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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / World trade center being fabbed by foreigners
- - By joe pirie (***) Date 09-25-2011 16:06
I think its disgusting that the leaders of our country are allowing foreign
workers to enter our country to fabricate steel for the FREEDOM TOWER and
other WORLD TRADE CENTER PROJECTS. I thought that this project was suppose
to symbolise what this country stands for. How dare our president get on national
TV and speak about  CREATING JOBS and helping AMERICA. The steel for these
projects was awarded to DCM STEEL & ERECTION based in Canada. DCM owns
MRP STEEL in New Jersey they are using foreign labor broughtn in on work visa 's
to fabricate the steel .The politicians allowing this to happen should all be IMPEACHED
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-25-2011 17:01
I guess I'm glad its Canadians at least but agree that in this economy they see fit to pass jobs off to folks who don't even reside in our country. I heard something the Governor of Texas said in on of the debates, believe it was him. He said something about how his dog has created more shovel ready jobs than the Obama administration.
Parent - By up-ten (***) Date 09-25-2011 17:19
Thanks Shawn!
Parent - - By Short Hood (*) Date 09-25-2011 17:23
This is what really pi$$es me off!!! What kind of lame brained idiots do we have running our country? I myself am a journeyman welder, sitting at home on the out of work list, along with several of my brother colleagues while our politicians give our work away to foreigners. First, they passed NAFTA, which gave thousands of American jobs to foreign countries making the rich richer and totally destroyed what was once the middle class. As long as the unemployment rate is above 4% there should not be ANY work visas period! I for one believe our country needs a total re-construction of its money controlled politics. It's lookin more and more like a revolution may be incubating.
Parent - - By JLWelding (***) Date 09-25-2011 17:38
We need to get the politics out in order to have work. Start at your county officals and go up, there is no room for retirement in out govt anymore. Elect the new guy, at least it will take him a little while before he knows how to screw us to bad.
Parent - By TRC (***) Date 09-25-2011 17:49
Isn't this why other countries are protesting? Their tired of being dicked by their goverment!
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-01-2011 02:55
Last I knew in Japan in order to get a work visa you had to have a skill that was unique. Seems like we just hand em' out with the morning paper at the international terminal at the airports.
Parent - - By Black Wolf (**) Date 10-01-2011 23:06
I'm a little slow on the uptake today... Are you Crapping on Canada, and Canadian Companies in General, or Crapping on your own Gov't for awarding the contract outside of the USA?

I'm kinda rubbed the wrong way by the wording of the original post, but I want to make sure I am pissed off and offended for the right reason.
Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 10-02-2011 10:53
no problems with the canadians pissed off at the usa giving our jobs away
Parent - By Black Wolf (**) Date 10-02-2011 16:40 Edited 10-02-2011 16:43
Fair enough - I can easily see that point of view regarding a project that is so Iconic and High Profile.  

Thank you for the response.
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 10-07-2011 02:42
I'm guessing you can't have your cake and eat it to. I see americans in our country all the the time as a matter of fact just down the road from my house is a job which is being run by americans useing american welders and I'm working in the arctic because I wasn't given the chance to even bid on the job so suck it up buddy what goes around comes around.
- - By Sberry (***) Date 09-25-2011 18:14
Seems like a simpleton thought to pass everything that is wrong off to Obama at first chance. If he tried to do anything else he there would be a bunch of rich azzed republicans arguing the point that he is "regulating" their business. Its a no win. What really amazes me is that somehow the guys really running this world got so many blue collar types to go along with it all for so long. Not only elect them but do it again. It ain't the liberals sending your jobs over seas, getting spun up in a world war, jacking gas price every time they get a chance.
  Don't think they don't love the lefty environmental types? Ha,,, every time one of them hugs a tree,,, see,,,, great excuse to raise the gas a quarter, if it wasn't for them they would still be having gas wars at a buck a gallon, wouldn't surprise me they actually fund some of the opposition. You all been screwed by a bunch who said it was gonna be good for you and all the backlash is aimed at the other side,,,, accidental I think not. They didn't seem to have a problem with pretty much unlimited deficit spending in Iraq but give a pinch to some poor sap in Louisiana that been flooded out and we all gonna go to hell.
  No 20, the Law of Hype. The situation is often the opposite the way it appears in the press.
Parent - - By Sberry (***) Date 09-25-2011 18:30
I was a pretty much straight ticket voting republican for most of my life but they lost me with that whole gang, even as convicted as I tried to be it seemed kind of obvious something was up when they usher that putz to the Whitehouse. They were so pissed when Clinton beat Sr that they went back and regroup with the help of the poly sci brains of newt and the gang who told everyone what to say. got whole posse rounded up and convinces so many, who basically got nothing in common with them that all this was in their best interests and then proceeded to loot the place with your blessing and tax dollars, the bankers were not a bunch of flaming libs, certainly not oil or the military either. The smokescreen about how if you are not for a war you must hate our soldiers is classic, a lesson they learned from Vietnam. All that adds up, this country has been duped and its its own fault.
Parent - - By Sberry (***) Date 09-25-2011 18:35
We got a repub gov in Mi, I had doubts but it looks like the guy is trying to do the right thing about the best he can. He is going against the grain of his own party and getting some democratic support on some real issue stuff, anyone think Obama would get any help from the right no matter what he did?
Parent - - By Sberry (***) Date 09-25-2011 18:51
If I was asked 10 yrs ago might have said something different but the lefty libs are one of the best things that ever happen to this country, would still be in Viet Nam, still driving a stinky pc of **** car gets 10 mpg, could light the Detroit river on fire just to start and as of late our ports would have had Arab owners. Now we got running out of money and a bunch of other blunders to deal with, remember clearly in 2000, we got to have big tax breaks cause we got so much of your money and don't know what we are gonna do with it all,,, now,,, its we got to have tax break cause we ain't got no money.
  It ain't my enemy that screwing me its my own people.
Parent - By Sberry (***) Date 09-25-2011 19:14
The internet can be a beautiful thing but this is one place it has made things worse. We thought it would make if more difficult to pull the wool over the peoples eyes but it has made it all easier, its one giant campaign and now anyone can find something to read they want to believe.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-29-2011 03:44
I just spent the weekend with one of the few liberal/Democrat families I am friends with. They don't trust Republicans or "big busness". I don't trust elected officials, period. They want socialised medicine, because the insurance premiums they now pay are high. I want the level of care that is keeping Me alive, and has been for the last 7 1/2 years, but I agree, it is expensive. They want the "rich" to pay a higher percentage of the taxes. I get some benifit from the Bush tax cuts [when My investments make any money], so I don't want to loose that.
These people feel Obama wants what is best for the country, I don't think He KNOWS what is best for this country.

