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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Welding Fab Shop and Property FOR SALE!!
- - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-12-2011 15:18 Edited 10-12-2011 15:22
Most on here know me, if not you can check me out on this forum by accessing my website from my 'Profile'.

I am selling the Welding Shop so I can go on and be full time inspecting.  The inspecting is starting to hurt my ability to properly run the Fab Shop.  Especially since my oldest son moved on to other things after 15 years.  I can't run the shop while out on inspection jobs and haven't found anyone who wanted to or could run it as it needs to be run as currently set up.

The shop is in Central AZ, Prescott area.  It has been here for over 30 years.  I have had it for just over 15 years.  We have run, counting family, anywhere from 2-12 employees.  Usually 4-6 is comfortable, though currently only 3.  2 full time, 4 others part time (I figure they average about 1 more full time hours).

You can access our website from this forum when you look my name up.  We do structural, heavy equipment repair, proto-types, handrail/gaurdrails, truck racks, inspecting, some pipe, and more. 

Equipment, inventory, office equipment, steel stock, all goes with it.  In the process of getting a good itemized inventory of all items if interested.

Price depends upon rather you want to buy the building (5000 sq ft bldg:1 renter about 1500 sq ft, 1 renter about 100 sq ft office space, 3500 sq ft for weld shop) and 3/4 acre of property or lease space from me.  If at all interested, our house is also for sale.  Many of the inspecting opportunities I have would require either travell or relocate.  We want to maintain this area as home but not in our current home. 

The area is highly sought for retirement.  Small town with many good services.  Only 100 miles from either Phoenix or Flagstaff.  Excellent work availability for anyone wanting a small town environment for the family. 

Send me a PM if interested.  I'll get you more information.  You should be able to see some pics on the photo gallery on my website.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Black Wolf (**) Date 10-13-2011 03:49
Best of Luck to you Brent.  Hopefully someone will step up soon.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-13-2011 04:14
Hello Jason, not interested in coming south to a warmer climate???  LOL!!

Hope all is going well with you.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Black Wolf (**) Date 10-14-2011 04:14
LOL... I don't think that would be a wise decision for me Brent...  After reading some of the threads in the OTB&G I get the very STRONG Impression that as a "Foreigner" I would not be very welcome.

Besides, I came from the factory with the "Arctic Package"... I'd probably spring a leak just sitting in a chair down there.

Best wishes to you and yours as well.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-14-2011 13:05

Only 'Illegal' foreigners are not welcome.  And I see more and more states coming through with laws that make AZ look like their arms are open wide to foreigners.  But we won't go there right now.

I understand the 'Arctic Package'.  Really.  Even though Oregon isn't that different from AZ in many ways, their days of cool, rain, snow and ice are about equal to the days of sunshine down here.  But remember, Prescott is at over 5000 ft elevation.  Flagstaff, just up the way a little, is over 7000 ft in most places.  Compared to the weather people think of and hear for AZ, which is usually Phoenix, Tucson, Yuma, etc, this area stays considerable cooler.  When Phoenix hits 100*F we are between 80-85*F.  We seldom break the 100* mark.  But likewise, we seldom break the 0* mark for cold.  We did about three nights this past winter.  Usually our lows are between 0-10*F with most of the cooler nights being in the teens. 

Anyway, I know you are pretty well set where you are.  Just thought I would take a moment and let everyone know a few more facts about the area here.

Prescott Valley population- about 30,000 I believe.  Prescott (10 miles away) about 45,000.  The whole quad city area about  100,000.  The whole county, one of the largest in AZ and pretty good sized at that, about 250,000.  It includes Sedona, Cottonwood, Prescott quad cities, Ashfork, Seligman, Black Canyon City, Yarnell, Bagdad, and more.

Great mix of farming, ranching, construction-residential and commercial, light manufacturing, some larger manufacturing, etc.

Well, really people, I want to sell and go with the inspections full time.  This is a great area.  Lots of work potential that I am missing because it has gotten too hard to run both the shop and be gone from the shop doing inspections.  It has taken good care of us for 15 years and we raised 5 kids here who have all spent at least a little time in the shop.  Oldest son ran the shop for me for 14 years. 

Any interest at all???  Have answered a few questions in pm's.  Anyone getting serious?

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 10-15-2011 06:37
My grand parents lived in prescott valley til they passed on went and saw them a few years ago in the summer and the weather was great. Nobody has air conditioning they use water coolers and when the sun goes down it gets real cool real fast. tried to get papa to loan me a rifle to beg me a prong horn but he didnt like the idea of me road hunting in town go figure lol
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-15-2011 14:06
Hello Shad

Even with the increase of population we still see pronghorn regularly all around us here.  They used to walk right up the dirt road coming to our house.  They are still close by but I seldom see them that close anymore.

