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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / position for CWI with struct/cad detailing experience
- - By hburg rocket (*) Date 08-25-2011 15:29
Our firm is exploring the possibility of hiring a CWI who also has some struct/cad detailing experience. 

Our firm employs about 250-270 and we have about 27 offices throughout the SE.  We are headquarted in Jackson, MS, which is where this position would be based.

Is anyone interested?
Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 08-26-2011 00:06
Salary Range?
Parent - By Len Andersen (***) Date 08-26-2011 19:22
Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Am a CWI graduate engineer, have a job and am sure there are many that are interested. Might put your post in the shop talk area. I hope this is helpful.
Len Andersen
                 212-839-6599 8-4 New York Time , 4042 FAX , Co-worker 6381 / 914-237-7689 (H) / 914-536-7101 (Mobil)
POB 1529 / NYC 10116-1529 ( $1090 per year Caller Box GPO NYC )
Parent - - By hburg rocket (*) Date 09-06-2011 14:10
Salary is comensurate with experience.  If you have to have a range, I would venture $40k to $70k range, obviously depending upon experience and qualifications.

I think you are way overqualified for what we need.  Not to mention half a continent away.

Ideally we would like a CWI [only] who has some basic experience in Autocad, even if as old as R14.

hburg rocket
Parent - By waccobird (****) Date 09-06-2011 16:11
hburg rocket

I sent you a personal message and you have not replied.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / position for CWI with struct/cad detailing experience

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