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Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 02-09-2011 17:52
Well,,,, you can't force me to agree, now can you?:-)
Parent - - By ross (***) Date 02-09-2011 17:54
No, but you could force me to agree with you. So you win.

Parent - By RonG (****) Date 02-09-2011 17:56
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 02-10-2011 22:57
This entire thread makes me GLAD I'm a woman, and don't bother with ANY of these "silly" pointless arguments.

Seriously boys???????!?!?!? MOST of you are way smarter, and above this.

"You can't have a battle of wits with an unarmed man"

Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 02-10-2011 23:16
Unarmed !! LoL rip his freaking arm off LoL
Parent - By jpill (**) Date 02-11-2011 02:25
But....but, what if his arm is his main unit of measurement??? To quote a line from an oldie but goodie Pump Up the Volume....."Would you say it's as big as a babies arm?"....couldn't resist.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-10-2011 06:39
This is what is wrong with CONCEALED carry. If the potential mugger could SEE that You were packin' they would leave You alone.

Not that I disagree with shooting muggers... I just would rather not have too.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-09-2011 17:47

The rod of dicipline!
Parent - By PipeIt (**) Date 02-09-2011 20:00
I got to admit some funny exchanges I got a visual of Boom Hower arguing with Hank Hill!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) lmfao
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 02-09-2011 23:55 Edited 02-09-2011 23:58
Who did you ban? Which redneck gun nut did you ban? You know, those who threaten politicians, cops and AWS members with gun violence, beatings etc ??
There are so many on this forum that I can't keep count. 

Just curious.
Parent - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 02-10-2011 01:04
no one is threating with guns just a mouse and keyboard. I clicked you twice ur play dead now.
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 02-10-2011 01:10
I'm still here u retard!
- - By Francisford (**) Date 02-09-2011 19:14
WOW awspartb, did you get your little mangina beat by some texan before?  that is kinda what it sounds like.  I live and oklahoma but have worked around texas and the best people you will ever meet live in oklahoma, texas, arkansas and around that areas
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 02-09-2011 21:21
Parent - - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 02-09-2011 23:11
dont forget louisiana. lol
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-09-2011 23:20
Darn, this has turned into one crazy thread!
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 02-09-2011 23:55
What was the reason for the OTB&G being set up ?
This is the thread topic - "pipeliners supply their own welding machine?"
How the hell did "Who's got the biggest gun ?" or "Who's the toughest MF out there ?" hijack this thread.
I am from New Zealand and I frequent this site to learn about welding and share my knowledge of welding.
Not to listen to petty BS about who is best - the North or the South or who has the biggest gun.
IMHO a gun is just a penis extension - make of that what you will.
Rant over.
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 02-10-2011 00:01 Edited 02-10-2011 00:08
The main purpose of this thread was a poor, out-of-work union carpenter who wanted to get into the welding trade.  He posted a few questions about working for a pipeliner and the ignorant Texas and Okie hicks insulted and trashed him without mercy.

Texans are the worst when it comes to buying big guns, trucks, belt buckles, hats and motorcyles to compensate for a tiny penis.  'Cactus' is the best example of small penis syndrome that you'll find on this forum.  Check out his photos and you'll see what I mean.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-10-2011 00:09 Edited 02-10-2011 00:13
Part BS , You have seen this before, Why dont you grow a pair and come down here. All my contact info is on my profile. Why do you talk about a penis so much ? Funny thing about you, You seem to be interested in MY photos and what I am doing all the time. All of my info (including pictures) is there for anyone to see. Why is yours hidden ? Hiding from something ?
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 02-10-2011 00:54
He hides because he's a troll
Parent - By texwelder (***) Date 02-10-2011 00:50
dude i dont know you but watch the texan bashing thing, with out texas the united states would suck, we produce over 25% of the united states natral gas, not counting the oil, shipping ports, and the military bases. Texas Rules, besides have you seen the size of this state compared to the rest
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-10-2011 19:10
Actually I think if you go back and read the first few comments offered to the OP that they were polite and informative from folks like Kahunna and others. Then, somewhere in the mix you came in with SCABS, Hillbillies, toothless, etc., etc. I believe somewhere after that is where I posted about not being a SCAB and why is it that because a man has the fortitude to start his own business without being a Union man would that make him a Scab. After that it then spiraled off like an F5 tornado. But insulting a whole state, referring to folks as toothless hillbillies won't buy you any brownie points with anybody thats for sure. Example, another Marine calls me a Jarhead, that's cool, he's earned the right. Somebody who has not volunteered and served in the military calls me a Jarhead, you've just struck a nerve, who are they? Soooooooo, you insult a mans home, state, who he is, what do you expect to get back? Smiles and warm apple pie?

