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Up Topic / Forum News & Help / He's baaack.
- - By Pickupman (***) Date 02-13-2011 22:48
awspartb is stirrin the s**t again. Ross please do the right thing and give this guy the ax.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-14-2011 03:39
I second that one
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 02-14-2011 15:48
Parent - - By Brian T. Beard (**) Date 02-15-2011 02:44
Motion carries? No need for discussion!!!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 02-15-2011 04:28
I have to say everyone has a right to an "opinion" but when a forum member is so obviously geared to stir up trouble at any opportunity.....three stern warnings and the heave ho at least>?!?!    Has he gotten a single one yet? The guy is very negative and seems to push the right buttons to turn otherwise valid conversations into flaming warfare at every turn.  If you won't ban him can you at least send some medication to him?
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-15-2011 12:37
Tommy, I'm in 100% agreement with you, I'm sick of all this too. I've been thinking very seriously about taking a break from the forum myself and will be trying to find where all of our old friends of the forum have gone. All of this childish mess doesn't interest them (or me) in the least and I realize that they want no parts of it, nor do they want their name associated with it. I can't say that I blame them. Very few postings have any hint of professionalism about them anymore, it's all become about trying to meet somebody somewhere to see who is the biggest bs'er in the group or who can stir up the most stink just like the individual you speak of...
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-15-2011 13:33

Let me know if you find a better place..

I've been posting since 2000 but am quite tired of the:

"Cactus and his enemies show"
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-16-2011 02:30 Edited 02-16-2011 03:15
I have done everything I can to end the Fiasco's that have started on the forum. One of my Fans,(awspartb) I am not sure why he doesn't like me. When I take into account that I have NEVER spoken with him other than on the Forum. The other Fan I have,(no names mentioned for fear of derailing this thread) Stems from hiring someone off of this Forum and not checking a Background or References. THAT will never Happen again ! Now, I have done EVERYTHING I know that is possible to end this including asking Ross to remove me from the Forum and close my Screen name. He said no. I hate, as much as anyone else, the way these threads are hijacked. I just dont know how to stop it.  I think it is wrong for anyone to think that I would just sit idle and let things be said without defending my self. I certainly wouldn't expect anyone to do that. Now, I am all for troublemakers being Banned. And if I am deemed a Trouble maker, Then Ban me. I try to help when I can, Hire people from this forum when I can, and give good advice when I can. I Can't help it that others choose to derail the situation.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-16-2011 02:55 Edited 02-16-2011 17:26
"(no names mentioned for fear of derailing this thread)"

Mention the name.

Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-16-2011 03:15
Sorry, I had a Typo
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-16-2011 03:19
Go ahead and say the name, we all know anyways. :-)

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-16-2011 03:16
"Stems from hiring someone off of this Forum and not checking a Background or References. THAT will never Happen again !"

This may very well be true and that just proves you are a liar. You knew full well way beforehand about the dog so a background check would do nothing when it comes to him.

You have strongly expressed that the dog was the problem but now, finally, the truth comes out.

I am cool with us not working out for many reasons. Me, you, whatever, but it had nothing to do with the dog and your last post proves this.

You can do as many background checks as you want and my dogs will NEVER come up. LOL

Now I will not for ONE SECOND stand behind awspartb. He has been a pain in the ass even before you came along.

He has no real reason to come after you.

So, as a man, which is more than I can say for you.....

I am backing "Cactus" when it comes to awspartb.

BTW I think "stanantonio" should get his user name reinstated, unless he likes "hillbilly deluxe" better. :-)

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-15-2011 16:17

No matter where anyone goes there will always be those who make things hard to bear at times.  Without having such stringent rules and justice meeted out that we lose people because of too much censorship we must come up with other ways of dealing with these issues.

To me, JMHO, most people need positive reinforcement/encouragement at times to be brought up short when things seem to be going negative.  Some negative reinforcement is at times needed as recommended with warnings and maybe 'time outs' where they are prohibited from participating for a while.

Personally,  I still think this is the best welding forum available and has many resources as far as the people involved that I would hate to see us lose.  When I want in depth serious answers to questions or just to keep up with what is going on, this is where I go. 

There are other sites I visit for various reasons but this one has the technical, educational, experience, professional resources needed when it comes to items of code compliance and inspections questions. 

