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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / I forgot!
- - By Iron Head 49 (***) Date 02-05-2011 15:04
I forgot, why is it you pipe weldors run a file around the toes of your welds? Is it only to clean the slag, or another reason?

Parent - - By rick harnish (***) Date 02-05-2011 17:16
The job I am currently on would run me off for touching the weld with a file. But when I can, it is simply to amplify ( or correct! ) the straight line of my cover pass. It can also be used to hide undercut, thus the no file rule on alot of jobs.
Can hide any shallow arc marks as well, a BIG no no.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-05-2011 22:06
Rick, I always saw you do it BEFORE you made your weld. I thought it was so you would know to stay between the lines ! (unlike your driving)
Parent - - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 02-07-2011 03:42
a file and a little bit of mud can hide alot. even a sliver streak pen works great too.
Parent - - By Brian T. Beard (**) Date 02-08-2011 04:26
Must be what happened on the San Bruno OPPS!!!!
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 02-08-2011 18:40
uh, no.
- - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-05-2011 17:19 Edited 02-05-2011 17:22
It is so they know where to look for the cracks. At least that was the explanation provided to me by a QC manager at a powerhouse I was visiting.

If they didn't file the toe, they would have to examine the entire weld. This way, they know exactly where the cracks will initiate, at the toe of the weld where they have filed the weld (referred to as to "ring the weld") with the file!

What seems to escape them is the fact there might not be a crack if they didn't "ring it" to provide the perfect (or nearly so) sharp notch stress riser.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By rick harnish (***) Date 02-05-2011 21:20
So the QC wanted them to file? I guess I have never been in that situation. LOL, if anything, Im always being told to put it away!
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-07-2011 03:13
"Put the file away." is probably good advice.

Best regards - Al
- - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 02-14-2011 02:51
I file the toes if I'm fabbing and they are shooting b31 severe, just so no trash shows up in the x-ray and gives you a chance to check your weld out for under cut etc.  We always call it polishing your welds.  Never done it to "hide" anything it actuallly uncovers more problems than it would ever fix.  Guess I have filed a pinhole or two out on a cap.

Normally don't see polishing going on on the line, but did have to go back and file 4000 feet one time cause x-ray hands were saying our capper was leaving pin holes on the edge of his welds.  After the boss showed up the next day we got a new x-ray crew!!!

New x-ray crew said everything looked great. shot 100 percent no repairs, the other crew looked a little green, but what are you gonna do??
Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 02-17-2011 02:41 Edited 02-17-2011 13:03
It's funny how those xrays start passing when a new crew comes on board.  I've seen this when welding superheater boiler tubes.  Poor quality, non-union welders failing xray 50% of the time.  Independent xray firm just doing their job and reporting the results.  Xray firm was FIRED.  New firm brought in using UT, no more xrays and a miracle happens as every single weld passes inspection!  Same rotten non-union welders and same rotten quality. Union Boilermakers brought in to fix the destruction wrought by the mexicans and texans.

All you XXXXXX pipeliners take note:  You're not a real welder until you've worked as a boilermaker in a coal fired power plant wearing a full face supplied air respirator and a buddy whip passing an arc on an inch and a half 5G tube with GTAW root and E9018 fill and cap, xray QC.    Down hill 5P pipe welding???....yawn........
Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 02-17-2011 07:08 Edited 02-17-2011 07:42
Yawn its geting late. Yeah I gotta go to the right of way tomarrow and make some more tie inns on the pipeline tomarrow and sit in my truck half the day. So whats so prestigous about wearing supplied  resporated air welding hood and getting the boiler flu on every shutdown? I tell ya what is kinda funny is when you fart while wearing a resporated hood is that it dosent filter out the smell and blows it right in your face while your welding. Yeahh I've spiral capped before and mirror welded 2n1/4 crome three deep on a steam drum full of fly ash 100% x-ray for Duke energy. You being a die hard boilermaker should know that Duke dosent play around when it comes to quality control. You know what the difference between me and you? I'm smart and got the heck out of that crap. (I think I did two boiler jobs and I learned my lesson) Yep your right though you got skill cause not every one can do it. Look at it like this though. As your the hero of the day cause your doing a job that the mexicans and the texans cant do. (not my quote yours) So while your neck broke and cramped up welding superheater tubes. I guess I will be sleeping in the truck making more money than you. Yawn.
Ackolades on the video though it had some pretty cool pictures.
Parent - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 02-17-2011 07:09
Oh I forgott I'm non union and proud of it.
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 02-17-2011 12:56 Edited 02-17-2011 13:02
Got to get some crap started?
Tell me why?
Parent - By tim105 (**) Date 02-18-2011 01:53
I am one of them non union that used to weld superheaters, I especially love welding 9 chrome at 550 degrees. You go ahead and keep them superheaters Mr. Commonarc you are my HERO!!!
and I the lowly non union welder will keep my check, which by the way is three times more than what I was getting welding tubes. Just for your information, there are double time companies out there that treat their welders better than any union will. And yes I did fix quite a few repairs on tubes that were welded by the best union welders out there. They were just to good to have any repairs.
Parent - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 02-18-2011 03:46
Thanks for the info guess i'm a real welder? I'm not from texas, and you haven't done anything I haven't done.  Btw the x-rays were fine it was some 19 yr olds opionon of what the definition of a pinhole was. probably some of your relation?
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 02-18-2011 05:38
I cut my teeth at 19 weldin y'alls Yankee boiler tubes Mr.Commonarc I also am a pipeliner now so tell me some more sh!t
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / I forgot!

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