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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / My latest project
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-26-2011 23:49
Here's some of my latest project, 4" re-routing of a mainline. This is the one I did the pulling heads for on the casing pipe. It was funny, when I went out about 2 weeks ago to resume this job the guys could not stop talking about the bore guy and what he said. The told me the bore guy talked endlessly about how "those are the best pulling heads I've ever seen". Guess he don't get out with you big guys much or I took the time to make reducer/pullin' heads, I don't know. Made me laugh though, didn't think they were anything special, guess you guys are training me right! He told the guy at the utility department that he wanted to take them to keep for himself, they told him, "nope, we're gonna keep them". Guess I should get the guys phone number from them and tell him I'll make him some....for a price, hehehe.

When I get back out there we're gonna put on the taps on one end then move the operation to the side of the hill on the other end to finish off the pipe and do the other tap. We had a creek crossing and two road bores. They ran poly under the road for the gas and shot a water main thru in the same area.
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 01-26-2011 23:59 Edited 01-27-2011 00:02
Hey that 2" millwrap looks like the stuff I work on everyday. Be sure you clean it back about twice as far as you think you need to. It makes a heck of a mess on your leathers and isn't very nice to breathe either. Otherwise looks like a fun project! P.S. the Lincoln looks nice on there! P.S.S How come there ain't any frost in the ground????
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-27-2011 00:02
Do they use a lot of that hollow beam stuff in your neck of the woods? ;)

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-27-2011 12:01
It is a fun project, I enjoy the heck out of this type of work. Been out doing this type of work while roasting my general and two colonels off, freezin' them off, rolling around in mudholes, standing on a bale of straw to stay above the water and welded and yet, out of everything I do, I enjoy this the most....don't know why.

Yeah, that Lincoln sure adds to the overall affect of the rig! Need to do what I need to with the bed and get it painted.

It's been cold here but not cold long enough to really amount to anything as far as frost. If it's like is has been the last few years it'll get cold about now and stay that way for a month, then warm up end of Feb., then snow 6 inches in the beginning of March!! LoL!
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 01-27-2011 14:05
Hey Shawn that bed looks fine but you need to break out the polish and shine those bells up under your truck a bit man..!!  They are gutting a bit rough looking..!! LOL..!!

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-27-2011 14:22
The small bell is still in good shape but the large bell. I was down in my field and got a good size ditch I went thru, the bell drug the ground coming out and it lined up perfect with the hitch, it got smashed flat, knocked the clinker inside out. My kids named my truck "Bell", need to pick up some new ones, maybe stainless, the current ones have been there for almost 5 years! They are a bit rough!!

I like the bed but need to do something about the side boxes in the bed, new doors that don't leak would be nice, hinges that don't sieze up. I'm tossing around building a bed but I'm also thinking about a plasma cutter, cutting off the headache rack and bottle box then starting over with a bottle rack that's low profile, this way I can get my back panel off the welder easier, kinda hard to check the oil daily the way it is. I've also thought about knotching the bed ahead of the wheels and dropping it down with an open space underneath. I've looked at my drain plug and am wondering how in the heck will I change the oil without a huge mess! I've done rough calculations on building a new bed and how much it will weigh and how much my current bed weighs and spending the money for a new one I'm only gonna shave off a 100lbs or a bit more, but not enough to justify the cost. Just need to coordinate the having money and having a week to do all of this uninterrupted. About the time I get the welder off the truck and make the first cut the phone will start ringing off the hook!! LoL!
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 01-27-2011 15:22 Edited 01-27-2011 15:24
I have a nice plasma cutter.. (1in machine) I love it..!! It is great..!! and I hardly ever use it...  They sound cool and I guess every guy should own one but in the field they are a pain..!! They are better in a shop but if you are on a role building something and just chugging along they tick me off..!!

  Every time you need to cut different stock you have to move the ground then cut..

Yes they are smooth and yes they are fast but they are almost too fast on thick stock.. I have a steady hand but just the slightest bump of your hand and you have a gouge in your cut line.. I think a torch is more forgiving and when set up right is just as clean but not near as fast..!!

  The plasma wont give you near the distortion of a torch but if you don't have a CNC machine I think they are over rated.. Unless of course you are cutting aluminum or stainless..  My old Victor torch has hell with Stainless and Aluminum for some reason.. It must be made in China or something..!! LOL

  My two cents is... If your not doing aluminum or stainless they aren't worth the investment.. Invest the 2k in something you use every day.. I wish I had bought an adjustable Mag drill now..!!! 

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-27-2011 16:18
I got an Ironworker buddy who lives down the street who has since taken a job for some place out of Detroit and all his gear is sitting at home. Gave me the "key to the castle" so to speak, "anytime you need anything come and get it". He's got a plasma. He's funny, I was up working with him and we were cutting off some girts and "T" iron. He's been at it almost 20 years and could make one heck of a smooth cut with a torch! I was cutting off some and it was pretty smooth, he laughed and asked If I had any of that yellow tape to mark off an area, I asked him why as we were working off lifts. He said it was so he could mark off the area for the aligator that's been chewing on my steel!!
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 01-27-2011 20:11
LOL..!! Thats pretty good... It really surprised me to see just how unsteady I was cutting..!! I thought I was steady as a rock.. That plasma says otherwise..!!

