welcome to follow me there.

Cactus did you order that box of spray yet?
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-12-2011 21:12
2 Cases of it !
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-18-2011 00:13
  I blew my weekend in the mountains in a very rustic and comfortable cabin.

Next time he is supposed to be there let me know but don't let him know I will be there. If he knows I will be present, he will not show. I know this from past experiences.

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-09-2011 20:30
Again, I challenge you to make an opening in your schedule and face me for just 2 seconds. Every time I try to arrange a meeting you are suddenly not where you say you were.

I can see that you will NEVER man up, so I forgive you for being a punk as* lying little bit*h. I just hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me when the time comes.
Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 01-09-2011 01:09
Mr. West this is getting really old! Send your garbage in a PM, email, snailmail or call him on the phone. I don't give a crap if you don't like Cactus or anyone else for that matter. I am tired of getting on here to relax, shoot the breeze and learn just to end up looking at the garbage you spout about him. Give us all a rest. You are acting like a 14 year old sissy, GROW UP!

Just to let you know I don't even know Cactus, I'm just tired of the bad mouthing. This is not the place for it.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-09-2011 20:34
  There is an "ignore" feature.

Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 01-09-2011 22:54
jrw159, Exactly what are you trying to do to resolve or bring your problem to a resolution/end ??????? You have endlessly bashed a guy on every post he starts, you can find out where he is at ANYTIME. If you feel you need a face to face meeting then HAVE AT IT, but remember, "Those that look for trouble always find it". Just my 2 cents, don't know Cactus except from here, but ANYBODY thats runnin' a business is gonna' have detractors,enemies, jealous competion, workplace bullies, etc. and you have to be able to handle/defend yourself or people are gonna take a piece of you !!!!!!! Been in business 30+ years and I've seen alot from customers to employees tryin' to get over!!!!!! From : Pittsburgh, Home of the super STILERS' waitin' to play the Ravens for the third time this year.
Parent - - By 65 Pipeliner (**) Date 01-10-2011 16:18
Ignoring you is not the issue people are trying to get across. Let it go, is the issue. This particular thread started off being about Mr. Taylor attempting a very difficult test, irregardless of the outcome. Pics were posted, true information was passed on, i.e. he didn't pass it. Information, questions and advice were all traded among those interested in this topic. Enter Cactus, and here you and your bullsh!t come. I have messaged back and forth with Cactus on occassion, and he has answered my questions with good information and in a timely manner. I've never met or talked to him, I guess if I wanted to drive to Texas, that might change. The only person I am supporting in this whole mess is Mr. Taylor. All he is doing is trying to better himself by taking on new challenges, all the while sharing his progress with us.

There is a thread created just for you on the OTB&G to spew your bullsh!t, KEEP IT THERE. Since you like threaten from your keyboard, here is my contact info.

Christopher D. Parsons
3115 N. Walnut St
Hutchinson, Ks. 67502

Parsons Custom Welding
418 N. Poplar St
South Hutchinson, Ks. 67505

Cell Phone: 620-727-0578

Drop me a line, fly to Hutchinson and I'll meet you at the airport on the east side of town and we'll talk.

Attachment: me.JPG - Hi!!! (0B)
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-18-2011 00:26 Edited 01-18-2011 00:39
65 Pipeliner,
  Thank you for your straight forward honesty. I have had a lot of people say to drop it and move on because "that piece of "crap" is not worth the time and keystrokes".

As for your comment about my "threat" I have absolutely no interest in your contact information, BUT if you ever pull with me the same chit that this slimeball pulled you can rest assured that we will meet on that level. I am not easily intimidated or impressed. I have paid my dues when it comes to stepping of of location. I have walked off the location with the best of them and NOBODY had their "old lady" to help them. I have won & lost and NEVER regretted the decision to do it. I have gotten off free & faced charges and NEVER regretted the decision.

If you want the true story feel free to contact me in a PM and I will provide a contact #. After hearing me you can make your own decision.

Parent - By Root Pass (***) Date 01-18-2011 04:28
"As the rod burns" another instalment on the American Welding Soap opra.
Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 01-10-2011 17:21
John up until recently I have learned a great deal from your knowledge and experience. That is what this place is for so we can all share and learn. I would rather not ignore someone that has your experience and willingness to help others.
Please start your own thread if you want to continue to bash Cactus and quit Hijacking others. That way those of us that don't want to view the garbage don't have to.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-18-2011 00:42
  I am overwhelmed with respect for you. I must admit that I have gone to far. It is a result of a very strong disdain for liars and frustration from him not being enough of a man to face it. 

Two wrongs do not make a right.

Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-11-2011 07:04
I got here to late i wished i could of seen the posting
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