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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Who are these guys???/
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-12-2011 05:22
I know this is probably a tired subject but......

Who are these guys who pile on welds and weave 2 1/2 inches wide with a 7018 on a bucket repair.....I cut about 10  pounds of this crap of a small bucket today.........there just cannot be that many guys out there who do not know how to run a stick/weld.....And I mean they obviously can carry a puddle with the rod.......just weave it over all the bad no matter what and it will be ok.     UGGGHHHH     sorry folks it was just one of those kinda days for me I guess
Parent - By tnhnt (***) Date 03-12-2011 07:06
I got a call once to repair a "V" bucket. When I was scarfing out the the broken weld and cleaning it up I found that they welded a grade stack into it to help fill a gap I believe. That was 10 years ago.
Parent - - By brian martin (*) Date 03-12-2011 12:23
hey tommy sorry to hear bout ur day being bad,   what parts are u  working in????   u  still working at that fab shop u were at?????  they swapping us around at the place i work,  i  start working days on monday  4-10's  i think i will like it  been on nights for  15 years  so  we will see  lol    i  hope to  get me a little side work going  on the fridays im off   have a good weekend tommy   talk with u later
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-12-2011 15:30
The less they know the more we make.

Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-12-2011 16:28
Oh so true Al!
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-12-2011 16:32
I hear ya Tommy! Saw some welds on a gate the other day with another welder buddy. He pointed at them(new gates, walk gate with header) and laughed. I looked up and about fell over!! Holy toledo! What the......!! Classic gorilla welds and about 50 times as ugly. The next day we saw the fence contractor back out there and a guy wandering around with a welding hood, my buddy said, "you think that's the guy who put down those gorilla welds? Should we go ask and tell him, man, I've been working for years to try and make welds look like those". All I could do was laugh!!
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-12-2011 18:01
Wait till you see an x-ray where some yo-yo uses a bull pin to fill a gap so he won't have to take the time to fix it right.  Not even close to the correct material.  That's why it showed so nice in the x-ray.

Or on equipment, they use AR plate and just scab over the crack without even a surface weld first let alone air arc and weld like it should be. 

Like Al, said, the less they know, the more we make...sometime.  One thing is for sure, the less they know, the more laughs we get from shear foolishness. 

But, the last guy was sure 'cheaper' than me!!

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By TozziWelding (**) Date 03-13-2011 13:02 Edited 03-13-2011 13:04
I have done my share of bucket repair, and still I have customers that want a big old weave as a cover. I explain to them that it is not the proper way to do the repair. They proceed to tell me that they have been in the hole digging business for blah blah blah years and that's how it has always been done.  No point in arguing, you want a big fat ironworker weave as your cap, your paying my bill, thats what you will get. I still gouge the crack out and weld it 100% the right way, but they wanna see the big old cap:confused:
Brent, I deal with "the last guy was cheaper" everyday, but I sell quality, and that usually wins, I only have to fix it once. I have seen a bull prick in an X-ray before :roll: lazy, lazy, lazy.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-13-2011 15:59 Edited 03-13-2011 16:05
When I started scarfing "welds" off, I found dirt, slag and air underneath it.  That's just how it goes...bad work just creates more work for the rest of us. I was not happy with the equipment dealer either, great price on shanks and teeth.....when I got them they all had made in China on the tags!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Who are these guys???/

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