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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / a little inspector humor
- - By joe pirie (***) Date 09-12-2011 15:57
I recently tested a welder for D1.5 fracture critical .
i thought he was gonna cry when i told him he couldnt use a grinder lol. i'll give him credit he passedc the test. Today i noticed he
had switched from a lincoln machine to a miller. I walked up to him with a very serious look and asked
him if he rememberd which machine he had tested on . he replied it was that red lincoln its my lucky machine.
I told him your absolutely right. then i asked him if he was certified to weld with a miller. the look on his face
was priceless when i told him he was going to have to retest if he wanted to weld with the miller as he needed the
big blue cert. i couldn't stop laughing when he asked one of the other wel;ders if they had their blue cert  lmao
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-12-2011 16:25
oh man that is cold.  but funny
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-13-2011 12:55
Hahaha!!!! That's to funny!
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 09-13-2011 16:46
Did you tell him to roll around the gas cylinders to make sure they mix properly?
Parent - By 2006strat (***) Date 09-17-2011 01:04
I had a helper looking for a bucket of ced with no lid for about 30 mins.  The same day I asked hi
To turn me down 10, but instead just hold my ground lead like a water hose and pinch it off little by little.  No harm done.   Good laugh though.
- - By jbndt (**) Date 09-12-2011 18:21
LOL !!

Those “essential variables” will get you every time!  :twisted:

Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 09-12-2011 22:13
Thats a good one Joe.
Parent - - By yojimbo (***) Date 09-13-2011 16:44
A Little Welder Humor:  Now I don't know if this story is true but here's how it was told to me as a green helper working with an experienced, hard working, conscientious pipe welder I spent some time learning from many years ago early in my career.  A pipeline welder in Wyoming down on his luck, recently cleaned out in a divorce and down to his last few bucks tests in for a job.  The Inspector, who'd never struck an arc in his life but had a piece of paper that certified his unquestionably superior knowledge of every single nuance and apect of the trade, took a look at the welders coupon on the test jig, gave it a real good Nose F*cking and decides to look him out.  The two argued to no avail.  The welder, inscensed and outraged at having good work rejected went home to his worn out trailer, got his Remington 30.06 and came back to the jobsite and shot that Inspector right through the face.  The welder took the coupon to a test lab, had it Xrayed and certified as a correctly performed to code weld.  He offered the test report as evidence in his trial and was acquited.

Like I said, I don't know if the story is true, but I've run into a couple of Inspectors over the years that seemed a little too full of themselves, a little too willing to critisize non-critical imperfections- [You're gonna have to crawl back up in that ratnest pipe rack and repair that 1/32" undercut on the outside shoulder of that no pressure water drain 2" socket mirror weld I saw up there] considerably too inexperienced in the real world of construction to be taken as seriously as they take themselves and just green enough that when I tell them the story related above with a completely straight face, lookin them right in the eyeballs on the punchline I've noticed a slight draining of blood from their faces and a more reasonable approach to weld inspection criteria therafter.  Not sayin it was the smartest thing to do, but sometimes a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.

