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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Backing Bar for Welder Qualification is essential or not?
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Parent - By wall2112 (*) Date 10-20-2011 00:05
eekpod, im glad you see it some what the way i do. that is what i get out of reading the code myself.
Parent - By Joey (***) Date 10-20-2011 02:19
I think if you’re skillful and able to fuse the side wall (groove face) then to fuse to the backing is not a problem. The problem may arise if you have a poor backing preparation especially if you don’t have an appropriate root gap and the backing is not fit snugly.

Parent - - By wall2112 (*) Date 10-20-2011 00:02
welder performance test has to be welded with a backing unless you welded pqr from one side without backing and backgouging.

my answer to question 2, is with a plate welded with a single vee and a backing plate you can weld any joint  in prequalified wps sections fig 3.3 and 3.4 and fillets , i dont know what a backgouged pqr gets you. i know it is done all the time i just dont think it is what they are wanting. i think that is how people interpit the code. and everybody is differant in the way they see things.
Parent - By bhichai.s (*) Date 10-20-2011 15:39
Hi Joey, Wall2112

Thank you very much for your answers and suggestion.

Same as me, every body may have interpret mind. Sometime right, sometime wrong.

Finally, appropriate ways should be done.

Thank you.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Backing Bar for Welder Qualification is essential or not?
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