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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Automated Plasma for Structural Steel
- - By tekla019 Date 11-08-2011 18:18
These "Canadian" machines are now being made in the USA in Ft. Myers, FL.:

Helps if you're bidding on a job with "stimulus $$s" involved and need to show jobs and capital purchases that result. Material and capital purchases are often required "Made in America"
Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 11-08-2011 20:50

How Much?

How long a wait?

When will it cut round Pipe?

Parent - By tekla019 Date 12-07-2011 23:24
Hi wacobird . . .

For the How Much - contact the vendor through the link for current quote. Probably hasn't changed much since you bought yours.

How Long  -  vendor trying to maintain supply so they have reliable 6 wek delivery. This seems to be working.

Round pipe?  -  I've been trying to talk vendor into doing this for 3 years.  Maybe if you, a user, let's them know it's important to you they'll listen !
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Automated Plasma for Structural Steel

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