I am not good at all with scratch start, because I have mostly used machines with HF start and a foot pedal, really spoils You.
I am not a TIG wizard period, due to not doing it often enough to get real good or stay that way. With HF and a foot pedal I can get by.
I did a water tank on an industrial dish washer around Christmas time, thin wall stainless with a crack where 3 welds met. Think I set my 200 on 90-min(1st gear?) and set the fine tune around 40-50 if I remember right, slept since then so not for sure. Used a 3/32 tungsten and 3/32 filler. Worked out good until the water pressure on the inside of the tank blew out a larger whole then sprayed me with water. My dumb mistake for believing the guy who said, "We'll have the tank drained for you when you come out in the morning" This was two days before Christmas, big rush job for a large store chain. Drained the tank myself, asked the guy about it and he says, "Ohhhh, yeah, forgot about that." Repaired the repair and still made it back to the house in about an hour and charged my minimum for it.
It's not difficult with the scratch start, same as carbon steel, scratch off the filler, set my argon about the same, 20-25. I like starting a bit low on the stainless til I know what I'm dealing with as far as heat input etc, rather stop and turn up machine then have it start to sugar or discolor badly. That's just me though and I'm no stainless guru either, just things that have worked for me.