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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Tips for Good Technical Reports
- - By qcrobert (***) Date 06-30-2011 19:55
I have employed many inspectors through the years and have found that even the best inspectors are lacking in the department of report writing.  I hope the following information may be useful to future inspectors.

I copied this useful information from another site and giving credit to the author;

Tips for Good Technical Reports

By Inspector Gadget
Construction Quality Inspector
AWS CWI, Former Level II, Quality Manager
Kissimmee, FL

NDT personnel write technical reports for two primary purposes. Technical reports are used to communicate information to customers, colleagues and managers, and they are used to document the equipment and procedures used in testing or research and the results obtained so that the work can be repeated if necessary or built upon. The content and style of technical reports vary widely depending on the primary purpose and the audience. Many companies and organizations have developed their own standard format. The sections generally included in technical reports are shown to the right.

Qualities of Good Technical Reports
Regardless of the specific format used, all quality technical reports will posses the following qualities:

Great care should be taken to ensure that the information is presented accurately. Make sure values are transferred correctly into the report and calculations are done properly. Since many people proof read right over their own typographical errors, it is often best to have another person proofread the report. Mistakes may cause the reader to doubt other points of the report and reflect on the professionalism of the author.

Data must be evaluated honestly and without bias. Conclusions should be drawn solely from the facts presented. Opinions and conjecture should be clearly identified if included at all. Deficiencies in the testing or the results should be noted. Readers should be informed of all assumptions and probable sources of errors if encountered.

The author should work to convey an exact meaning to the reader. The text must be clear and unambiguous, mathematical symbols must be fully defined, and the figures and tables must be easily understood. Clarity must be met from the readers' point of view. Don’t assume that readers are familiar with previous work or previous reports. When photographs are included in a report, a scale or some object of standard size should be included in the photograph to help your readers judge the size of the objects shown. Simply stating the magnification of a photograph can cause uncertainty since the size of photographs often change in reproduction.

Most people are fairly busy and will not want to spend any more time than necessary reading a report. Therefore, technical reports should be concisely written. Include all the details needed to fully document and explain the work but keep it as brief as possible. Conciseness is especially important in the abstract and conclusion sections.

Reports should be organized in a logical manner so that it is easy for the reader to follow. It is often helpful to start with an outline of the paper, making good use of headings. The same three step approach for developing an effective presentation can be used to develop an effective report:

1) Introduce the subject matter (tell readers what they will be reading about)
2) Provide the detailed information (tell them what you want them to know)
3) Summarize the results and conclusions (re-tell them the main points)
Make sure that information is included in the appropriate section of the report. For example, don’t add new information about the procedure followed in the discussion section. Information about the procedure belongs in the procedure section. The discussion section should focus on explaining the results, highlighting significant findings, discussing problems with the data and noting possible sources of error, etc. Be sure not to introduce any new information in the conclusion sections. The conclusion section should simple state the conclusion drawn from the work.

Writing Style
A relatively formal writing style should be used when composing technical reports. The personal style of the writer should be secondary to the clear and objective communication of information. Writers should, however, strive to make their reports interesting and enjoyable to read.

When writing reports...
Never use words like I, we, they, us them and so on...
I really hate to also see the use of me that means I or me...
Here is the way I have seen this done.
Writer observed Blah Blah Blah...
The way I have learned to do this in the past is more like this...

The QC dept had observed the Pipe dept lowering pipe off the pipe rack without chokers.

To me this is one of the best approaches for reports...

Most NDT companies use simple forms that have most of the information required with a comments section...Keep comments brief and simple.
If more information is needed then learn how to imbed a picture it is simple and very effective.

Keep in mind that most Job sites use packages, and travelers.
I find it very useful when going into any sort of details to make the comments in side the package where the comments section is, this area can be more of a detail type statement, but in my Main report I will do the following, and then leave it up to the person reading to determine if they like the overview or they want more information...
Such as the following report line...

This would be the main report for a meeting...

The QC dept noticed improper lifting of pipe, Failed Hydro on test#279.