All that told, I've met some truly great CWIs through the years who've taught me a lot, were great to work with, were true professionals and knew how to get the job done.  But Joe, seriously, be careful f**kn with some welders, you know they have to be half crazy to ever get in this trade to begin with.
Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 09-13-2011 19:17
i would never **** with a  seasoned welder. this poor kid worked as welding machine
operator at a shop where he made the same weld over and over. he doesn't know how
to adjust his machine because he didn't have to the former company had all the dials
locked out. in this instance the kid had asked me to critique is weldig improvement i've
taught him about wps parameters how to adjust his machine correctly etc. he was so
proud of the decent beads he was laying down himee was boasting he'd be the best welder in the shop
in no time  so i had a little fun no harm done. I once saw an inspector look out a guy on his tacks the welder asked
him to take another look when the inspector stuck his face down to look in side the pipe the welder grabbed the back of the
inspectors head and smashed his face intyo the pipe leaving him in a bloody mess.
Parent - - By yojimbo (***) Date 09-14-2011 02:50
Jayzuz.......that's one mean welder.  Joe, I wasn't implying anything untoward in your behavior.  Younguns need to be provided direction as well some amount of deflation.  Havin fun with em makes the day go better.  Had a helper on a job a couple of years ago, Henry Armstrong.  Best damn helper I ever met.  27 years old, about 6 months of helpers experience, loved the work and you couldn't get the grin off his face no matter what.  First bead I put in I reach for the Wildcat to show him how to grind a root- it' already in his hands.  I'm not the most trusting welder when it comes to someone else incorporating their effort into my work and this was my first weld on a job I wanted to keep, but Henry looked as confident, familiar and at ease with that heavy 10,000 RPM grinder as I'd expect an old hand to be so I let him give it a go.  Took out those tracks and opened that bevel into a perfect bed of a groove for the hotpass in no time flat.  Knew i'd been lucky to have him assigned to me and we had some good laughs on that gig, but just too damn ready to help sometimes, so one day I tell him I need to go see what the carpenters are up to with their form work across the yard and he needs to grab the umbrella.  I start off walking away from the rig and tell him, "Hold that umbrella over me so the sun doesn't get in my hood".  I walked halfway across the field with him shading me like the Sultan of Mezopatamia untill he finally caught on how ridiculous the whole thing was, broke out laughing at his own naivete, and never held any of the nonsense I put him through against me.  Good kid.  Actually I thought the Blue Machine Cert was pretty funny.
Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 09-14-2011 15:38
i know what you mean about a green helper grinding a bead. i was testing at a labin los angeles
with another welder who had a new helper. long story short his helper bouced the grinder out of the groove and dug
a nice little trench in the pipe. The welder and helper both got sent packing. After seeing that i always ground
my own tests. I asked the young welder today if he had arm surgery, or found a magic genie bottle as is welds were
were looken great, what a relief after two weeks of watching him grind out weld after weld  lmao
Parent - By yojimbo (***) Date 09-14-2011 16:05
Arm surgery.... llmao.  Never heard that before.
Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 09-15-2011 16:24
I'm a young welder and happen to be the best so I don't need any help from the 'old dogs :twisted:
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-16-2011 03:12 Edited 09-16-2011 03:20
There goes Joel again...

Showing off how humble you are for the umpteenth time??? Give it a rest already.:roll::fat::sad:

The mind is a terrible thing to waste especially by fooling yourself into grandiose fantasies which only reveal the insecurities you have being amongst us little old men.:twisted::lol::eek::wink:

P.S. You know I'm just "messin" with you Joel...:confused::eek::lol::twisted::wink::cool:

Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 09-16-2011 15:20
Yah, I'm not even much of a welder anymore, spend most of the time in the books these days.

P.S: Thanks for those pulsing references, coming through my experiment quite well and some of that info helped.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-18-2011 03:58
I'm glad it was useful for ya Joel.:wink::cool:

Hi Marshall!!! You know I completely forgot about that err-hmmm-gate? Yeah buddy!!! That one didn't last too long:yell::lol::yell::lol::eek::wink::cool:

Oh well practice enough and voila! The friggin pieces that one welded together do inevitably hold together after the impact.:razz::eek::roll::twisted::lol::wink::cool:

All the best to both of your families my friends!!!:wink::cool:

Parent - By waccobird (****) Date 09-16-2011 16:14

I remember Joel built a gate one time.
Oh that's right it fell down never mind.

Henry Have a Great Weekend

Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-15-2011 18:32

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 09-15-2011 18:41
Ha...that is funny stuff right there...see us UT guys do find stuff even if it is by luck or chance.
Parent - - By yojimbo (***) Date 09-16-2011 14:14
That is classic.  Where can I get a copy?  Best morning wakeup laugh I've had in a year.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-16-2011 16:48
   Right click and save the picture is the best I can tell you. That is how I got it.

Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 09-14-2011 16:25
Been there thought that a few times
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / a little inspector humor

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