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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Lead Wells vs. Wraps....again
- - By Caleb C. (**) Date 03-16-2011 01:23
I know this has been beat to death already. Tomorrow morning I'm either cutting lead wells in my bed or building wraps. And damnit if I can't make up my own mind on which way I want to go. If I make wells I will have a piece of plate to lock over em'. With wraps, I'll just dis-connect my leads and throw them in the back seat when I feel the need. So both would be secure. I have never personally owned or used reels, but I have ruled them out for numerous reasons.

I know wells are handy because a tug gives you more line to work with, however it seems wraps keep things "squared away" better with less tangles. It's all a trade-off I guess. I can't decide on what I want with this bed though (pretty sad...I know). So give me your vote and your opinion why if you don't mind.

Many Thanks,

Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 03-16-2011 01:43
Just a thought: If You made oval wells and put the leads in in a figure 8 they might not get all kinked up. It would take more room. I have never tried it or seen it done.
Parent - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 03-16-2011 05:35
I have had all three they all have there pros and cons. one thing on the wells, I had a helper roll me up after a tie-in, next day fired my machine up and i noticed it was not idleing down.

After messing with the machine noticed the well was smoking.  well a rod got left in the stinger and the bed was grounded out and i was unrolling a 100' of lead and taping were the glowing rod had burnt through all my insulation.

I prefer just to wrap it up but, everybodies needs are different
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-16-2011 13:21
I've never used wells, thought about it for security but then also thought about rolling up after a job, which would be all well and good if I put them up all the time. At times I'll be out and the guys I'm working with(probably to get me off the clock quicker) will help load up. With wells I could see this would be a problem for me, I'm pretty anal when it comes to how things are put away and could just imagine a guy wadding 100ft of leads in a hole I'd have to dig out(like a bait casting reel) later. I've got a wrap for my oxy/acet hose and am real happy with how that keeps everything clean and neatly rolled up but not sure if I would do that for the welding leads. Rolling up 100ft of oxy/acet hose on my wrap takes 10-15 minutes, just because I know how I want it on there, 1st layer, edges touching, 2nd layer, same, end of the torch hose tucked in the same way everytime....that's the anal part coming out! Like my reels for the speed/neatness and that's why I pay boku amounts of insurance every year, in case somebody needs to buy a few 40's and see's my cable as a simple way to do it! LoL!

Reels though do take up space as would wraps, wells definitely leave the bed looking cleaner, less clutter on the bed when rolling down the highway. I look at some of these guys beds and wonder where everything is, no mud board, no leads, extension cords, nothing, just a flat bed with two humps for boxes and a welder. It all comes down(as does running a bead) to what works for you, how you like it, how you feel about it, etc., etc. Like somebody said, each has it's pro's and con's that is for sure!
- - By lastnline (*) Date 03-16-2011 01:44
i have had both and i like my wells better
Parent - - By 12vstrokethis (**) Date 03-16-2011 02:43
Wells look a lot cleaner.
Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 03-16-2011 03:11
16" pipe 12" deep work good
Parent - - By Caleb C. (**) Date 03-16-2011 03:58
Problem is, I don't have that much room. I don't have enough to make them round. Space is limited so the wells would have to be larger than the actual opening. In other words, I would expand the actual well underneath the bed so it's larger than the opening is. I only have about 9" from my machine to the edge of my bed.
Parent - By RioCampo (***) Date 03-16-2011 04:49
A buddy of mine did just what you are talking about. He built his bed cab width. Then he had limited space to the machine, so he cut and built the wells just about like you are talking about. I want to say his were something like 9"w x 16"l x 12"d. It takes a little longer to roll up is all.
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 03-16-2011 13:28
Mine are behind my boxes on back of my bed
- - By Caleb C. (**) Date 03-17-2011 01:02
Well I appreciate all the input. I decided to go with a set of simple "bullhorn" hangers. Why? Because I'm lazy and had what I needed to build them! But really, I figured if I get tired of these it would be less work to cut them off and build wells than to patch where wells have been cut and build wraps and/or hangers (seeing a pattern on work-ethic here lol?). I know there's nothing to building these, but if your like me a few pics make a thread more interesting, and I like showing pics of my shiney new Vantage (ahem...Cactus know's the feeling I'm sure) lol ya'll take care...


Parent - By altnden (*) Date 03-17-2011 15:59
Nice looking job there Caleb. Those horns add a nice touch to your new bed. If i may ask what thickness of material did you use for the bed? What do you think a ball park cost for the material is? I'm aware of the difference in regional cost factor. Not counting labor,rods,& fuel. Once again looking good.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Lead Wells vs. Wraps....again

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