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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / ATTENTION ALL CERTIFIED WELDING INSPECTORS (CWI) NATIONWIDE
- - By accelyw Date 06-25-2011 15:31 Edited 06-27-2011 16:28
Hello . I am a CWI in the new york area with a newly opened Accredited Testing Facility (ATF). By Monday June 27 , 2011 my ATF license number will be issued to me. I am looking to expand nationwide with the help of other CWI's where if you have any individuals or companies that have welders or welded materials that need to be certified in any and all welding procedures that my company can do the testing of the materials for you. I can also write all your Welding Procedure Specs (WPS) as well.

I'm willing to pay and hourly rate and will cover all shipping costs to my facility.

If interested please email with any and all questions. Thanks
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-25-2011 17:19
God save us!

Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 06-25-2011 18:57
Please tell us your name.  What is the address and the name of this new ATF.  Who owns it?

Joe Kane
Parent - - By HELLTACO (*) Date 06-26-2011 00:08
Dis dudes gots ads all over da place.  He chud ad my Jorge (hor hay) from da show that i sell as silvineers from Jucy Lucy's Cantina in TJ.  I would pay money to.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-26-2011 23:35
The guy is even embarassed to list his name in his ad. What the hell is a licenced CWI?

Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 06-27-2011 00:02

A licensed CWI, is like You Know!  Like a Level II. Or an acwi / AINT, Maybe?
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 06-27-2011 06:17
Hi Joe,

Do you mean this guy???

"The Welding Expert, Inc. is a one stop shop servicing all your welding needs. We specialize in Welding Instruction, Welder Qualifications, R-Stamp Quality Control Manuals & Calculations, and Procedure Qualifications. But that's not all! We also sell high-quality / low-cost welding merchandise. Whatever it is you need, The Welding Expert, Inc. can help!

"The President, Joseph Leonard, has a background and experience in boiler and pressure vessel welding which spans over 20 years. He holds numerous welder qualifications for ASME section IX, and Level III certifications in PT, MT & RT and holds a Certified Welding Inspector's license with The American Welding Society. He has personally designed numerous QC Manuals and Vessel Calculations for such well renowned companies as Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. ("Con Ed"), Jersey Boiler of New Jersey, and ?Power Company of New Jersey? (Shouldn't it be PSE&G instead???), and trained welders for IBEW, Local 3."

This guy sounds like the imperial wizard of OZ yet, it seems interesting to say the least that he doesn't hold a level III in UT or any level for that matter... Hmmm.:confused:

P.S. Joe I'll be sending you my new #'s via PM.

Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 06-27-2011 12:29 Edited 06-27-2011 12:32


I Have known of him and have personally known him for just over twenty two years.  He is a top notch welder, welding instructor and CWI, with lots of good experience. 

I once tried to nominate him for the National CWI of the Year, but the nomination was repeatedly  blocked by three jealous co-workers (whom I had previously nominated, and who had each received the CWI of the Year Award.)  Because of that incident, I put forth several of the changes, now incorporated in the CWI of the Year Nomination Rules.

I really don't personally know how much an expert he is in welding, however, I do know he has quite a bit of experience as the chief welding expert, and Chief CWI at Consolidated Edison in NYC!   I would AT THE VERY LEAST give more than average credence to ALL of his self claims to expertise.

As for his lack of ASNT credentials, non-visual NDT is a separate department at Con-ED, and all NDT activity is quite jealously guarded by that group (Workplace politics at Con-ED is legendary).  I would not hold that against him!  (I am an ASNT Life Member, and have my own written practice, but I will not even consider getting an ASNT certification other than a certification under ASNT-SNT-TC-1A.)

It is a shame that he used the term "CWI License".  I often find that term is a dead giveaway for phony credentials, and I KNOW that Mr. Leonard is a real CWI.

I have known that Mr. Leonard was going to start an ATF, and I have been looking forward to seeing it open, so I could recommend it to local people needing the NYC Welders License.

I don't know why HE would play so secret with his name.  HE COULD BE A REAL ASSET TO THE FORUM IN THE ASME POSTS.