Then let the Higher ups get all of the other information for the reason the Hydro failed by pulling that package and reading the comments section.

Odds are they will just well not be happy, but they will understand there was a problem... if they want more info they know exactly where to find it...
But to start listing the facts such as leaking valve, Flange, Bad gage and so on will get boring and old...too much when not required.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-30-2011 21:16
I had a FLY BY NITE report from a UT NDE facility from a SA 350 Forging we required SA 388 UT testing.
I was given a form that was like a time card  and a Very brief description of the item and the dispostion in the milage column.
i had them place a call to the mill about the lack of required info and a few days later i recieved.......a real report.
the mill didnt even have a good copy.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-01-2011 00:07
The most concise report I've read was in a court case where I was tasked with reviewing the inspection reports. It went something like this:

Weather - Sunny 72 degrees
Type of inspection - Shop
Inspected 800 inches of weld, all accepted.

Unfortunately the inspector never mentioned what members he inspected, what project, or what drawings were used.

The structure partially collapsed during erection because a seat lug was never welded to the column. A girder came down and landed on one of the ironworkers when the rig was cut loose. Both the ironworker making the connection and the ironworker below were severely injured.

Lousy report, lousy inspection, and two people were injured as a result.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-01-2011 06:34
Accuracy is also one of the most overlooked qualities in written reports, and it's frequency has increased over time due to as you so eloquently mentioned - the lack of 'objective' as opposed to 'subjective proofreading.' Everything else just makes good sense as well when projecting a professional approach towards presenting & submitting the best report possible...

Good Post! :grin::wink::cool:

Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 07-01-2011 16:09
Thanks for that excellent brief on report writing.
I noticed that it also followed it's own guidelines for a good Technical Report.
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 07-05-2011 15:51
Another rule I live by is resisting the urge to give my own personal opinions of how & why a weldment failed.

I have also had Client requests for my opinion on what products to use such as a coating product to prevent corrosion.  It is best not to give any personal opinions because one product used at one site might not work as well at another site.

Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 07-01-2011 21:22
Quantifying Corrosion And Pitting On Your Inspection Report
When you have pitting and corrosion to describe in your report always give the size of the area and the depth of the pitting.

by AGH
API/AWS/NDE Inspector

For describing the size:
General – Wide spread over the entire surface. The corrosion or pitting covers more than 10% of the surface area and the wall thickness loss is less than 50 mils.

Localized – Confined to one specific area. Corrosion or pitting affects less than 10% of the surface area and wall thickness variation is greater than 50 mils.

Scattered – Several separate areas over the surface but not enough to be considered general.

Isolated – Only one small area of wastage or a single pit.

For quantifying the corrosion or pitting:
Light – Depth is measurable but no immediate action is considered necessary. The average depth should be estimated, maximum depth and location recorded in a manner which will permit subsequent reassessment at the next inspection. An example would be a piece of pressure equipment which was built with a corrosion allowance of 0.125” and the corrosion loss us up to 40 mils.

Moderate – Depth is measurable but no immediate action is required depending on the inspection intervals and rate of loss. This wastage would not be at or near the retirement limit. An example would be a piece of equipment which was built with a corrosion allowance of 0.125” and the corrosion loss is 40 to 80 mils.

Heavy – Action is required to determine the rate of corrosion versus the next internal inspection interval to insure the equipment is adequate for this interval. Consideration should also be given to the repair impact at this time period versus a larger repair at the next interval. An example would be a piece of equipment which was built with a corrosion allowance of 0.1256” and corrosion loss is 80 to 100 mils.

Severe – The vessel retirement thickness has been reached or exceeded. Repairs or complete renewal will be required before the equipment is returned to service.

Pitting – Should be evaluated using API 510 code section 7.4.3.
Parent - - By Joey (***) Date 07-04-2011 00:58

You have shared some good tips in report writing.
you mentioned "When writing reports...Never use words like I, we, they, us them and so on..."
I used these "we, us, they" oftenly in my narrative reporting.....what do you think is the best alternative?

Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-04-2011 03:14 Edited 07-04-2011 11:31

I know I am not the guru of inspection report writing, however I disagree with QC Robert about the word "I", and several other words. This sounds superciliously elitist to me!

When I am the inspector, "I" witness, inspect, observe, ETC.  It sounds so phony to read "This Inspector witnessed... ETC!"   Be realistic!  "I" am (You are) the Inspector, and "I" (You) witness, observe, inspected, ETC. and "I" (You) sign the report. You are not bragging about all your important accomplishments to boost some part of your "Ego" here.  "You" are the inspector of record, and you are writing a technical report for the record.  Why should you say something like "This inspector...."???? 

Some uses of the word "I" might be minimized by sentences beginning with the Verb, such as: "Inspected the 5/16 inch, base plate to column attachment welds on column 103-B4..." or "Checked and verified that proper preheat was applied to XYZ before welding began and periodically verified that the 300 degree F. maximum inter-pass temperature was not exceeded."  In these examples, the use of the "I" word was avoided without sounding superciliously elitist.

I agree that "We" might be a source of concern if used incorrectly.  For instance; If by "We" you are including the Contractor you are inspecting, the your customer may infer that you were working together with that contractor, instead of working for the customer as an independent, cool headed, Third Party Inspector.   So. I would avoid saying something like; "We didn't complete all the welding today."  What are you saying? Were you helping "them" (the  contractor) instead of just performing independent objective inspection?

"They, & Them" must be used only when there can be no confusion as to who "They / Them" is.

"Us" might be used when the "Us" referred to is unequivocal, such as the inspection firm you work for.  For Example;  "I asked the QC Manager to give us a copy of the Manufacturers Data Sheets".   Now, if "We" or "Us",  was used like the way Old Queen Victoria supposedly spoke about herself in the Third person, ("We are not amused!"  or  "That does not please us!")  I would consider that type of sentence construction to be really elitist and PHONY.  Of course, you could also have said "Asked the QC Manager, Mr. Checkers for a copy of...", and the "I" word would be eliminated.  I just do not feel that that type of consideration is important in the grand scheme of things. 

I have found that so many reports have an appalling lack of critical and pertinent information, so as to be useless a few months down the line.  I cringe when I review some inspection reports, including (rather "Especially") my own!  Misspellings can dissolve your credibility as a competent and knowledgeable inspector in a court case. Even if you use Spell Check, some misspelled words will not always show up as the mistakes they really are.  I. E., "From" & "Form" are both correctly spelled words that are often used in a narrative inspection report, but mean different things.  The lack of pertinent information on some reports makes snobbish sounding words and miss spellings a very trivial matter.

Joe Kane
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-04-2011 05:37 Edited 07-04-2011 16:26
I was taught that a technical report (or an inspection report in this case) should be written in the third person. To say it another way, the report is written as if it was written by someone other than the inspector.

The inspector is named in the report as are all the other key people. Once named, the report would read; "The inspector verified the welds conformed to the locations, sizes, and lengths specified by the drawings." or "The inspector, Sam Snicker, provided the fabricator, XYZ Steel Shelters, a copy of the inspection report prior to leaving the job site."

My reports can be divided into three sections. The first section is a listing of the client, the fabricator, their contact information, and other useful information about the project. The second section of the report is a tabular presentation of what was inspected with a synopsis of results of the inspection. Finally a detailed account of the inspection is provided by a narrative that follows the tabulated inspection results.

The first section of the report utilizes a checklist to gather information such as the client's name and address, contact information, etc. Likewise, all the fabricator's information is listed, as well as a listing of the drawings used, whether they were approved for fabrication or not, a list of qualified welders, the range for which each welder is qualified, a listing of the WPSs that have been approved for use, etc. For bolted connections a checklist is used to check off the type of bolted connections required, i.e., slip critical, pretensioned, snug tight, etc. I find the check list approach keeps me focused on collecting the information needed and keeps me from being side tracked which can cause me to forget to collect key information.  This is usually completed at the office or on-site before beginning the actual inspection.

