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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Glass Cheater Lens
- - By JLWelding (***) Date 04-03-2011 04:38
My eye site sucks these days so I went down and got a cheater lens 1.50 and wow I can see again. What sucks now is when you get a little dust on the lens and wipe it off it scratches the plastic and it really screws things up. Do they make a glass lens some where? I did a search and got nothing. I dont need magnification when not welding.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 04-03-2011 09:45
Find a high quality 1" wide soft bristle paint brush.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 04-03-2011 11:49
I keep a Clear lens over mine. Eliminates the Problem
Parent - By J Hall (***) Date 04-03-2011 12:04
I got some Anchor Brand glass cheaters off Ebay. I think Weldmark has them too.
Parent - By Nitesky (**) Date 04-03-2011 12:08
They do make glass cheaters.  Try your LWS.

Note -- plastic is prone to scratching and glass is prone to pitting.
Parent - By Paladin (***) Date 04-03-2011 13:11
Are you wiping the lens off with paper towels ? Paper can scratch plastic.

I keep a soft cotton handkerchief in my tool box and use it to wipe dust and smoke off the filter plate, inside cover plate, and cheater. When changing the cover plate is usually often enough.

Yes, you can get glass ones. They are heaver and must be protected on the back side or will pit up from any sparks that find their way under the hood. That often happens when the hood is on but raised  up.

I like the plastic ones. I keep several different strengths on hand. If I am TIG welding I like to be a little closer to the work so I might use a 2.50 or 3.00. But if I was MIG welding something at arms length I would need a lesser strength. As the magnification increases, the depth of focus decreases. In other words, with the lower strength cheaters, you have a much greater near to far distance that will be in focus. As you need more magnification to see clearly, the sweet spot of of focus will become smaller making the distance from you eyes to the weld more critical.

Parent - - By Jaxddad (**) Date 04-03-2011 13:50
Have you tried perscription safty glasses while your welding instead of the cheaters?
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 04-03-2011 18:54
I have prescription safety glasses I wear while welding. I still use a cheater because the correction in my glasses isn't where I need to look while welding. What I'd give to be 20 again!
Parent - - By JLWelding (***) Date 04-03-2011 19:40
Thanks everybody.
On a sad note, this morning my wife and young daughter found my mother passed away this morning. And I dont know what to say to her  (daughter). I dont know why I am writing this here but just need to vent I guess.
Parent - By waccobird (****) Date 04-03-2011 20:06
Sorry nothing to give you to say to your daughter.
I don't even have anything to say to you as I still am fortunate to have my Mother.
But Take Care Bud
God Bless
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-03-2011 22:08
  I am sorry to hear of your loss. You and yours will be in our prayers tonight.

Parent - By Pickupman (***) Date 04-04-2011 02:24
Sorry to hear that JL. Sad times for sure. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 04-04-2011 02:47
Sorry to hear about Your Mom. I still have Mine, but do miss Dad, He has been gone over 6 years.
Parent - By ronnie taylor (**) Date 04-04-2011 03:38
I would just like to pass on my best to you and your family at this very sad time. God bless

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 04-04-2011 11:06
I dont know what to say to her-quote

Don't have to say anything, just give her a big ole hug. Sorry to hear of your loss. Prayers sent from Virginia.
Parent - By Jaxddad (**) Date 04-04-2011 04:54
I had a friend at a former job that was in his mid 50`s that was having problems. He went to a specialist and had surgery on both eyes and claimed they where better then when he was 20. The only problem I could see was that they would only do one eye at a time and had to wait 3-4 weeks to get the other one done.
Parent - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 04-03-2011 20:19
Go to your eye doctor and get some perscripition cheater lenses. Thats what I did
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Glass Cheater Lens

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