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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / School maintenance
- - By Marlon King Date 05-22-2011 12:23
Do you have to be a certified welder if you weld chairs back together for a school district, or perform other welding projects, or fabricate things for the school district that hang from a ceiling?
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 05-22-2011 17:14
I never heard of anyone needing any type of Certification  / Qualification to weld chairs.

HOWEVER, many State laws and Local Jurisdictions require appropriate qualification for "structural welding".  So, I would consider bleachers, platforms and hanging structural elements to involve "structural welding".

Many States and Local Jurisdictions have special licensing or qualification to weld on the boilers and associated piping.  So, I believe that those welding repairs would require an appropriate welder qualification.

As an employee, you do whatever your employer asks you to do.
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 05-24-2011 16:18
That's true in my state, to weld on inside the boiler proper, a fitter and/or welder must hold an Oregon Class 4 boilermaker license, also to weld on power piping (steam above 15 psig) after the second root valve after the boiler proper, a fitter and/or welder must hold an Oregon Class 5 steamfitter license.

Welding on structural parts at a school, university, armory, (state/fed projects), etc. usually falls under local bldg codes inspection which means the welder must be currently qualified.

As an independent contractor I would not be welding on student chairs because of liability.  Once I contracted to build aluminum bleacher railing and after checking with my bonding agent, had to take out more liability insurance for that particular job.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / School maintenance

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