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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / looking for advice on starting out
- - By BigBuck23 Date 09-28-2011 14:45
Im a 25 year old family man (wife and twin boys). Im currently stuck at a dead end job make little money. Im thinking about going back to school for welding. I have no knowledge or experience but am willing to learn. The local community college has a 1 year certificate program. I guess im just looking for advice as to whether or not its a good field to go into now days and if there is any input on how I should go about it. Any advice is appreciated. I live in central Michigan. Im thinking about possible welding jobs on a pipeline or something in the future. Am I dreaming too big?
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-28-2011 16:43
Not dreaming too big at all.

It will probably take more than a 1 year technical diploma to give you the skill and experience to get out on a pipeline... But it's not impossible, especially if you get to know a pipeliner that might need a helper.  You can certainly obtain certifiable skills in several processes in a one year program... You can discover if you like/love the trade.  You can get enough in that year to land a job in manufacturing or construction (you may need to leave Michigan)..... 

Entry level wages in manufacturing go from about $11-16 per hour for somebody without job experience, and a good welder can get raises pretty fast sometimes.

A good thing to do would be to talk to *several* of the program instructors at the college your looking at... Spend some time in the lab and see if it looks like something you want to do. They will know about local job prospects and wages.. If your not welcomed into the lab and given answers to all your questions... Look someplace else for the training.
Parent - By BigBuck23 Date 09-30-2011 21:55
Thanks for the advice, it is definately appreciated. As far as starting wage that you listed, if thats average it still beats what Im making at my current job (9.60/hr after 5 years of employment). I figured I would work my way up to the pipeline after i gained experience. Hopefully the local college lets me check things out first. that would help out a lot figuring out whether or not I would enjoy it. Thanks again.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / looking for advice on starting out

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