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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Ironwork training needed
- - By TylerRimar Date 06-03-2011 02:10
I have a year experience in welding at a community college and am currently employed with a ironwork company. I get showed something one time and than fussed at for not using my common sense or forgetting exactly how it is done. any help?
Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 06-03-2011 08:57
First Welcome to the American Welding Society Online Forum.

Don't take this personal.
Growing up is hard to do and learning a trade can be even harder.

Only take it personal if required.
Pay Attention and ask questions.

A lot of times mistakes and forgetfulness comes from getting in a hurry.

Good Luck

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 06-03-2011 18:04
And from trying to impress.  Sometimes we strive so hard to remember too many of the little details and we miss the major concept.  If you get the overall picture then many times the little details just fall into place.  But that does at times take experience and time.

Ask questions.  You will be more useful if you take the time to ask question than if you just try to go from memory and mess up then have to start over.  Mistakes cost the employer time, material, and overhead.  Questions are less costly than mistakes.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By Pickupman (***) Date 06-03-2011 23:56
Tyler, I just want to say thanks for taking up a vocation that requires you to get dirty and sweat. There are all to many young people today who think they are entitled to a living made while sitting on their tail in an air conditioned office playing big shot. Now that's said, hang in there man. Sometimes the old timers give the youngens grief just to see what you're made of. Often the ones that catch the most crap are the ones that show the most promise. So like the others said, keep your head up, pay attention, follow through and remember, "There are no stupid questions, just stupid mistakes".
Parent - - By TylerRimar Date 06-05-2011 21:47
Alright, Thank you for the support. The boss is almost ready to certify me in MIG 1 inch plate to do the moment welds. I have 6 weeks left in school and have been working part time for the past 3 weeks. 2 days a week. Also getting pratice in school, and at the shop where the owner provides metal electrodes and gas to run his portable welders. I like the job and already have been talked highly of by just about everyone there. I'm pretty sure I will learn more once I am full time.
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 06-06-2011 11:47

Remember that the most important thing, especially while Ironworking, is safety. Being the best welder or the fastest fitter will do you no good if you fall off the beam, or even if you forget to tie off correctly just once and a safety rep gets you run off the job site. Some of the guys who have been around for a while will be bad influences and will try to teach you dangerous short cuts. Not only in safety practices but in welding applications.
It's up to you to have the integrity to ensure the job is done right, inside and out, and that you don't unnecessarily risk your safety or your employer's safety record.

Parent - By Tex (**) Date 06-14-2011 19:51 Edited 06-20-2011 15:05
See if your company offers courses NCCER. Some of the major industrial construction companies offer these classes and the aptitude test at the end to see where you rank, whether it is helper, journeyman or master journeyman. If your company doesnt offer it you can order the books online and most state job service centers offer the tests. Most of the major outfits require an NCCER card with your certs so they have some idea where to start your pay. I wish this program had been out when I broke out, but I had to learn the hard way. I eventually had to take the test to prove I knew more than a superintendent I was working for. He thought he had me over a barrel until I came back with my master journeyman certs. He got moved back to his office and I took over the iron crew.

Try to take this course along with getting hands on experience. Also ask the old guys lots of questions and show them respect and they will take care of you. Good luck.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Ironwork training needed

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