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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Weld All Around symbol
- - By cwipaulk Date 08-12-2011 12:04
Isn't putting the fillet weld symbol on both sides of the weld symbol redundant
when using the "weld all around" symbol?
Doesn't "weld all around" mean to get both sides?
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-12-2011 12:19
Depends on what shape you are welding ...all-around.
Parent - - By cwipaulk Date 08-12-2011 12:30
It is a pontoon bulkhead for a floating roof, verticle weld to
the outer rim plate. Weld symbol shows fillet weld arrow side,
with weld all around. Would that not include the far side?
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-12-2011 12:37
If it is just a plate t-joint....then yes, welding all around covers both sides of the plate without the need of a double sided symbol.

If it was a pipe welded to a plate and the welding symbol was a double sided fillet and weld all-around, then you would have place a fillet on the inside and outside wall of the pipe where it meets the plate.(hopefully the pipe is large enough or short enough to get to the inside to perform this weld.
Parent - By cwipaulk Date 08-12-2011 12:46
Thanks brother.  That's what I thought, but wanted to make sure.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 08-12-2011 22:02
The double sided fillet weld symbol would be welded just up the two sides.  The all around symbol means you are also getting the two short welds at the ends.  Depending upon exact design and stesses that could add or remove stress risers at the plate ends.  It could also be a matter of making sure the pontoon is sealed where it all comes together where as the double sided fillet weld would not accomplish that.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 08-12-2011 12:46

Questions questions questions
Isn't putting the fillet weld symbol on both sides of the weld symbol redundant
when using the "weld all around" symbol? Depends
Doesn't "weld all around" mean to get both sides? Not necessarily.

It depends on the requirement

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-12-2011 21:35 Edited 08-12-2011 21:38
What is the size of the fillet weld on the otherside of the joint?

Is "Nearside" the companion of the cartoon "Farside" or does it inhabit a parallel universe?

Al :eek:
Parent - By waccobird (****) Date 08-12-2011 23:50

I hear you.

I guess I was muddying the waters more.

Have a Good Evening


I think it made my point tho :lol:

and my spelling is unforgivable.
Parent - By cepennington (*) Date 08-15-2011 17:19
Just last week, I saw this same exact welding symbol for a box tube to an I-Beam column. The only difference was that the tail had a note that read "Three Sides". I put a note in my report asking the detailer to explain his intent. The inside of the tube could not be accessed and the all around symbol along with the note in the tail did not make since.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Weld All Around symbol

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