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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Groove or Fillet?
- - By Superflux (****) Date 02-17-2011 00:43 Edited 02-17-2011 01:13
Fun times in the test booth.
Sorry about the size, haven't figure out this Mac yet.
Yes, this is (a groove weld test) 2 days welding on 3/8" A36 with 3/32" E309L. BU2a GF. I tried to take credit for it, but he was proud of his efforts.

ACCORDING TO 2010 AWS D1.1, can he be "looked out" due to excessive warp...or just plain butt ugly????
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 02-17-2011 00:59
No step for a stepper brother
Parent - By Blaster (***) Date 02-17-2011 01:56
Well if nothing else got it such as the underfill at the end, the massive warp in the plate should certainly cause the weld to excede the maximum allowable height of reinforcement.
Parent - - By Blaster (***) Date 02-17-2011 02:09 Edited 02-17-2011 02:14
Side note - I have added certain additional writen acceptance criteria that I impose to cover odd instances on welder tests.  All criteria is supplied to guys before testing so if they think it is unreasonable they are free to test somewhere else.

For example, once I had a guy do a vertical 1 inch plate with a cover pass that was about 3 - 3.5 inchs wide.  Evidently he kept running addtional beads to cover undercut on a previous bead.  By the standard I was using, that was simply not covered. 

Then one time a had a guy take 11 hours to weld up two 1" plates.  Again, not covered.

Or how about the guy who has a dozen patch work repairs to fill low spots on the cover pass?

Anyhow I believe some standards should to be tightened up considerably to cover some of these types of things.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 02-17-2011 02:49
The Inspector could not figure out what to shoot it down on. When I looked at it, my first thought was the XS reinforcement as you mentioned. Also, he overlooked the ground out U/C (XS of 1/32" deep) as seen in the first foto on the right hand side. I'm just taking the marathon welding tests with the rest of the gang, so it is not my duty to tell QC what to look for. Besides, this is just TOO FUNNY. I do believe the test facility will have this reject displayed in their foyer upon our departure.

I remember once a fellow coming in to take a 6" 6G 6010 test in a pair of nylon parachute pants. He should have been turned away for gross stupidity, however, that is not addressed in the code either. Said test candidate claimed 10 yrs pipe welding experience on resume. He "should" have been looked out on the root, BUT!, the humor factor (watching him squirm with each burn) and his learning experience dictated that he finish weld out before looking him out on U/C and something else on the cap.
I love my job! I could never pay to see a comedy act when I get paid to see this stuff on a regular basis.

FWIW, the man whose test is pictured here is another CWI. It is company policy that we Inspectors take the test (and encouraged), but not mandatory to pass it.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-17-2011 02:33
  Were these specimens submitted, as pictured, for testing?

Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 02-17-2011 02:51

You betcha. That's what makes it all the more humorous.
As long as you are in a test booth, you'll never see it all..........
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-17-2011 03:26
A perfectly fine speciman  for ASME Section IX. Appears to meet all VT criteria.

It should be interesting to see a cross section through the weld when you cut it for the guided bend  tests. I suspect there will be plenty of slag inclusions between weld  beads.

Just one more reason to have written acceptance criteria reviewed and signed by the welder before taking the test.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By MMyers (**) Date 02-17-2011 13:44
Assuming side bends, I don't even think you could bend test this.  At least not on a 3-point machine.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-17-2011 05:10
Outstanding. The only route out of the test booth for this piece is the scrap bin. Undercut, excessive removal of parent material, lack of fusion, looks like a butterfly perched on a limb, is that a backing bar that needs to be removed? LOL

jrw159 :-)
Parent - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 02-17-2011 05:51
I have been looked out with Acadian contractors in grand cane Louisiana for my 2 in weld having a slight dogleg due to the pipe beveler being out of wack.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-17-2011 13:14
My first question is why is he using E309L?, if this test is to D1.1:2010....certainly not a prequalified filler/base combination for D1.1.
Maybe it should be tested from a qualified WPS according to D1.6?
Parent - - By Paladin (***) Date 02-17-2011 13:55
A welder tester, Cliff, told me he had all kinds of hands show up to test for a Brown and Root job back in the 80's. Some would show up wearing polyester shirts, no hood, straight from closing down the bar, etc.

He ask one hand if he could TIG weld. The hand said "I's a sure nuff heli arc hand". So later Cliff looked back in the weld booth and the hand had his Bic lighter up to the nozzle of the TiG torch. The hand
asked " how you light this MF?".

Cliff told him to pack his stuff.

Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-17-2011 18:36
Now that's funny!!! :) :) :)

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-17-2011 20:56
That is totally unreal.  Or, maybe, it is TOO REAL to believe.

And it only took him two days to accomplish such a feat.  Miraculous. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-17-2011 21:17
nice work on the ends as run off tabs utilized at all
- By 99205 (***) Date 02-17-2011 23:49
Wider, longer backer might have helped.  He would have failed on the setup in our lab.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Groove or Fillet?

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