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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Who made the plunge?
- - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 06-05-2011 01:02
Going make a sky dive tomorrow. Really pumped about it. Just seeing if anyone else has. Tell me how awesome it was.
Parent - By gndchuck (**) Date 06-05-2011 01:20
Did several several years ago, a few times.  It's fun flying like superman and being on the end of a balloon where it's quite.  You'll have fun and you'll want to do it again and again.  Good luck.

Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 06-05-2011 02:45
what kind of jump are you doing?  Tandem or Static
Parent - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 06-05-2011 02:49
Parent - - By NWPAwelder (**) Date 06-05-2011 03:25
I have never done it but have to wonder what it is like... although I dont see myself ever jumping out of a perfectly good flying airplane. lol
I have been told that when you jump it really doesn't feel like you are falling since the airplane is in motion. Is that true?
Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 06-05-2011 04:50
Like I was told once,  Mother Earth wants you to come back as fast as you can.  Always remember where your reserve handle is.
Parent - - By pipeliner88 (**) Date 06-05-2011 05:29
i did a static line jump years ago. It's a blast just seeing the ground from way up there. If i had another chance, i would do it again. you'll love it
Parent - - By Paladin (***) Date 06-05-2011 13:40
I made the mistake of mentioning to my wife that I had, for sometime, thought that on my 50th birthday I would like to skydive, sort of a once in a lifetime bucket list thing.

Well, the morning of my 50th birthday guess what she has, TWO tickets to skydive. Oh shoot, sometimes a fellow just likes to talk about stuff, just dreaming.

I said I wanted to do it so lets get it done. The drive down was kinda quite. I had a temporary crown on a tooth that decided to come off a few minutes before I was to leaped out an airplane. Then we passed by a FUNERAL. Not good omens.

Got there, wife and I signed up, suited up, and waited for the plane. Watched an experienced skydiver come in too hot and injure himself a little. Great.

The plane is ready, here we go. We had the whole thing filmed and I looked  like a condemned man walking to the execution chamber on the way to the plane.

Got to altitude and the tandem master and I scooted  to the door. He said go and we went-he did not have to push me OK.

There was a lot of wind. The video guy was right in front of me, I could about touch him, and he has this camera in my face. I'm trying to not look so freaked out but really, I have had more fun than this. I was plenty glad when the chute opened and more so when we gently touched down.

I am glad I did it once. It was not pleasant for me I have to say. But maybe one day, lets not rush into it, maybe at 70 years old, I might do it again.

Parent - By tlk1 Date 06-05-2011 15:05
You need to send that film to Funniest home video::eek:
Parent - - By Northweldor (***) Date 06-05-2011 15:30 Edited 06-05-2011 15:33
Did 52 jumps many years ago in my misspent youth, no tandem jumping then. First 10 jumps were static line, then 5  sec.delay,  10. then 15, etc.  Chutes used were U.S. military surplus, and first jump was with a blank gore (forward
speed about 4 mph) then graduated to an elliptical 7TU (forward speed about 15mph). Really nothing like the chutes used today, which were just starting to be developed. (most 500+ jumpers had one of the early models).

Great sport, and kept it up until a hard pull ( which I caused, by carelessly tossing my chute into a vehicle with the protective flap on ripcord open -bent one pin) followed  a flat spin on a competition delay in which I did everything properly to regain control, but had to pull while at 1100 ft.  still spinning. Wound up, broke two lines but came in 18 ft. from target center. Girlfriend (now wife of 42 yrs) insisted on retirement,
Parent - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 06-06-2011 02:03
This has to be the best sport there is. I love it so much I'm going to make many more jumps. I want my license to jump solo. That's the first thing I'm doing when I get off this job.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-05-2011 17:34
That sounds cool! Always wanted to dive out of an airplane. Did a bunch of repelling in the military and loved jumping off the helo skid. Whip that hand out and just rocket towards the ground then a few feet from the ground jam on the brake and glide softly to earth. Always scared the schmidt out of the guy on belay, they'd think I was out of control.

Let us know how it was, you might convince me to do it!!!
Parent - By RUSSELL (**) Date 06-05-2011 20:19
Made quite a few jumps when I was in the Army.First was the worst.
Parent - By Blaster (***) Date 06-06-2011 03:41
Uncle Sugar picked up the tab for me to make 5 jumps at Ft Benning, GA a long time ago.

One guy froze up and sat down in the door way with his hands on the inside of the aircraft with a whole slew of guys behind him ready to exit.  A jump school NCO gave him a few seconds of encouragement by yelling and hand signalling at him to let go and get out of the plane.  No dice.  So then the Sergeant stood behind him, grabbed hold of the door way for leverage, put his boot in the center of the guy's back, gave a great push, and out the guy went... Thump! Thump! along the side of the aircraft on the way. 

Parachuting was outstanding.  I would like to do it again if I had the time and income.
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