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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Wages
- - By weldstudent (**) Date 01-30-2011 17:34
Hi all,
Is $15.43 HR a good wage for a production MIG welder? I have just graduated from the local college with an ATA in welding technology and I have a WABO cert. This will be my first welding job, I am not the best welder out there but I am more than good enough. I just don’t want to work for less than I should. I am going to be leaving my family behind and moving across the state for this job, that was a hard decision to make. Just not sure I’m doing this properly or for enough money. In six months I can test up to earn $17.?? HR. if the position comes open. that is what I would be making when I start this next Wed. but the fellow who proctored my test didn’t like the fact that I used a drag on the E71T-1, he wanted me to push root and cover. So back to the question am I making a good wage for my first job, and what should a production MIG welder earn in eastern WA. I know this is open ended but any info will be great.

Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-30-2011 18:06
I would say, for your first Job, until you get some experience under your belt, It is a good start. There are TONS of places paying Much Less. I'm not sure what wages are in your area. However, If you can live with it, and you are learning, it is a Great place to get your feet wet.
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 01-30-2011 18:16
Weldstudent I don't know what the cost of living is up there or how many jobs there are floating around for you to snatch up..

  I don't know what the average pay is up there for welders.. There are allot of variables that could factor into if you are getting a good wage or not..

  My first gut would be that ( NO ) its not a great wage but being your first job I don't think you should worry about the high pay just yet...

  Are there some great welders in there to learn from..??  Do they have a good reputation..?? 

  I went to work for a mine when I was young. There pay wasn't the best but the owner was and still is a GREAT guy.. He was a stickler for quality and demanded perfection..  We did allot of outside work to.. Building roads, putting in city sewer lines, water lines..ect

  Anyway to make a long story shorter when any of our guys walked on a job we got instant respect because of who we worked for..

I remember one of our guys put in a water line with a city inspector right there watching and BSing with him.. The inspector passed the line and our guy was about to cover it up when the boss showed up.. He looked in the ditch and didn't like how the line was shaded so he told the guy to get in the ditch and shovel out all the shading material and brought in some screened sand to shade with..

  We didn't worry about ANY inspector.. We worried about our boss liking the work... And with people knowing that brought about great respect for us and the company.. Working for a company like that is more important than making the higher wages right now..

  Right now is when learning good habits is the most important thing..!! 

  Thats my 2cents worth

Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 01-30-2011 18:41 Edited 01-30-2011 18:54
that sounds pretty good to start, i started for less years ago but as soon as something for more came around i went for it. Where I was working last I think production mig  was around 16 an hour and toped out at about 21 an hour where i was. I say go for it. I was told by a old timer once go into a place learn everything you can and then move on and this is a way you can make more money faster. Company's don't like it that you're a job hopper but hey you gotta do what you gotta do to make the money, it's what helped me to climb the money ladder

RC, i gotta chime in on this you are right quality is the most important thing money to but the quality. Since I have left my last job guys that i had worked with say this company most likely would not get any really good contracts because there quality has gone down so much. When i was there seemed like it was more important to get it out the door then the quality and thats just sad. I was building stuff to save peoples lives and it was just all about the all mighty dollar they cared about. I really wish i could find a place that payed me about the same but was all about quality. I'm going to for a job in the morning and gosh i hope there about quality.

I have really mean debating here lately should i get out a welding and go drive a truck for a living because the pay and quality just isn't here i find.
Parent - By 99205 (***) Date 01-31-2011 03:26
Starting out, on the east side of Washington, at that rate rate isn't that bad.  The key to working on this side of the state is just keep your head down, burn a line the best that you can and keep the attitude at home. Give me a PM on what you have going on over here and I might be able to give you a little insight on your new employer.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Wages

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