  My torch thinks I'm the MAN the plasma thinks I'm the student..LOL

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-27-2011 22:13
At times my torch says, "your the man" other times I look like an idiot!!
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 01-28-2011 01:34
LOL..!!  Truth be known by torch does refer to be as a school girl on occasion..!! LOL..!!

My plasma however refers to me by that name on a consistent bases..!!! LOL

Parent - - By cajun welder (**) Date 01-28-2011 00:33
I think if the plasma handle was as long as a torch and the head was at 90°, I would be able to make a cut just as smooth. I like the plasma for cutting the thin stuff, less warping.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 01-28-2011 03:49
Amen to that Cajun! Why no one has produced a 90* long handled plaz is beyond me. The smoothest, straightest long plate cuts (by hand) are made with those 3' long shipyard Victor torches.
Parent - - By C6.7weldrig (**) Date 01-29-2011 03:40
Cumminsguy.... where are you located?? 

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-29-2011 14:06
I'm around an hour or so southwest of Nashville, TN or an hour from Muscle Shoals, Al.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-30-2011 13:43
Heres a few more from the other day, first is my sauna hole, except without the heat and girls. It don't look like much but when you stepped in that patch of water your foot would disappear! My boots said they are waterproof....I thinking I disagree with that claim.
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 01-30-2011 14:31
What are the service tee's for? Purging or a bypass? Don't be afraid of making them clean out a slop hole like that! After all youda welder. You're supposed to be a little eccentric and a whiner.:-) Remember you have an image to uphold.
Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 01-30-2011 15:09
Talk about breaken down conditions  lol  even i wouldn't weld in that slop
unless you like that little jolt when ya put your rod in the stinger  lol
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 01-30-2011 15:23
Why didja put that mud hole right under where you're gonna weld???lol
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-30-2011 15:32 Edited 01-30-2011 15:43
I think the problem is the creek about 100 feet away and we are working downhill of it. We threw some timbers in there then my mud board to lay on. He suggested diggin' deeper, I laughed and told him the hole will get deeper but bettin the water lever would stay the same! Fall in there up to my hips! It was almost 50 that day so I was ready for a swim after a long day!!


amazingly, no jolts of excitement while there. I thought for sure I'd screw up and do the "Wwhhhooooaaaa!!" shake but nothing. I would have liked to have them cut out that inside corner more though, it was a bit trickier getting in there but it all worked out.

The service t's, the one coming towards you in the pic is for their air test. The one pointed to the left is where the hot tapper wanted one. In case his beer can with a condom does not seal 100% he said he'll light it off there so I can weld on my cap. I know for certain a leaking condom on that beer can will cause headaches when welding up a hole, something about the gas blowing out your root at the last 1/16" inch. The other guys that I did this with just cranked down on their beer can to seal it off better. That was all Mueller stuff on the first job, not sure what this is, not Mueller I know that. One thing for certain, hot tapper said he wants everybody to go home safe so not taking any chances, I like the way he thinks. I must admit, my third tap welded on was a lot easier on the mind. Less images flashing thru my mind of me flying threw the air with a boom!! Hahaha!! That's not it?? LoL!
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 01-30-2011 16:12
It's always funny until you get the hospital bill, lawyer bill, insurance claim.....

Don't fudge on the procedure,  It only takes a little BooBoo to make a really BIG OHSH!T on hot taps.
Keep Safe.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-30-2011 17:01 Edited 01-30-2011 17:05
I hear you there. That's what I tell them out there when I'm doing this. I don't fudge around with shoddy fit ups, shoddy work, ESPECIALLY on this stuff. Not is it just my life on the line, it's there's and anybody in the area now or years down the road.

Not that I like Shoddy work anywhere but if I'm hanging a dumpster gate and my weld on hinge not perfecto the I'm less inclined to worry about that. Looking at most of the welds on dumpster gates though I think my son could put in a better weld than most I have seen around here.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-07-2011 15:06
Well, finally got this project done. Got the other end tied in on Friday before lunch.
Parent - - By rig welder6 (**) Date 01-30-2011 17:56
what are the bell on the bed for? is it southern thing? jst wondering dont see them in the North
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 01-30-2011 18:31
Rig welder6... Those bells are an early home arrival detection system for the old lady...  When you live in the South you want to make sure your wife knows your coming home...  You don't want to be looking at a shotgun when you pull in the yard in the middle of the night..!! LOL..!!

Parent - By rig welder6 (**) Date 01-30-2011 22:54
oh I see, I jst Call or the dogs let her know its me, cause i dont like the look of a 12ga barrel either
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-08-2011 14:22
Don't know why I did the bells originally. That was about the time everybody was running around with a big ol' pair of nuts hanging off the back of their truck and knew I was not gonna put a giant pair of balls on the back of my rig. I guess I just liked the sound of them clanking as you rolled thru a field or something.
- By junkiron (**) Date 01-29-2011 04:45
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / My latest project

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