As the AWS is the premier organization promoting these codes, specs, standards, etc I think it only right that people should be able to come here to get GOOD answers to their questions in their search for knowledge. 

YES, it is very disheartening where so many of our threads have gone lately.  BUT, often it could be avoided if others would just let it drop and not take sides.  Don't fuel the fires.  Try to post your own answer in regards to the OP's original question without getting into the personal things. 

I would hate to lose anyone here, and especially those who have helped me along so much over the past few years.   I know I said some things at first that didn't line up with proper code application and the true science of our chosen profession.  We all have room to grow, learn, change, and then experience and knowledge to share. 

Don't let a few bad apples ruin the whole positive role of this forum.  Ignore them when possible, remove them when neccessary.  I'm sure there are enough level heads moderating this forum to accomplish this to the advantage of each of the serious learners and sharers, and for the positive image of AWS.  It may not always be a fun thing for Ross and John and whoever else is involved, but it is a very needed aspect of a good forum.

Sometimes justice means heavy restrictions on violators.  For the majority to benefit, the minority must be dealt with.  We have a vast army of young people watching to see how we handle these situations in our lives.  It reflects how we deal with similar situations at work, in the family, out in the community, no matter where we are.  Show them what it means to be kind, patient, longsuffering, JUST, PROFESSIONAL, and UPRIGHT in all of life's situations.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By kkfabricator (**) Date 02-16-2011 01:07
You couldn't have said it better. I have been watching much more than posting, and watching these posts go from educational to whatever you call that is disheartening. I don't come here to hear about who doesn't like who, I come here to get advise from experts in an industry that I am just beginning to understand. Sitting back and reading posts for long enough you can start to see who is here just to start trouble, but if it is the first post that a new member is reading, than that looks bad on everyone who uses this forum. I am very pleased with the help and professionalism that I find on this site... I just wish that these things wouldn't get off subject so far that the original topic is lost.

Thank you all who answer the questions of those of us who are not as experienced, and please keep it up. Your advise is invaluable.

To those of you who are here to just start ****, there are plenty of other places for you to do so.

Thank You for your time,
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 02-16-2011 00:22
Cannot members postings be moderated?
I am a moderator on two forums and a poster that gets out of line gets a warning, moderated, then banned.
Sometimes things do get out of hand and if partb would go to OTBG to spout his drivel I would have no issue with it there.
But he wants to go to the open forums.
Banish his post to OTBG and if he cannot behave an play right, then ban him.
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 02-16-2011 03:27
I for one have been guilty of taking threads to places where they were never intended to go.. For that I am sorry and I will try to stay on topic more or just keep my mouth shut...!!

  As for awspartb I have to put my vote in for sending him down the road... He has the ability to contribute useful information but he just  chooses not to do so..!!

Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-16-2011 03:54
I agree with Your feelings about awsbartb. He COULD be an assett, but chooses to be more problems than He is worth.

I think a formal warning would be fair, but if He can't be civil, send Him off.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-17-2011 13:33
"As for awspartb I have to put my vote in for sending him down the road... He has the ability to contribute useful information but he just  chooses not to do so..!!" -quote from above

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-26-2011 15:48 Edited 02-26-2011 16:00
What did I miss?

I hold my position that if a post is offensive, move on and ignore it. Any response only feeds the fire.

I find those people that complain the loudest are sometime the offender without meaning to be. Ignore the post and move on.

I know I have offended people in the past with some of my responses; get over it. It is usually in jest and often an attempt to get a conversation going. When we read a post and find it to be silly or offensive it is best to ignore it and move on. I managed to really tick off one of our members the other day. He sent me several e-mails in protest. He was upset and let me know his feelings were bruised. I apologized for being unsympathetic to his plight. Still, it did produce some interesting posts from several members of our community.

I guess I should heed my own advice from time to time. Move on.

Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 02-26-2011 20:58
I do not think anyone should be banned.

If he deviates from a topic his posts should just be placed in the OTBG.

It should be noted that one of the responders to this original post, who advocates removal,   is himself instigator and agent provacateur of controversial and sometimes dangerously incorrect subject matter.

If you do not like what is said, and you do not want to  add fuel to the fire, just  I G N O R E the post and the poster and move on.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-26-2011 23:19
Very true Joe, very true.

Parent - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 03-04-2011 04:43
Where did 3.1 go?
To the boondocks?

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