Joe Kane
Parent - - By Richard Cook (**) Date 07-10-2011 17:29
About the "License", be careful I deal with several Jurisdictional Authorities (Building Officials) that License CWI's to work in their jurisdiction, could that be what he is referring to?? let's not judge, unless we have all the facts.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-11-2011 11:42
Richard Cook

Whether or not the jurisdiction issues a person a CWI "License" or any other kind of "License", the AWS CWI Certificate is not a "License" by any definition.  It is an important legal point for many reasons, that I do not fully understand.  So the "Fact" is that anyone who refers to an AWS CWI certificate as a "CWI License" is wrong.

Joe Kane
Parent - - By Richard Cook (**) Date 07-11-2011 13:19
Mr Kane

Your to busy wanting to be right, There are Licensed CWI's. It is not that anyone is stating the CWI certificate is the license, in the state I reside to be a authorized inspector you must obtain a license through the Department of Professional Licensing (DOPL), but you must have the CWI Certification to obtain such. So in this state you would be a licensed CWI.

Thank you
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-12-2011 06:23
In other words, you mean a "Licensed" "authorized" inspector (For what?) in your state which happens to be for what title or profession? - who just happens to be an AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY CERTIFIED WELDING INSPECTOR  - otherwise known as an "AWS CWI."

Remember to include ALL of the DETAILS...:eek::roll::lol::wink::confused:

Parent - - By Richard Cook (**) Date 07-12-2011 12:30
No I mean a "Licensed" CWI, there are several categories of "authorized" Inspectors, welding, bolting, concrete and soils. It is because of the CWI that they are licensed, without the CWI they would not be licensed.

I seldom jump into these threads of wisdom found on the forum, and have always found them to be educational and informative. Lately though, in my age, I am getting tired of the so called "want a be" know it all, perfectionist that takes something so simple and complicates the heck out of it, just because he has to show off how knowledgeable one might be or his "expertise" on the subject.

I guess I'll accept your "interpretation" and call the guy an idiot and a fraud and warn everyone of his deceit and dishonesty.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-12-2011 16:53
I hope you realize that all I was doing was to ask for clarification, yet you decide to berate anyone that requests further details to understand what you mean by a "Licensed CWI."

I believe you need to take a deep breath and stop being so darn opinionated towards an individual just because one disagrees with you because after all, that's what discussing the issue(s) is all about...

Btw, if you are referring to Joe Kane as being: "the guy an idiot and a fraud and warn everyone of his deceit and dishonesty." then you have been truly misled Woody...

Joe Kane certainly has his flaws and shortcomings just as we all do (including myself & yourself - imagine that?) since we're all human and to err is after all - Human isn't it?
However, Joe certainly is not deceitful or dishonest as long as I have known him and have had the honor to call him my friend...

In fact, if anything, he's been a source of clarification to many who frequent this forum on matters regarding AWS certification topics as well as matters regarding the essence of what a CWI truly is and the responsibilities, limitations and other important aspects regarding a CWI's duties. Many participants will concurr and add to what I just explained to you regarding Joe Kane, and would take issue with your hasty opinion of the man.

Now if you're referring to me as being: the "want a be" know it all, perfectionist that takes something so simple and complicates the heck out of it, just because he has to show off how knowledgeable one might be or his "expertise" on the subject, and an idiot and a fraud and warn everyone of his deceit and dishonesty... Well, I've been called worse and it just rolls right off my shoulders when I either read or hear such hyperbole directed at myself, and do not lose any sleep over it especially when several words come to mind to describe the individuals for every time a person throws such accusations at myself or towards any of my "esteemed colleagues"... The words are Envy, Jealous, insecurity, ignorance, etc...

I believe you're out of line by stooping to such accusations, and need to be reminded of the code of conduct in here just as I and others who also participate in here are reminded from time to time since after all, none of us are perfect as you seem to think we project ourselves to be... So please understand that we are all here to discuss as opposed to argue & insult or disrespect each other, and to exchange ideas, thoughts, share experiences and perspectives as opposed to beating each other up just because we don't agree with each others views.:lol::wink::cool:

So we disagree!!! So what!!! The world will still keep on spinning, and disagreeing with each other will NOT stop it from spinning anymore than agreeing to a consensus on a topic of discussion... There simply is no need to accuse someone of being deceitful or dishonest just because they disagree with your view or perspective of a topic.