Now sure, perhaps on the first page Stanantonio was busting his chops with the wash my laundry, clean my truck but sounds like being a smart az to me or perhaps that is infact what a "welders helper" does to learn the ropes, I don't know as I have never been a welders helper. If he was paying what he was talking about I wouldn't have a problem, as long as he didn't expect me to seperate whites and colors, I do one load of laundry with one temp setting! Like it has been said before, if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. There is nothing wrong with being a smart az, my whole family is full of them including me. As far as breaking a guy down, well, seems to me that the "industry" does that well enough on it's own. Bad backs, bad knees, eyes, hands on and on. It's the nature of the beast, you wrench on cars long enough you'll wind up with carpal tunnel syndrome, plain and simple. If your working for a guy and you get carpal tunnel is it his fault? Not hardly, if your not man enough to roll in the trenches then you better stay on the benches.

Penis talk??? Seriously??? Then you call them hicks and hillbillies? I think the uneducated fog is floating towards your direction. Really? Has it come down to a match of who has the biggest....."tool"?? I don't know about you but....ahhhh, I don't really find the need to go around checking other Dudes packages. Maybe thats just me, a heterosexual male but hey, it's a free country and if that's what floats your boat then ok. I guess my truck, according to your speculation, is an extension of my.....junk? Really? Have you run out of crafty comments that it has come to this? Or perhaps you have run out of educated comments so we must now turn to...., talking about other dudes junk. I'd like for you to explain to us all now, how it is that a man having a hobby like, motorcycles, or "trikes", big guns, trucks, belt buckles, hats is compensating for no junk? I don't know where you grew up but usually, this may sound really weird to you but, seems like, I don't know, my Grandpa's had these things called "hobbies", you might look that up on wikipedia, oh darn, here you go, just in case it's to much of a physical challenge.....

One Grandpa was a WWII vet, collected all manner of guns, peacemakers, mausers, M1's, shotguns, winchesters and so on. My other Grandpa enjoyed model trains and oddly enough building doll houses for his daughters and granddaughters. Uncle loves his 57' bird and all things old cars. Guess they were all compensating for their, how did you say it, "small penis syndrome". I find it strange that this is in some way compensating, as I said, sounds like hobbies, fishing, hunting, cars, bikes, etc. I can only imagine you as a very boring man as you must not have any of these manlyhood compensating deficiencies that us lowly hords below your greatness suffer from.

Look at that, all of that writing and not one single threat of violence
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-10-2011 19:29
AMEN !!!!
- - By awspartb (***) Date 02-10-2011 00:33
I didn't bring up the fact that you hicks compensate for a small pecker with big guns Cactus.  Shane from New Zealand did.

Are you threatening me also cactus?  You seem to want me to come down to your house.  Why?
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-10-2011 01:01
I just wanted to Introduce you to some Texas Hospitality !
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 02-10-2011 01:05
Parent - - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 02-10-2011 01:09
Hey I lived in Texas. So no need to bash it. And I have a bigger penis than you.
Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 02-10-2011 01:13
My truck is bigger and my welder burns hotter!!
Parent - - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 02-10-2011 01:14
Your truck may be bigger but my welder is set at 300 OCV's and burns a 7/8 in rod in 130 range and 20! so  it cant be hotter!!!!
Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 02-10-2011 01:23
It'll burn a 1 1/2" low hi in first gear on 50 tho
Parent - - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 02-10-2011 01:35
Well you got me. That can flush out a 20in 1031 wall with one pass. I think awspartb had the only can. it was like 2 rods a can.
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 02-10-2011 01:37
Boilermakers burn tiny rods so yeah probably take partbs at least a box or two if he rolled it .
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-10-2011 19:30
Well MY machine.............................Nevermind
Parent - - By jpill (**) Date 02-10-2011 14:12
Awwwww, you said penis again! Sigmund Freud said "If you repeat a thing over and over you are obsessing over the very thing you speak of."......just food for thought.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-10-2011 14:25
What scares me is, Everytime he mentions Penis, he then mentions MY name !
Parent - By jpill (**) Date 02-10-2011 14:55
True.....VERY true!.....:-)
Parent - - By tighand430 (***) Date 02-12-2011 09:13 Edited 02-12-2011 09:43
OK, been out of this long enough. Boys, I'm under the influence of Crown Reserve but to hell with it, I'm gonna speak my mind.
First to AWSPARTB:
I am one of your union brothers, but you have stepped way the f*ck out of line on this one. You wonder why us southern boys come up to man your's because you are too busy b*tching about how bad other people are to do your own dam work. I AM from the south, die hard union, have all my original teeth (without any fillings, etc..), lay the oxy bottles on my pipeline rig sideways, and would be willing to put any paycheck of mine up against yours any day. I am a pipeliner, welder, fitter, and redneck......and dang proud to be one! I bought my book, travel so much I call a motel my home, and love every minute of it! I do the best I possibly can for any local I'm working for and would give anything to help a true union brother out, but YOU are a slug as much as I've seen you post on here! YOU have no clue what you're talking about as far as rigs, pipeline, and reality goes! If you want to talk smack about any of the other hands on this board, you'd better check your ignorant ass first! If you knew ANYTHING about pipeline or rig welding, you'd know that almost everybody (even the boys form IL, NY, PA and WI) run with their bottles laid sideways. We are union brothers, but that fact doesn't mean that we have to agree on things 100% of the time....which usually we don't. If you want to start an arguement, go to the website and have at with all the weekend warriors. Otherwise, PUT UP OR SHUT THE F*CK UP!!! I'm beyond tired of hearing about how much better you are than any of the other posters on this board, how everything is so great up where you're at, and how ignorant us southern boys are! You are truely a yankee in every way, shape, and form of the word. Please, do all of organized labor a favor an forget how to talk, write, or even have an opinion for at least 10 years or so.

