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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / underwater welding school
- - By kansaswelder (*) Date 10-20-2011 12:23
never done it or seen it done bysides online.  i am only 20yrs old and have been to missouri welding institute and intrested in going to underwater welding school.  There is one in houston texas which is like 30 min from me.  Its called the ocean Corporation, has anyone ever been to it and is welding underwater like welding on land??
Parent - - By chickweldor (*) Date 10-20-2011 14:58
my aunt and uncle were underwater weldors working on oil rigs they said it was lots more cutting then welding, I did ask with all that cutting going on if anyone ever accidently cut something structural and they said ooh yeah! so while you're down there watch your back!!
Parent - - By kansaswelder (*) Date 10-21-2011 12:28
did they make pretty good money and i to young to be picky about weather i cut or weld i just looking for possiblities beyond the usually cert. for welding
Parent - - By chickweldor (*) Date 10-22-2011 00:37
I've always heard you can make lot's of money,check out the april 2011 issue of welding journal.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 10-22-2011 11:26
It's just like all the rumors and myths centered around the welding arts. There is money to be made, but  the question you have to ask yourself is..."am I willing to do what it takes to make the "Big Bucks?"
If you get into the "Wet Welding", you WILL have to pay your dues as a tender (READ THIS...low wage) top side, unless the your Daddy owns the company, which of course then, you would not be here looking for advise.
Some days I make more than is believable, and others, it's ... "say Bartender, put 1/2 of this on the debit card and the other 1/2 of this on the room tab (ie. credit card)...
- By Joemayo Date 11-17-2011 20:07
How did you like MWI. I'm already working in the gulf as a tender and thinking about going to MWI for topside welding. My advice is to stay away from diving until we get another storm. You'll barely be working.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / underwater welding school

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