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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Catus- New Orleans Project (locked)
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Parent - By NMWELDING (**) Date 01-27-2011 04:47
Cactus, it appears you have a few on here who are extremely jealous of you. But I think that would happen to any sucessful businessman. I don`t know you but I admire anyone with the gettup and go attitude. Thats what makes the world go round. I know you won`t let these few get to you.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-27-2011 05:43
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 01-27-2011 20:32
My, MY, you boys do go on! John in all honesty you should drop it.
You are begining to sound out of sorts. Life is what it is and you'll never change that.

Every body wants to get as near to the top as they can, so with that in mind. How do you suppose anyone can do that with out climbing over some one else. The world nor anyone in it owes you or any one else a living.
- - By jpill (**) Date 01-27-2011 04:08
Good lord this sounds like some of the arguements I referee on a daily basis in a high school class. "You go to one side of the shop, you get in a booth, and you go to the principals office, what?? no I don't care what he said about your mama and you shouldn't either unless its true!" Guys get a grip this is getting ridiculous.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-27-2011 04:11
I found the Ignore feature !!!!!!
Parent - By jpill (**) Date 01-27-2011 04:15
that feature is a great thing, wish I had one that would work in real life, face to face on a daily basis!
- - By joe pirie (***) Date 01-27-2011 12:08
From what i've read about cactuses project  he's helping the welders. He's hireing rig welders
paying them way more than the $14.00  hr he's required to pay on this project. Remember Cactus
didn't set these wages the goverment did. how is he screwing anybody other than himself. If he wanted
to screw the welders he'd simply pull a couple 8 packs on the job and pay 14.00 hr. I think ole Cactus
is smart enough that any hand willing to work for 14.00 hr is going to be worthless , unable to build
these flood gates in a professional manner and he would lose his ass. So instead he hires a few goldenarm
rig welders that will give him the most for his money .Then he gets beat up on this forum and is accused of
screwing over the people working for him. EVERY CONTRACTOR IN BUSINESS  is out to make money for
themselves period!!! I've never met cactus, i've talked with him once about an inspection job that didn't
pan out. Oh well, am I mad at Cactus? Hell no. I read the posts here to help educate myself  and every  one
on this forum brings something to the table especially Cactus He is willing to share his time and knowledge.
with anyone who asks. I didn't know being successful was a crime I think cactus is actually an inspiration
to the welders of the world showing them that there is money to be made out there  if you have the balls
and brains to go get it. Enough of this school yard crap.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-27-2011 18:31 Edited 01-27-2011 23:25
Joe, I appreciate your support in what I try to accomplish. Even through all of this, I have had several Welders from this site call me looking for direction or advice. AND make no mistake, I welcome Each and Every Call and Email. I spend ALOT of time trying to help where I can. Sometimes, things just don't work out and it is not at any fault of mine (most of the time) I will be the first to admit that there has been a time or two when I had had enough of one thing or the other and I pushed the issue. I consider myself fair. I have had to Fire good freinds of mine. I hated it, but I was put in that position. However, Each and every one of them remain VERY good freinds and I try and be the first one to help them if I can. A few of them are on here and can chime in if they want to. I will not tell the stories. Anyway, there are a few on here that Bash me and DONT EVEN KNOW ME ! There are those that think it is MY fault that they Busted a test. It's all in a days work I guess. There has NEVER been a list of names posted of people I so called "Burned" Why ? There aren't any. There ARE situations that haven't worked out. But there are always two sides to a story.  I am not the kind of person to sit idle and be talked about without a response. I still don't believe that I have posted any Direct threats as others have done.  I have even had post cancelled after they were hijacked and ruined. So, I am kinda at a loss on how to stop any of this.
Parent - - By stanantonio Date 01-27-2011 21:49
I cant hardly not jump right off in this. Look junior 159 and platinum and aws part bs. If ya dont like it then put up or shut up. I've been in Cactus's shoes before and it aint easy and always someone gets there little feelings hurt cause they think your just rolling in the dough and its scavengers like you that always get offended by eating the table scraps. Truth be told it takes alot from one person to run an operation like Cactus has. You three seem to have been ate up with the Obama D@$!% Arse. Quit looking for a hand out. You three need to learn about not getting to focused on envey. Go out in the world and produce fruit for your family. This is a dog eat dog world ya know. So feast or be eaten. enough said
Parent - By Johnyutah (**) Date 01-28-2011 00:23
An old welder now long gone once told me this and I quote " If you want the money you better be the best or one hell of a salesman'' and there is more " If you don't like the way I do it get the **** outta here and I will find someone who isn't a run home and cry to mama *****. The bottom line is this if your not the boss shut your mouth or go home and cry and we don't want to here the crying here, life happens get over it. I don't pretend to know what happened or do I care to but if I gave out the whining awards I could choose three guys in this thread and one of them is NOT Cactus. Good luck out there everyone stick together and don't cut each others throats were all in it together get rid of the hacks , whiners, and cut throats and we will all make some money.
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 01-28-2011 00:31 Edited 01-28-2011 00:49
Those are some mighty big Bikes you got thar Cactus (spit).  Does it compensate for that little 2" pecker between you'all's legs?  I bet yal have real big shiney belt buckle ta go wit that big ole fat belly?  Can you even find your pecker under all that flab? 

I make it a point to run off anyone with a TX license plate when I see them come up here srounging for union jobs.  We all know they only work union when it suits them so they get signed up with promises of long term employment and then we run them off as fast as possible.  I love it when a Texan drives up to New England and  can't get a full week in.  Plus we NEVER let them get a Sunday which is double time.  It's the fun we have up here with your kin folk Cactus and it's people like you who makes it feel even better.  Lots of Texans coming up here these days even though there's little work.  I love seeing them drive thousands of miles only to work the crap jobs we give them and send them packing after 2 or 3 days.  There's hundreds more to replace them as you well know.  I've printed and posted this thread on our union bulletin board to help spread the word.  Many thanks for the reqruiting material.

