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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / SAW slag sticking to weld?
- - By HgTX (***) Date 04-27-2011 00:16
What causes this?  I've never seen it happen before.  (And the procedure was run before without a problem.)  Bad flux somehow?  I thought they switched to a new bag and still had the problem but I could be wrong.

Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 04-27-2011 11:44 Edited 04-27-2011 11:46
Most often it is moisture in the flux, though it can be a sign of age as well from what I understand. However, flux formulations are what is often called in the industry 'black art' in that the mining sources (or compound sources in general) change and the formulator has to make adjustments, constant adjustments, to formulations to maintain the characteristics of the flux. And sometimes a particular characterisitic isn't quite what it was before. A flux purchased today IS NOT the same flux you purchased 5 years ago.
Another question however, since the only time I've had this same trouble consistently is with Lincoln MIL 800H. This is an excellent flux with great mechanicals but down inside a deep groove you cannot hardly beat this stuff out with a hammer. Works beautifully in thin wall shallow grooves and on caps.
So, have you changed your bevel configuration?
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 04-28-2011 02:47
Welding on slightly ground mill edge, which means more or less a flare groove masquerading as a fillet weld.  Not sure whether to suspect the flux or the configuration.  They changed the procedure to get a flatter bead and it didn't help.

Ya know, moisture flitted through my mind and flitted back out again.  I don't think they tried baking the flux.

Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 04-28-2011 12:12
Keep in mind when baking flux that flux is itself a great insulator. Putting it in a batch oven is often ineffective because the stuff on the top keeps the moisture from the stuff on the bottom from escaping.
The best ovens for SAW flux are those that circulate the flux inside but these are very expensive. If you wish to test the moisture theory try it with just a little bit of flux to make sure it gets dried.
But you may have bevel issue as well. If its like a flare then the bevel angle can be steep towards the bottom and the flux can anchor itself in.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / SAW slag sticking to weld?

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