If you think you're gonna get into a pipeline gig right off with no experience, best of luck to ya. I hate seeing a fellow brother starving, no matter what craft, but this isn't something you just decide to do one day. Stan might have been a lil blunt with the description of what goes on, but it's not any different than what I've seen on any mainline job before. Yes, the helper does do all the sh*t work......grind, buff, and even give a reach around if the welder is feeling really In all honesty, it's not something that would be the best gig to get into right now since pipeline work is slow. And don't kid yourself, just because you can tig tubing to a car frame doesnt mean you can make x-ray welds day in an day out on a line.  If it was that simple, we wouldn't be called a skilled trade and would be no better off than the laborers pushing brooms. I wish you the best of luck in finding a job brother and will let you know if I hear of anything calling for carpenters or for helpers. 

I think you banned the wrong person off this board. AWSPARTB is the one instigating things amd will do so until he is shut off this forum. Stan might've been blunt with Chitown, but the truth is the truth and every hand here knows it. It's not a cake walk getting on a spot for rig jobs, I paid my dues for 3+ years before I ever got a chance. We see a sh*t ton of hands come an go like the breeze when it comes to this and we won't sugar coat anything to make someone feel all warm an fuzzy about switching trades when work is as slow as it is. We're prolly doing him a favor so he's not out the money to get everything just to be turned down by a contractor and then out that much.
Parent - - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 02-12-2011 18:55
if aws had a like button id push it. great post!!  you get my vote for new moderator!!
Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 02-12-2011 22:28
You are a suck a$$
Parent - - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 02-13-2011 02:41
When I want your opinion i'll give it to you....
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 02-13-2011 03:44
Lowhi is funny
- By roundydownie (**) Date 02-10-2011 03:46
Hey part bs   I dont care if your hung like john Holmes and made me look like a little boy..I just wanna break your neck for the bashing texas and oklahoma!
- - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 02-10-2011 07:33 Edited 02-10-2011 07:53
Geez loue ezzz. stanantonio here..... I didn't realize that I touched such a nerve. been driving all day and then I got on and realized I had been banned? WTF??? Did I spout off more then I can chew? if so I am sorry? I think Ross should reconsider. As I know  many of the people on here personally. I would like an explanation of as why? Other than a few posts to a troll. I mean what is aws scared of from a guy with two degrees and an extensive background in this business. Ross you dont like my bold statements? Sorry for not being so gray on where I stand on things. Seems to me that you banned the wrong person..... Just my professional expierence.
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 02-10-2011 14:30
Partbs is a suck a$$ and whined to Ross
- - By jpill (**) Date 02-11-2011 02:34 Edited 02-11-2011 02:55
I think everyone would have to agree though this is the thread to end all threads. What has been far

1. Welding machines....2 times
2. Unions....2 times
3. Motorcycles....3 times
4. Guns....15-20 times
5. Gun rights....5 times
6. 57 t'birds....1 time
7. Belt buckles....2 times
8. Pot bellies....2 times
9. Texans....5 times
10. Toothless hillbillies....1 time
11. Hicks....1 time
12. Doll houses....1 time
13. Yankees....4 times
14. Southerners....4 times
15. Welding rod sizes....3 times
16. Penis sizes....too many to count

Has anything been left out?
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-11-2011 02:48
Can you please list how many times each topic has been referenced. That way we can make a comparison on which ranks as most important to least important.
Parent - - By jpill (**) Date 02-11-2011 03:02 Edited 02-11-2011 03:11
Post edited.....penis was referenced too many times to count, and for some weird reason the name "Cactus" kept getting mentioned after most of the times it was referenced...although the two together were most often referenced by the same person....I therefore conclude the person in question has a "CRUSH" on a particular "Cactus Jones." The evidence speaks for itself.....;-)
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-11-2011 03:16
THANKS ! Like I needed any help !
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 02-11-2011 03:03
Cactus, Man your a stalker magnet !!!!!! Never seen so many Dou@#e  bags come out of the wood work as when you post something, Alot of jealousy I guess!!!!
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-11-2011 03:13
I guess I just have that Quality. Good thing I can log out when I want too !
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