Good elk hunting within a couple of hours drive.  Deer hunting closer than that.  Pronghorn within 20 mins with a bow, about 30 min to an hour with rifle. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 10-15-2011 17:13
The scenery was nice too. i remeber walking out the front door and still seeing the snow caps on the mountains even in june it was very nice scenery
Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 10-16-2011 05:44
Just got back from Las Vegas myself, but on the way to Vegas we had a layover in Phoenix and that was some nice country, I thought.
If I could sell my shop and place, or swap ya lol I would be out there no problem.
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 10-16-2011 13:50
Yep they have great hunting in Az..!  Only problem is it may take you 5yrs to get drawn.  They have tons of elk but they only give out a few thousand tags for the whole state..!  I lived there for 15yrs and got two pig tags and an elk tag.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-16-2011 15:18
You have to study the odds and put in for the slightly less popular hunts, take the Hunter Safety course which is recognized by every state in the US and most overseas hunts and gives you a permanent bonus point, put in every year and you get a loyalty bonus point, and PRAY.

We have had an elk or deer tag almost every year we have been here, 15 years.  Finally, about 6 years ago, my oldest son-now 32, my youngest son-now 19, and I have put in as a party.  During that last 6 years we have been drawn 4 times for deer (this year we didn't put in so 4 out of 5 in 6 years) and have had good success rates.  During that time we have gotten drawn for elk twice (I have been drawn 3 times in 15 years and have taken 3 elk, 2-cows and 1 6X6 bull). In the last 6 years I didn't put in twice so I was successful 2 out of 4 years.  2 of the years that I didn't put in, my oldest son put in for archery and got drawn for bull tags.  Thus, in the last 6 years we have been drawn for 4 deer hunts and 4 elk hunts.  Not bad for any state that has a lottery drawing.  And we have had very good success rates, even passing on animals.  I am not a trophy hunter, but when there is meat in the freezer with a bull elk hunt coming up, I pass on smaller deer, 4x4.  Then we took my 6X6 and my oldest son's 5X5 bull elk.  Put 900 lbs of meat in the freezer with the remains of 3 deer taken the year before. 

It's not that hard to get drawn.  I get drawn for over 50% of the hunts I have applied for.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-03-2012 19:48 Edited 03-03-2012 19:52
Okay, I'd like to refresh the attempt here at selling the shop.

I have a serious job offer for full time inspections work that I will probably accept.  Darrell, our oldest son who was my shop foreman, is going to come back to run the shop until it sells.  The job will let me stay local for now so I will be available to help with the transition. 

We have been really busy since Thanksgiving.  January and February combined did better than we used to do during the great building days a few years back.

A couple of people sent PM's earlier but must have decided it wasn't for them. 

If at all interested in a good business opportunity, in a great location, with a ready made customer base, work reputation, equipment, stock, etc please take a look and let me know. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 04-22-2012 15:30
I have had several questions about the shop lately with a couple of very serious lookers.

I thought I would renew this conversation though so they can see it as some weren't sure it was me they wanted to be talking to about a shop for sale.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By pipelinebeds (**) Date 04-23-2012 02:42
what type of welding do you do in it
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 04-23-2012 03:38
By 'types' I presume you mean welding processes?

We do many different things and utilize GTAW, GMAW, FCAW- innershield and dualshield, & SMAW. 

In my opening post I described many of the varieties of work that come through the shop such as hand/gaurdrails, truck racks (ladder racks, pipe racks, lumber racks, etc), structural steel- shop and field, heavy equipment repair, hitch installations, misc repairs, proto-type jobs, etc.

We had the structural part of two solar plants here in the area.  This year the shop has already done about as much business as it did all of last year.  Plus, I have been busy doing inspections. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 08-26-2012 14:49
Bumping again, Sold the house.  Need to get more serious about selling the shop.

Besides, I'm not getting any more contact from the guys that started to get serious and need to see if there is any interest on this forum. 

I really do think it is a good opportunity guys.  We make a good living here.  I have just negotiated a pretty good inspection gig that will take me out of the area for about 18 months and they would like my son to come to. 

Make me an offer, after you see it and ask some questions.  Don't try to get me to 'Give It Away' when you haven't even seen it.

Great Climate, schools, community, etc. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-22-2012 16:37
Well, house deal fell through shortly after previous post.  Probably in order for my wife to be in the area when her mom passed away (see post under OTB&G). 

So...Now I need to double my efforts to sell both house and business.  It has been doing so well we considered not selling.  But, as I have stated before, I am running into too many occassions of conflict of interest and want my wife with me as I do inspections where ever that may take me.  And, my son doesn't want to keep working the shop.  He has gone into full time ministry. 

So, anyone interested.  Great opportunities here.  Hate to see it just shut down but that is what we have decided to do if it doesn't sell soon. 

Let me know.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
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