In spite of all the differences, there are some things We agree on, but what is the point in talking about them?
Parent - - By Skaggydog (**) Date 09-25-2011 18:54
From what I've seen lately the people of the USA in general can't do anything right.  If they were able to understand an order they would be too lazy to fulfill it. We've screwed ourselves by being too liberal. Too politically correct.  Our media has brought us to our knees by destroying our morality and may God bless other nations that are now more God fearing than we.  Like it or believe it or not, Whitey screwed himself.
Parent - - By Sberry (***) Date 09-25-2011 19:22
I don't think the media has done much beyond basic incompetence, lazy and wanting to race to the top, most of them owned hardly by a liberal bunch. I also think the ones creaming in the medial about God and morals got the least of it,, they been using it as a tool. I doubt Jesus was much of a conservative right winger, I bet they were making the same argument,,, this hippy liberal is gonna ruin us all.
  That basic contradiction tells me the moral and the right ain't either.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 09-26-2011 11:57
Once I was able to find my way through all of the ridiculous hackneyed cliche's I was able to agree with one point you made. We have been duped.
Parent - - By grizzzly (**) Date 10-02-2011 04:23
you have got to be kidding me

are you trying to say that Obama Bin laden isn't the great Savior from the east that we have all been waiting for?

so lets tax the rich that will fix everything
well guess what one of my riding buddies is now on unemployment because his boss "retired" (there wasn't enough profit on the business to justify keeping it open)
he is on unemployment with about 15 others

now that is 15 people who were paying taxes, and are now receiving assistance. i know i don't know anything about economics but how the **** does this work?
Parent - - By J Hall (***) Date 10-02-2011 12:59
Dependance on government is the perfect "incumbent protection plan" The more people that depent on the gov't for housing and food, the more votes for the ones who give it to them.
Who would want to take a chance of losing assistance if it is what is feeding your family?
Parent - By grizzzly (**) Date 10-03-2011 14:11
but if no one is paying in

where does the assistance come from?
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 10-03-2011 17:15

>Dependance on government is the perfect "incumbent protection plan" The more people that depent on the gov't for housing and food, the more votes for the ones who give it to them.  Who would want to take a chance of losing assistance if it is what is feeding your family?<

Attachment: Obamaspeaks.bmp (0B)
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 10-03-2011 20:30
Is'nt great to have some one blame all your problems on? I had problem with a starter motor on my tractor this week end, I bet Obama caused that also. My that guy just can't do any thing right.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-04-2011 01:13 Edited 10-04-2011 01:15
There is always someone for just under 1/2 of the people to blame EVERYTHING on, the current [at the time] President.

Just a few years ago, about half of the people blamed everything on Bush...

Come to think about it, there is still a faction blaming everything on Him.
Parent - By weldwade (***) Date 10-04-2011 01:34
There are things that Bush did while President that I did not like or agree with. I don't think Obama has done one single thing that I agree with. He wont be gone soon enough to suit me. I believe that the Federal Government needs an enema. Starting with the a$$ hole at the top and don't stop till everyone on capital hill is washed clean!
The only way for this country to get back on track is to start over. Just my .02
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / World trade center being fabbed by foreigners

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