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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / patenting a product
- - By louieRD (**) Date 08-07-2011 13:59
has anyone had any expierience getting a patent on a product or have know how someone would get started with something like that? any information would be greatly appreciated,and as always the input ive gotten here has always been top notch.
Parent - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 08-07-2011 14:09
louieRD do a search on the top of your page there is some information on patents and if that don't suit your needs you can do a search on google.

Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 08-07-2011 14:13
I went through the process.. Its a bit of a pickle.. PM me if you want more info.

Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 08-07-2011 14:47
I started the process, investigating and so forth. Was a pretty complicated and costly process. Spoke with some folks at the patent office that explained the process, searching thousands of products that had to be done to ensure yours was not a copy of something else and so on. From what I have learned from folks they always said stay away from the late night tv add people, "We'll patent your product" kind of thing. Not sure on how much truth there was behind what I've heard but in the end did not have the financial means to proceed with my idea. Funny thing is several years later I see it on the grocery store shelves for sale. Don't know how well it sells but this one is plastic, I wanted mine to be stainless. Made something else for running fence too, same situation, no cash!

Search online, call the patent office and look at patent lawyers, something else I did but that is lots of $$$. Paying a Lawyer to do a patent search...per hour...ouch.....
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 08-07-2011 16:23

Perhaps you could contact Len Andersen.  He has a lot of patents, and I am sure he would be glad to instruct you.

Joe Kane
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-08-2011 01:19 Edited 08-09-2011 01:10
A patent is a two sided coin, in filing a patent, You do give a lot of information that can be used by someone else to duplicate Your product or process, which of course is a violation of Your patent. The problem is Your patent then has to be defended in court, and if the other party can afford to out spend You, they win by default. The process protects the "Big Guys" better than the "Little Guys"

My point is that a patent does not keep ayone from stealing Your idea, it just makes it illegal.
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 08-08-2011 20:09
I agree with Dave.
You may try to sell your invention, or improvement of a process or equipment, to a large corporation (the big guys Dave is speaking of). Be sure not to give them much information, just the absolute necessary for them to understand what your research consists of.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 08-09-2011 00:36 Edited 08-09-2011 00:39

If you are going to show your invention to anyone you want to give them the fullest disclosure that you can which does not yield the trade secret.  The Disclosure must be termed a "Disclosure", and that legally estops them from copying anything you show them.  This should be done through a Patent Attorney.

If you don't tell them enough, then they can legally make their own Idea of your invention, and you will be hard pressed to prove otherwise.

If Len Andersen 9below) wasn't always so busy regaling us with his life history and his post office box in NY City, he can tell you a lot about patents and how the ideas can be stolen or the companies can just wait until the patent runs out.

Joe Kane
Parent - By Len Andersen (***) Date 08-08-2011 15:00 Edited 10-25-2016 16:04
Len Andersen
914-536-7101 , 212-839-6599 8-4 New York Time , 914-237-7689 (H)
Update October 25 , 2016
Looking For Work / No Longer With NYCDOT – no longer valid
Leonard M. Andersen Engineer
AWS CWI ( Certified Welding Inspector) ( HP SecureMail voltage connected ) POB 1529 New York, New York 10116 ( $~1280 per year Caller Box Large NYC Post Office ) 914-536-7101 Cell Phone / 914-237-7689 Home / 800-428-4801
Secondary email

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Check out the website and the books before ! I have five patents in welding, total of 10 with the two latest in gas turbines pending and been a CWI since 1993. My feelings shared with buddy who saved my life and best liked relative and AWS forum members. Long story, ones saying they are stealing my mail / impersonating on the telephone a constant since first patent issued in 1975. It seems that they look scared lately and it makes effort worthwhile. It is high risk and not for everyone. Made my life more exciting! I hope this is helpful.
Len Andersen
                 212-839-6599 8-4 New York Time , 4042 FAX , Co-worker 6381 / 914-237-7689 (H) / 914-536-7101 (Mobil)
POB 1529 / NYC 10116-1529 ( $1090 per year Caller Box GPO NYC )
Resume Construction Project Manager
Leonard M. Andersen
POB 1529 / NYC 10116 ( $ 1090 per year Caller Box GPO NYC )
212-839-6599 Office 914-237-7689 Home  914-536-7101 Mobile Cell Phone
212-839-4042 FAX
BSChE ( BS of Chemical Engineering ), University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Diploma in Marine Diving, National Polytechnic College of Engineering and Oceaneering, Wilmington CA
Associates of Applied Science of Chemical Technology, Westchester Community College, Valhalla NY
US Army Engineering School, Fort Belvoir VA, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Short Courses
American Welding Society, Course leading to CWI (Certified Welding Inspector) qualification
Inventor Writer of Patents, Wrote More Than nine Patents and +100 Invention Disclosures and Replied To official Patent Office Actions under the "Supervision" of Patent Attorneys, Darby and Darby PC, NY, NY / Current Patent Attorney Ed Ellis

+20 years, ten + patents Fields of Experience / Construction Project Management  / Welding engineering for structural steel applications with an emphasis on bridges / chemical engineering . Daily plus hour use of Micro Soft Office / Internet plus ten years for engineering work, scheduling etc.. Petroleum engineering work with civil engineering aspects in the US of A, Mexico, and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Experienced AWS – CWI / Certified Welding Inspector. Last ten years have spoken Chinese every day at work. Worked in Spanish language in Mexico, Spain etc, and Arabic in Saudi Arabia for near a year, and worked in the Russian language. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia March 2011 giving a welding inspection daylong workshop and presenting at an engineering event!
Construction Project Manager
October 2000 to Present Welding Man at NYCDOT Division of Bridges. Covered all aspect of bridge welding related work. The only AWS Certified Welding Inspector in New York City Employment

Instructor - In Sacramento USA as part of August 25-28, 2008 event I gave daylong class in welding inspection for bridges
Journalist – Since 1986 covered every World Petroleum Congress ( press credentialed in USA, Argentina, Norway, China, Brazil, South Africa, and Spain Bob Waite PE Leader of American Welding Society New York
How Might I do Bridge Engineering Professionals Good? My knowledge of NYC bridges is different in that I am part of a heavy construction union the Dockbuilders 1456 for more than 20 years and drove a taxicab in NYC for more than 20 years. My background includes being a stockbroker having passed the test and achieved work requirements. My patents are five in welding, petroleum extraction, in lubrication and gas turbine. The subjects I became very knowledgeable in. Marine Diving Management work done in Arabia etc. 

My patents are five in welding, two in petroleum and one in lubrication and one pending one provisional in Gas Turbine Technology.  My background includes +29 years membership in  (two papers accepted by and copy available from) / one paper published in "Welding Journal"
My background in offshore oil is plus 20 years with work in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and being expert in underwater welding. In petroleum, I have liquid oxygen injection patents and experience. New patents pending in gas turbine with water swirled into thrust gas from turbine blades and/or rotating unit beyond main shaft! Active in NYC Civil Engineers Society & ASME
& Society of Petroleum Engineers New York and NE Petroleum Section
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 08-09-2011 14:10
first thing you do ( i lost a patten) is mail your idea to yourself registared mail and dont open it.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-09-2011 23:05 Edited 08-09-2011 23:08
But what if you cannot understand what you wrote because of your spelling Mike?:eek::confused::grin::lol::razz::roll::surprised::wink::cool:

For example: "first thing you do ( i lost a patten) is mail your idea to yourself registared mail and dont open it."

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / patenting a product

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