The tabulation provides the reader with a quick summary of each piece that was inspected, a snapshot of what item was nonconforming, and what the problem was, i.e., undersized fillet, missing weld, insufficient length, undercut, etc.

The narrative provides more detailed information. The narrative includes listing of each member with all the attached fittings, a listing of the drawing used, and a detailed account of any nonconformance’s discovered.  The narrative is where photographs and sketches are included to provide the reader with details of any nonconforming materials, welds, etc.

Spelling and sentence structure are very important.  One engineer I work with is a stickler for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. I send my reports to him as drafts so he can review them before they are finalized and distributed to all the appropriate parties. His philosophy is that every report is going to end up as an exhibit in court.

The person reading the report probably did not accompany the inspector when the inspection was performed. The person reading the report has no idea of what transpired during the inspection unless the details of the inspection are included in the report. The inspection report is the vehicle used to answer questions and provides the reader with detailed information. At what stage of fabrication was the inspection performed? What members were inspected? Did the inspector use a flashlight while performing the inspection? What types of gages were used to measure the fillet welds? How were the bevels measured? What qualifications and certifications did the inspector have? The information included in the report is the reader’s only source of information. It provides the reader with a picture of how the inspection was performed and what was inspected.

The report may be read several days, several weeks, or several years after the inspection was performed. It is rare that missing details can be added at a later date. Any and all pertinent details must be provided in the report at the time it is written. The reports must include sufficient details that the reader can understand what was inspected and the nature of any nonconformances.

Clarity is essential in any inspection report. The inspection report should use standard terminology so the reader can look up terms that are unfamiliar. Slang, jargon, and nonstandard terminology serves little useful purpose and usually confuses the reader. Remember that the person reading the inspection reports may not have a technical back ground.

Any qualified inspector can look at a weld and pronounce it good or bad, but an welding inspector that is a true professional can write a report that enables someone else to visualize and understand the nature of the inspector's findings.

QCR's comments on on the mark.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By Joey (***) Date 07-05-2011 01:46 Edited 07-05-2011 02:02
Joe - noted your points.

I think the use of “we” will not mislead the readers of your report if you’re representing an organization. Some of the owner-user who needs a 3rd party inspector will consider hiring your service not because of you as an Individual, it is because you came from a reputable and recognized organization. The use of “I’ may give an impression that you acted alone and your findings are not  supported by the organization you are representing.

Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-05-2011 13:31 Edited 07-05-2011 13:49

I strongly disagree.  "We" don't sign off the document.  "I" ( you) do.  "We" are are not collectively responsible if it is wrong.  (Not-Withstanding that the Inspection Lab "we" may also have some joint and several liability.)  "You" ARE acting "alone" as it were, because YOU are the responsible "Inspector of Record".   Per the building Code, in accordance with IBC Section 1704, the final person who takes "responsibility" may have to be the P.E., who represents the testing lab that you work for, but everyone still wants to know who actually did the inspections.

However, In general, you are probably right in that someone should be able to figure out what you meant with the word "We".

I know of a case where a very charismatic third party inspector  worked on a job for over a year, and had very few write-ups about the contractor.  He was always using the word "We" referring to he and the contractor in his reports.  The customer became suspicious, and ordered him to be replaced.  It turned out that he was actually very competent and thorough, and when something was wrong, he just mentioned it to the contractor's QC, and it was fixed - No Argument.  His philosophy was No Defect - No Write-Up.  Of course the City Auditor/ Engineer didn't know that, and the paucity of routine write-ups and the use of the "We" word in the reports, set off his alarms.

Joe Kane
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 07-05-2011 15:42
By Ian T. Lopez
API Inspector
Katy, Texas

API Reports Expectation
This is for some of you newer inspectors out there joining the road, you might find this helpful in your report writing.

Internal Inspection Reports per API-510 {Visual}

This reference is intended to be a guide and living document assisting in report formation. Any comments that can help improve it would be appreciated. Our goal is to be complete, consistent and professional in reporting. The quality of your inspection reflects and affects All of us.

