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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Korean BBQ is HOT
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-04-2011 02:29
I substituted Korean BBQ sauce in the place of ketchup (nOT catsup) in a regular family recipe.  Well I probably am the only one who can eat it cause of the spice factor.  I love Thai food...this sauce is pretty dang spicy.  I really like Korean style stir fry....jeez I learned a lesson on what they call BBQ.
Parent - By 99205 (***) Date 12-04-2011 02:50
Wait till you have a little sit down time on the bathroom throne. There a reason that throne has water in it.  Keeps the flames down.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-04-2011 04:45
Eat some ice cream before You go to the can. When it gets really hot down there You can say "COME ON ICE CREAM".

This trick has never actually worked for Me, I just can't eat hot stuff anymore.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 12-04-2011 06:25

I'll eat anything that has touched cocanut milk......  I suffer later... Red currry, Green, Yellow... I don't care.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 12-04-2011 06:47
Korean food = "enjoy today, suffer tomorrow"
Thai food with fresh coconut milk = "flaming anus coming at you real soon".
Now you know why their eyes are squinty........
Parent - By Pickupman (***) Date 12-04-2011 13:32
Think I'll just have a nice ribeye. Pass the taters please.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 12-04-2011 15:35
Sounds like Mexican food! I'll remember the advise though, note to self, stay away from Korean bbq sauce!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-04-2011 18:47
LOL  Oh don't get me wrong I thought it was great...but for people that shy away from spicy food or would never eat a chili pepper korean bbq might as well be a plate of plutonium.  Far as spicy ness or scoville units Mexican is far from some of the Asian dishes.  That is one reason I like it so much, they know how to use heat without killing the flavors.  I have never tried real Indian food, I have heard it some of it is very good.  I am going to get some more of it to try with deer meat and pork.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 12-05-2011 03:56
I've tried some Indian curry before, it was danglicious!! Actually some some Korean bbq sauce in Kroger today while shopping for groceries. I don't mind hot, needs to have some flavor though. We've got some hot sauce my sister gave me, Crazy Uncle Jesters, this schmidt is second down on their list, second hottest thing they have. I put one pencil lead size drop on my finger and when I put it on my tongue I swear Lucifer himself stuck my tongue with his fork! Dear God that stuff was ridiculously hot! I think my wife puts a drop or two in her chilli now and again but for the most part it sits in the fridge eating away at the bottle from the inside out!
Parent - - By rlitman (***) Date 12-06-2011 22:51
Was that Sriracha?  The one with the rooster on the front?  That's one of my favorite condiments.  It's very similar to Ketchup (similar spices, garlic, vinegar, etc.), except that it has red peppers instead of tomatoes.
Great on burgers.  Also pizza.  Still, I wouldn't call that stuff really spicy.  I've got things I keep in a zip lock bag in the fridge that I consider actually hot (in a bag, because if my wife were to simply touch any possible residue on the outside of the bottle, I'd be in deep trouble).
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-07-2011 02:40
Can't remember the brand, don't remember a rooster but I will look for it.  The sauce I used had an excellent taste, a little sour kinda vinergery with a lot of subtle heat spices then Whammo, it was fairly complex as far as Asian sauces go....I am kicking myself for not saving the bottle but I will recognize it when I see it....had that typical white label with a lot of characters on on it...with Korean BBQ in bold red letters.  I am fond of the House of Tsang sauces...weirdly enough they are made by Hormel.  They have a few stir fry sauces that are excellent...have not been able to copy them yet.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Korean BBQ is HOT

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