Oh Cactus, you know what is really, really funny?  Since all you Texans carry pistols, they seem to get into trouble when they threaten the person who hand them the layoff check.  You need a permit to carry up here and as you know ALL Texans must carry a gun at all times and the police know you're all too stupid to know or care that it's illegal up here without a permit.  Many a Texan are doing a MADATORY prison stint up here.  It's so much FUN!  Threaten a guy on a job site and the cops pull you over, find your pistol and two years later you can go home.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-28-2011 01:00
You need to give up Drinking !
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 01-28-2011 01:32 Edited 01-28-2011 01:47
Hey Cactus, I bet our relatives met on a sunny day in 1863?  Some of your kin folk came up here to visit on July 2, 1863 in a little town called Gettysburg PA.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-28-2011 02:12
And.................your point is ?
Parent - By crahner (**) Date 01-28-2011 03:08
His point is on the top of his head, but if he lets his hair grow or his head in his butt we cant see it.
Parent - By jpill (**) Date 01-28-2011 02:02
Quit drinking?? I want some of that joy juice he has! What I normally have just makes me sleepy.
Parent - - By jpill (**) Date 01-28-2011 15:14
Funny thing is he sounds just like a burned out washed out hall rat to me. I used to love some of the "journeyman" millwrights on the crews I ran at my old employer. We would contract with a hall, I was technical supervisor over the crews on rubber mixer rebuilds. In the first day I would run off around six hall rats those guys that could talk the talk but just couldn't do the job, dirtier the job was the faster they would drag up and head back to the hall to drink coffee and whine about work. Best crews I ever had came from Crosset Ark from the IBC hall there but those guys traveled the country not a single hall rat in the bunch. Cours that might just be a "New England" area thing I usually saw it more in the north. (Not meant to offend any northerners as I have worked with some fine individuals of the breed.)
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-28-2011 15:21
Sounds like a Rambling, Blubering Idiot to me ? I would be willng to bet he is drawing a Goverment check. His "Big Moneymaker" Job was probably at McDonalds and he "left it" because he could not figure out whick end of the broom he was supposed to use. So, they ran his arse off !!!. I have been in Local Halls all over the US. I have never been in one that would let some one like him in ! Even to drink Coffee
Parent - - By jpill (**) Date 01-28-2011 15:30
We better watch it though! Those McDonalds unions are a branch of the Teamsters (I'm still clueless as to why on that one) he might have been the one that made Hoffa into a Big Mac.....:-).....just sayin...
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-28-2011 15:54
Oh Crap !!!!! SSSHHHHHHHHHHH !!!
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 01-28-2011 16:04
If you continue on with this as you are then you are no better than nonesense you spout. Let it go.
Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 01-28-2011 01:28
They just let you out or what?
Parent - By stanantonio Date 01-28-2011 03:04
aws part BS why dont you pick on someone your own size. Do I need to give you a spankin young man agian. Seems like you havent learned your lesson. Looks like I need to give you a refresher course. So go sniff some more blow hell I'll go buy it for ya.  Thats the kinda money I got being in Cactus's shoes. Ya go send dem southern boys home. For one if ur stupid enough to not exerscise your rights just shows your ingnorance and two it dosent matter where you're from your just a dumb arse.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-28-2011 04:44
I bet your mother and children are so proud of the way you communicate.

What an shame you are to the rest of us.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-28-2011 05:23
Parent - By NMWELDING (**) Date 01-28-2011 14:29
In my area also there are Texas and Oklahoma rig welders working here at times. I find no problem with that,you go where the work is. Any one on here probably knows someone who is self employed or otherwise who left their state and looked for work elsewhere. Many people have left my home state of Michigan to go where the work is. I`d rather have them working where ever it may be,than supporting them on welfare or some form of assistance. I`m not implying anything here on Cactus. I admire a person who has the gumption to get out and work and employ others.
Parent - - By jpill (**) Date 01-28-2011 15:37
If that doesn't sound like a homoerotic fantasy about someone I don't know what does. You listed "big old motorcycles, penises, belly's, and shiney belt buckles" all in the same sentance. Come on a leather bondage fetish involving Cactus you have been dreaming about???....:-)....Better watch out Cactus Mr. BS has his twinkle eye on you!!!....;-)
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-28-2011 19:20
I could have lived the rest of my days without that image !
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-28-2011 05:31
THose of you that matter know my story but heres a bit of a refresher for the idiots. Ispent 52 days in a hopital and had a job before i left the hospital and still had 6 months of recovery to do at home. The man offered me 55 an hr and didnt know me from Adam 6 months laster i was in Brady Texas building a drilling rig even let me work for 2 weeks before i got tested and yes paid me the going rate of 55 an hr. I took and past that test and when we finished the job i was asked to follow the rig to Shreveport La. to help set it up. The same man has called me several times to offer the same amount to build some flood gates in Houston yes thats right his Nmae is Dwayne "CACTUS" Jones so if your mad cause you aint working making money be mad at yourself not those of us that are working.
- - By 99205 (***) Date 01-28-2011 03:52
I forgot what the question was.
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 01-28-2011 05:35
Where are the moderators when we need them ???
This thread has got beyond a joke !!
Parent - By Jaxddad (**) Date 01-28-2011 16:05
Now thats a good question? Where are they??????
Parent - By JMCInc (**) Date 01-28-2011 19:47
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Catus- New Orleans Project (locked)
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