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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Nor-Easter
- - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-03-2011 20:36
We finally got back on the grid, the electrical grid that is.

We did battle with Mother-nature and from the number of trees lying on the ground, the number of homes damaged by falling trees and limbs, Mom won!

We lost power Saturday afternoon along with nearly a million other residents of Connecticut. We got our power and Internet back this afternoon. Nearly a half-million people are still without power and many will not get it back until Sunday evening.

I am really happy that I still have my wood boiler in operation for times like this. I ran the circulator pump with a 750 watt inverter connected to the car battery. It kept the house and us warm and comfortable. Can't say too much good about the darn rechargable flashlights. Of the three rechargables, two crapped out after the first evening. What the heck can you expect when you buy an American brand-name product built in China. Thanks for nothing China!

Best regards - Al
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-03-2011 22:02
Boy ya'll sure got hammered up there! Makes me glad I dont live up in the great white north, but sure miss frozen pond hockey!!
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 11-04-2011 03:22
Here in southeastern Pa. We lost power,phone, and a while later, cable Saturday afternoon, but it was back on by midnight. In between I powerd the house with the Ranger 9.

There were a lot of branches down, maple trees broke the most. We only got 6" accumulation right here, but Landis Store, about 20 miles away claims to have gotten 16"
- - By ravi theCobra (**) Date 11-03-2011 22:56
.  .  .  .  when the winds of November came early  .  .  .  .

I grew up back there - one of my friends lives 10 miles east of my parents and during the "earlier" storm had the wires pulled from his house and now this week someone who lives 10 miles west had the wires pulled from the pole .  .  .  .
the net results were no power -

If you live near a Harbor Freight I would recomend getting all of the  "free " lights you can get from them and have them all around the house so that adults and children can reach them in a hurry .  .  .  . also get some spare batteries.

Just a thought -
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-04-2011 04:16
The snow was saturated with moisture. We had about 10 inches of the white stuff, but it compressed to about 4 to 6 from its own weight. Where I would step, there would be water where my shoes compressed the snow. The leaves on the trees caught a lot of snow which caused limbs to break and in many cases bought the entire tree crashing to the ground. 

It was strange to stand in the yard in the late night hearing the cracking and crashing of the trees. I had two come down in my driveway. One missed me by 20-feet as I was cutting up the first fallen tree.

A lot of people are complaining about the time it is taking to get everyone back on the grid, but few of them have ever had to try to work under very trying conditions or handle a chainsaw or work from a bucket truck. Most everyone that is complaining to the news commentators are women moaning about how they cannot take showers, etc.

Personally, I think the crews are doing a great job under very difficult conditions. I doff my hat and offer my thanks to all of the line crews and state DOT workers that are clearing the trees from the roads and hanging new wire.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By kolo (*) Date 11-07-2011 04:27
I'm in CT, 7 days with no grid power for me either, I said grid power, glad I kept them Weldanpowers all these years. Fired them up and they ran flawlessly. Not really a big deal, our weathers been in the 50's during the days with 1 day hitting above 60 however the nights were in the high 20's. The time to get prepared is not after the storm hits. People up here have been getting in fist fights as the gas stations have lines to get gas and few are open due to the large scale power outages. Shame how easily we are crippled and that is why we pay so much for gas, because they have us dependent on it.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Nor-Easter

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