When the Visual inspection document is complete it must have the inspectors name and current API-510 Number listed. There should be a summary section listing the general Vessel condition and that it is in acceptable condition for the next forecasted run length if that is the case.

1. Writing Level: Write at a level that you are comfortable with both technically and use of vocabulary. Writing at a level above your personal capability or what is needed is detrimental to all. Consult others for opinions if needed.

2. Equipment History: Reading all the prior history before performing the internal inspection and providing comments regarding the past problem areas are key to a good report.

3. Content: The goals of our inspections are to comment about every element, part or component of each Vessel, listing the exact condition including scale or other fouling. Never generalize. If you speak of a large or small area give exact dimensions and locations. If there is any component or area of a vessel that is not available for inspection contact the maintenance supervisor first to see if there is something that can be done to complete the inspection of all areas. If this is not possible contact the client to inform him as soon as possible, as he may have a remedy for the situation.

4. Reporting thickness losses or degradation of equipment: When reporting specific area losses, qualify whether or not the condition is acceptable. This may be based on the corrosion rate determined by calculation and the next projected run length, or not meeting code at the time of inspection. Find out the plant “Next Projected Run Length” from the client and list it. List also any issue important for the next internal inspection scope or monitoring necessary “on the run”. List any follow-up inspection necessary and if it needs further evaluation. Always reference the name or part per the Manufacturers drawing, listing the following: The drawing number, date of drawing and any revision number whenever possible in the description.

5. Work orders: List all Repair and Capital / Project work order numbers associated with each Vessel and a general description of work.

6. Pre-inspection: Whenever possible try to look at equipment before it is cleaned. An example is heat exchangers. There may be severe fouling seen as soon as the channel cover is removed indicating a possible process, design or control problem. Noting what kind of fouling, how much and where can help the client and show that we offer much more than just giving basic information. We can help solve plant problems. Talking to the plant inspector, area process engineer and operations about individual equipment issues is important. There is plenty of time to complete this while waiting for equipment to be released and can be a huge asset to the client making us more valuable and increasing your overall knowledge, self esteem and job satisfaction.

7. List All types of Inspections Completed: All reports need to include results of any type inspections completed, such as:
The Evaluation of UT thickness measurements for the next forecasted run length, Special Inspections for environmental cracking, high temperature mechanisms or anything else that pertains to Vessel Integrity or Safety.

8. Liability Issues: Do not make recommendations that can set up any liability for ?????? or yourself. Recommending a particular product, alloy or equipment without a statement saying per the client can set up liability for you or ?????? . What has been used at other facilities or companies or your personal opinion is not relevant and should not be included.
An example of this even though it does not appear to be significant is coating. You may be asked by a petrochemical company we do work for to list a specific I.D. coating in a work request or report. That is their recommendation and should have a statement afterwards such as recommended coating and QA/QC per the Client Company and their specifications when available.

9. List all information possible: Too much information is always better than not enough as long as it is valuable data. A typical example is: Scale thickness, tightness, and color which may help identify / determine process or other issues. List as close as possible in mils or thousandths of an inch any degradation or fouling and exact location per the drawing as listed above.

10. Partial Inspections: If you did not look at an area or the inspection was limited by some reason list that too. List your name on each inspection, API number and also your initials after each partial inspection unless all was completed by one inspector.

11. Information not required by 510: The client may have a checklist or format that requires information above and beyond the scope of API-510. Make sure the customer is satisfied that you have supplied all that is needed. If you know information that will aid in Client Turnaround Planning, list it.
An example is:
“It took 24 hours to remove scale” or “column hydro-blasted 3 shifts” or material such as heavily coked areas, special cleaning methods that were necessary to remove that material for, proper inspection/entry permit requirements. There may be certain equipment that must be removed before inspection is possible, list it.
- - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 07-05-2011 16:51

This is what lawyers have done to us.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 07-06-2011 03:15
With out Lawyers and Insurance companies (lawsuits), what need would there be for inspectors?
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