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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / 200,000 jobs in Ohio gone for now
- - By commonarc (**) Date 11-19-2011 00:16
No politics, no comments.  Lots of welding and metal fabrication jobs involved.  Read the story and decide for yourself.  Huge news in the Pipe, Gas, Oil and WELDING trades.  Just announced TODAY:

President Obama's United States Department of Agriculture has delayed shale gas drilling in Ohio for up to six months by cancelling a mineral lease auction for Wayne National Forest (WNF). The move was taken in deference to environmentalists, on the pretext of studying the effects of hydraulic fracturing.
Parent - - By J Hall (***) Date 11-19-2011 01:04 Edited 11-19-2011 01:07
He wants to break us by having energy costs so high that the average person will wind up depending on government aid just to get by.
The  theory of overwhelming the system.
Had to edit as I couldn't remember the correct names
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 11-19-2011 01:11
I suppose there is less cost for cleaning up a land based oil disaster than an offshore one.  But you have to admit, the latest Gulf oil spill was not very cost effective!
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-19-2011 02:01
Part of it might be due to the recent article on Yahoo about the things they have found in the water out in Wyoming. Seems they are fracking out there and some recent tests were showing contaminants in the drinking water. Here is a link to the article,

Once I read this and hearing about all the fracking they have going on down in Arkansas I figured that some ill news would arise from this. Fracking sounds like a good idea, works great but I'm always wondering what long term affects will be. Seems as humans we are always jumping right on something without thinking long term and what could happen. Example, look at kudzu, "The kudzu plant was introduced to the United States in 1876 at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. Kudzu was first introduced in the Southeastern United States in 1883 at the New Orleans Exposition. The vine was widely marketed in the Southeastern United States as an ornamental plant to be used to shade porches, and in the first half of the 20th century, kudzu was distributed as a high-protein content cattle fodder and as a cover plant to prevent soil erosion."

They liked it, sold it and now it spreads like wildfire and costs us millions. Kinda wonder what effects fracking will have on things 100 years from now. Not being a green weannie but some things just make you think and wonder.
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 11-19-2011 04:32
shale gas is big in pennsylvania right now, I know a few former classmates that went to work for various drilling companies, as well as coworkers who got the mineral rights cheque for the gas beneath their property.

Anyways, I think the science is still out and of course it's not possible to know the long term affects or residual clean up costs. However I would be concerned if I had well water in areas of the drilling.

Also the article said paused for 6 months not terminated indefinitely. I'm getting tired of the doom and gloom.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 11-19-2011 05:06
They are complaning of fracking contaminating well water in a bunch of places in Pa. too. Some places in that region have had contaminated well water from coal mining in the past.
Parent - By reitenger (*) Date 11-19-2011 05:28
Funny thing is that some students at the univesity of arkansas did a study on producing ethanol from kudzu and found that per acre it culd outproduce corn dramatically.  I will have to look and see if  can find the study again.  Doesn't seem like anything has come of it.

I am from Arkansas originally and have wondered how fracking would affect the water table out there.  Water is so muc closer to the surface there versus Wyoming.  Wonder if the water is above the contaminants in arkansas and it will take a longer time for it to show up or if that even makes a difference.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 11-20-2011 02:46
heck Shawn down here they thought it caused earthquakes as well.  It is a valid point to question the water table integrity.  I am not sure I would be happy or comfortable if I was on a well anywhere near the drill sites.  They are doing testing down here.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-20-2011 11:02
Seems I remember hearing something about that. Last year maybe I saw a video or something where they were talking about it. Maybe it was just folks saying, "they're doing that fracking around here and that's what caused the earthquake", something like that. It makes ya stop and wonder, not much that can be done still need the fossil fuels until the technology is there where we can get off of it, won't be in my lifetime, maybe our kids will figure it out! Like I said, ain't no greenie by any means just things that run through my head.
Parent - - By Northweldor (***) Date 11-19-2011 12:22
Go to the same article commonarc cites above, near the bottom.

"The Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program (OOGEEP) recently estimated that drilling in the Utica shale, which is affected by the suspension of the mineral lease auctions, would produce up 204,500 jobs by 2015. [Update: the USDA estimates that the creation of only a few dozen to 200 jobs will be delayed by this study.] "

Same method of ignoring anything that does not suit your argument.
Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 11-20-2011 02:32 Edited 11-20-2011 02:45
Question for NORTHWELDOR:

I assume you are fine with the environmental destruction caused by the oil sands strip mining of an area the size of the State of Delaware in Canada?  any comments on what's happening up your way? 

You believe everything the Government tells you in the Peoples Republic of Canada, don't you?  If the 0ba Adminstration says that only 200 jobs will be lost by the Ohio Utica Shale 6 month delay, it MUST be true.  The same thing when all the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico pulled out and went elsewhere after the morotorium?  Only a few dozen jobs lost there never to return?  Or the Keystone XL project.  Nothing to see here, move along.

You stoner socialists in Canada really need to put the pipe down and breath some fresh air.  It might help get the brain cells functioning.

If you REALLY want to see why all these energy projects are being delayed, PLEASE watch this video.  Charles Krauthammer will set you straight.  MUST SEE TV:
Parent - By Northweldor (***) Date 11-20-2011 13:54
Another typical example of ad hominem argument, and only part of one sentence is at all relevant to welding. I was simply pointing out that you ignored the fact that the headline you used was generated by a propaganda organization for the gas industry (OOGEEP), and, is no more to be believed to be true than propaganda generated by the government.

My politics are (and should be) irrelevant to what I post in this forum. The link you edited in shows the main goal you have in YOUR posts is to educate forum members in the gospel of Fox News, rather than to discuss anything related to welding.

Also, I think this frequent posting of mis-information with only about 5% welding content should be posted to the otbg where it can get the attention it deserves!
Parent - By fitter (**) Date 11-19-2011 17:31
You're back already? That was quick.
- - By texwelder (***) Date 11-19-2011 14:54 Edited 11-19-2011 14:58
Why are we worried about the long term effects of fracing note I love it I work for two different frac companies about 50 hrs a week between the two, why are we not worried about the long term effects of this sorry president NOBAMA he has hurt this country more in 3 yrs than the humans have in the entire time of its history. There are two things that make us (the united states)  who we are and makes this country go round the OILFIELD and AGRICULTURE so to the tree huggers that are against it turn off your lights put down your smart phone and walk or ride a bike everywhere then you can preach to me about being greener.
Parent - By pipehead (***) Date 11-19-2011 18:49
Amen Tex! Osama whoops i mean obama doesn't realize that he pretty much doesn't have any control over this it comes down to money and the Oil and gas companies have way more then or current in debt government so they will get it pushed threw!
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / 200,000 jobs in Ohio gone for now

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