Parent - - By Richard Cook (**) Date 07-12-2011 17:20

So you don't miss represent my comments again, NO Mr. Kane is not who I was referring to, my last statement only concurred with his and yours statement. Any one that uses the terminology the discussion was about, would be.

The point is, all I did was point out a simple fact that is accurate in it's application and your the one that keeps coming back to argue it's not. But I am getting tired of the "know it all" filling the pages with their opinion as being the only fact out there and not accepting someones, other than himself, point of view until they get slapped in the face.

Yes I know Mr. Kane is top notch and have respected his input on much that I have read and stand by him. But when someone steps in to prove a point that is so trivial, yes I get upset. All I did was to point out a variable that would be applicable which you then went into denial.

sorry I offended you, but I took offense from your approach and attitude.

Thanks, Like my closing statement in the last response I'll accept your interpretation, although I don't agree.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-13-2011 05:26 Edited 07-13-2011 06:12
Well I'll be the first to say that I do not know it all just as the rest of us will more than likely admit the same as well... However, if you think that your accusations carry any weight then that is indeed your choice to think so - just like opinions are like "arse holes" and everyone has got one.:lol::lol::yell::grin::wink:

All I was asking for was some clarification, and more details to better understand your explanation as to why you maintain that the title of being a "Licensed CWI" is accurate and correct yet, you go off on this tirade of blather and just lose your composure in here which I must say is rather funny to say the least.:yell::lol::yell::lol::yell::lol: 
Also, I noticed that spelling & grammar as well as organizing your sentence structures are really not your strong suit... You really should work on that.:yell::lol::wink: I hope these suggestions are helpful.:wink::lol:

Now as far as offending me is concerned, please re-read my previous post where I explained to you how insults go right over my shoulder and off my back nowadays with a little bit of extra help from my farts if necessary (okay, so I didn't include the last part in my post, yet it's in here now)... And if you've been through what I've had to survive in the last year or so, you would also agree that there's no way any one's offensive remarks have any real affect on me other than to equate to maybe a gnat buzzing in the air near my face which I usually swat away in quick & short order...

One last point I would like to express is to remind you that in this forum as it is also in this country; I, and anyone else whom you may consider being a "know it all - busy body and Want a be" as you implied, and whom you think has no right to get in on any conversation, or discussion here in any of the threads of this wonderful welding forum... Well let me remind you that I, and anyone else in here certainly does have the right to express what you may view as being trivial whether you like it or not! So get over it!:eek::eek::evil::twisted::yell::roll:

When you start your own forum and make out your own rules which prohibit such behavior, then you can talk about preventing what you deem as being a "Know it all..."
Until then, remember that anyone who's a participant has the right in here to express one's opinion freely as long as it is not overtly offensive in nature -
(I can at times covertly skate on thin ice regarding this touchy topic:wink:) towards another participant, or towards the AWS as a whole.:wink::cool:

Yet in all sincerity, if there's anyone in here who is starting to sound like a "know it all-want a be" -
blah, blah, blah, it seems to be you Dick.:wink:

I just happen to belong to the "Smart arse - Wise arse" club in this forum which does happen to include a few esteemed colleagues...

So I guess what I'm alluding to is this... Do you care to join our motley crew?:razz::yell::lol::wink::cool:

Parent - - By Richard Cook (**) Date 07-13-2011 12:30

I was hoping I would hook you once more, looks like I still got it. If you were not offended then you wouldn't have berated me and my comments (using Dick, my name is Richard or as friends call me woody). But anyway I'm just jerking your chain friend, I'm a "smart arse" to. I do somewhat agree with Kane and you, but you have to admit I do have a viable argument on that specific issue.

