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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / What is 5600 meaning? AWS D1.1 fabrication 5,8
- - By allenliao (*) Date 06-02-2011 15:16
Above 600°F, the rate of heating shall not be more
than 400°F per hour divided by the maximum metal thickness
of the thicker part, in inches, but in no case more than
400°F per hour. Above 315°C, the rate of heating in °C/hr
shall not exceed 5600 divided by the maximum metal
thickness, in millimeters, but not more than 220°C/hr.

what does 5600 mean?  is it the rate of heating? the unit?
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 06-03-2011 03:06
If you have 50 mm plate - divide 5600 by 50 and you get 112.
Rate of heating is 112 degrees celcius per hour.
If it is 25 mm plate - divide 5600 by 25 and you get 224.
Rate of heating is 224 degrees celcius per hour but as it states no more than 220 degrees then that is your rate.
Parent - - By allenliao (*) Date 06-03-2011 03:33
Thank you, Shane,

But I puzzled where is the number "5600" coming from?
Parent - By MBSims (****) Date 06-03-2011 11:48
Metric conversion of 400 F / hr and inches to mm: (400 / 1.8) x 25.4 = 5644 rounded to 5600
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / What is 5600 meaning? AWS D1.1 fabrication 5,8

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