I have read many of your comments in many threads, and do regard your expertise. Keep on keeping on. And no I'm not jealous nor do I envy, for I am confident in my self and my efforts, I got you wound up.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-13-2011 13:47
You guys are like two puppies chewing on each others necks.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-13-2011 13:53
Yeah but puppies are cute....LOL :razz:
Parent - - By Richard Cook (**) Date 07-13-2011 14:03
yea I know, I love the chewing, both ways, and recognize it's all in fun.
You do know when puppies chew on one another they do learn important life lessons.
Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 07-13-2011 14:11
Richard Cook

And what pray tell us are those?

Oh wait I am getting off topic.

Never mind.

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-13-2011 14:59
Marshall, I think you are thinking of the pink nose puppies :wink:
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-14-2011 03:06
Wrong again "Woody..." I was merely recruiting you to become a member of our "wise arse - smart arse" crew, and you fell for it hook, line and sinker...
So "Weldcome" to the club!:yell::lol::wink::cool:

Parent - By Richard Cook (**) Date 07-14-2011 13:20
"Yea, whatever" my soon to be 35! year old daughter would say.....lord I'm getting old. You didn't have to recruit, I was there, I have a box of disposable sticks so i can stir it up as needed, I just don't chime in as much. Enjoyed it, glad you put in "woody", I'd rather have friends than enemies.

I did make personal contact with Mr. Kane, because like him I do believe there could be some legality issues if one can prove intent to deceive.
I had a pleasant and informative talk with him. Around here those "in the know" let comments like Licensed CWI run of their back and around here understands what it really means, so far I haven't found those to use it, doing so with willful intent, just ignorance. And some of those I wonder how they got their CWI??????

I host Inspector after Inspector, have had 5 different agencies in our facility at a time, I'm getting worried about the quality level of our CWI.
for example, one CWI , Agency rep for the owner,  stated that "the intent of AWS is to do bend test only, for welder quals, whether radiography is listed or not, the bends are to establish the mechanical properties of the weld for the welder and that he had to witness all the bends per AWS" the owner bought into it and we had to retest the welders. We did send them a bill, and eventually the Agency got run off the site, but three years latter. He is a CWI, and in a position to hire Inspectors, and this is a good one, he wouldn't hire any CWI with more than 2 years experience.

got to run
Parent - - By MBSims (****) Date 06-27-2011 00:14
The Contact Name given in the ad is "Welby".  I believe the full name is Welby Accely based on some other ads that use the same email address.
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 06-27-2011 17:55
Mr. Simms & Henry

I  have received confirmation that it is Joe Leonard's Company, and that the post was submitted by Welby Accley.

I don't know Accley at all, but Joe Leonard is a well respected name to me.   I have hopes that his new ATF will help out in the NYC welding license area.   A few Years ago, NYC adopted the AWS National registry examinations as the required test for the NYC Welding License.

Many people use the term AWS Certified when they in fact are only qualified in accordance with provisions of D 1.1!  Anyone but a CAWI can monitor the practical exam for D 1.1 Qualification and issue some sort of certification.  To be qualified by AWS, and to be placed in the National Registry, you have to go through an AWS Accredited Test Facility.

I still don't understand the name secrecy and the reluctance to give the Forum the facility name and location.

Joe Kane
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 07-01-2011 20:19
Maybe "licensed" means he can drive a car?  I can see where that just might be helpful. :confused:
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 06-27-2011 18:10
To the OP.....
I deleted all of the duplicate postings that were posted across the board in multiple forums and left this one in tact since there were numerous replies already here.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 06-27-2011 19:11

That is a good idea.  Now that I know who he is, I can assure everyone that this post has some legitimacy even though it was sent as pure commercial advertising.

You should put back the post where Henry, Al Moore and Simms and I, communicated.

Joe Kane
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 06-27-2011 19:40
Sorry's too late, it's gone. (unless ross can dig a deleted thread back out somehow)

...wait, are you speaking about the conversation above?^^^^...those earlier posts are still in this thread.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / ATTENTION ALL CERTIFIED WELDING INSPECTORS (CWI) NATIONWIDE

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