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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Let's set a better example
- - By justahand (*) Date 11-30-2011 23:47
I read this article today about some pipeliners getting arrested for poaching.

Y'all might find it humorous and some of you might know these guys but considering we are not the most popular kids on the block as it is we should really try to represent our states better. I mean up here in North East PA hunting shuts the state down for the first week of rifle season. Literally no school or work the Monday after Thanksgiving.

Now I'm no Bible thumper but if your gonna do it try to be more discreet. Just thought y'all would get a good laugh.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-01-2011 01:17
I AGREE ! Be better example and DON'T GET CAUGHT!!
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 12-01-2011 01:50
You can tell which one of them has been in the pokey before!! Look at the fourth guy down, Mr. Lowe, he's grinning from ear to ear!! Everybody else looks like they had a plate full of dog turds set down in front of them!

I'm not for poaching, but if a deer walks thru my back yard and it's out of season and my 45 is in my hand, that deer can kiss daylight goodbye.
Parent - - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 12-09-2011 03:07
Everybody knows you only shoot once. You only spot light when its freezing cold so the meat don't spoil. And you note where u shot and leave for a few hours then go back and 3am trucks are better than 1everybody the front and rear truck are decoys I've never spot lighted before.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-09-2011 03:26
Me either. I told you. Night Vision is much more effective. I saw it used on TV
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 12-01-2011 01:54
I know someone who is a cop and he hunts illegally, makes no sense at all. Have a friend I don't care to go fishing with because he make keep one to small. I don't hunt or fish illegally because the way I look at it is if i did I would be robbing your kids and grand kids of the fish
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-01-2011 02:34
Not unless my kids fish in Louisiana!
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 12-01-2011 07:53
hahaha this is true, I see some **** that is so freaking retarded and all I can do is laugh when these sob's get a big fine for fishing illegally it just isn't worth it here, to many dam game wardens
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 12-01-2011 10:47
We had thousands of elk where I grew up.  I knew of guys that would go sight in there new guns on elk and let them lay.  I have a BIG problem with that. Then there was another group that I can nether conferm or deny that I was a part of. There were truly needy families io our area. They were GOOD people that worked hard and were starving to death. They would happen to get fresh elk meat when there freezer got low. If you are using the meat I have no problem with it.  I HATE WASTE though. Use it or leave it.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 12-01-2011 12:50

I have a hard time calling someone guilty of POACHING when there is true need.  The resources of this world are here to sustain us. 

Our laws have come into being because of abuse through many generations.  Natural resources started to disappear: elk, buffalo, and many others.  The laws in this country and the character of true sportsmen have gone a long way to bring these resources back to respectable levels and give many people the opportunity to hunt game for fun and food.  But abuse will bring nothing but trouble in the form of laws, bad names, bad testimony, etc.

Now, it is also a problem with me when these so called needy people are out there in new pickups, with nice rifles, packing cell phones, smoking, and then going home with poached meat to sit in front of the cable tv while conversing on the internet.  They are not needy, starving people.  They have misplaced values and are selfish, greedy, leeches living off the hard work of the rest of us.  (Even if they do have a job).

Poaching should not be the norm among our ranks. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 12-01-2011 12:19
This is pretty sad. Another batch of losers giving oilfield hands a bad name. I would bet that each one of them is a convicted felon and should not be in possesion of a firearm to begin with.

And the attitude of "It's only wrong if you GET CAUGHT" only adds to the problem!!

Some people even manage to give "Oilfield Trash" a bad name. They are not "Oilfield Trash" they are just TRASH. Fricken losers.

Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-01-2011 13:41 Edited 12-01-2011 13:46
Maybe, those Convicted Felons live in a State like......TEXAS to which even a Convicted Felon can own a gun as long as it has been 3 years since conviction. Also, "Not getting Caught" was said in good fun. So, relax. For many many many years, people have been Spotlighting Deer. No matter how Illegal, It will never stop. I'm not saying it's right. Thats just the way it is. For some, its the only way they hunt. For ME, I just walk out on my back porch whenever I want to. I can do that because..... I'm the Land Owner. I can harvest for food ANYTIME I want to in Texas.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 12-01-2011 15:45
Well first of all NONE of them are from Texas.

Second, NONE of them owned the land they were POACHING on.

Third, gun laws vary from state to state. Just because something is legal in Texas does not necessarily mean it is legal in another state.

I don't care one bit that you own land in Texas and are a convicted felon that can legally own a gun. If you poach wildlife in your state or any other state, YOU ARE TRASH! Just the same as anyone who will try to defend the poaching of wildlife is TRASH.

If a person can not abide by the rules and regulations set out by the Department of Wildlife/Fish and Game then they should stick to shooting hogs, prairie dogs, varmints and other unregulated non game animals.

What a ridiculous reply, comparing apples to oranges. No surprise though.

jrw159 :cool:
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 12-01-2011 15:53
Ok guys...let's go back and read the title of the thread. "Let's set a better example"
...that can apply to forum postings and mud slinging too. :cool:

This thread is enough "off topic" that I think we'll move it to the OTBG
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 12-01-2011 16:43
  Since you replied to me I will answer. I agree that this should probably be in the OTBG. However, I fail to see how my posts are anything but "on topic" for this thread. I am not the one that took a hard left turn. What exactly does Texas, a Texas land owner, Texas convicts and their rights IN TEXAS have phuc all to do with seven turds from Louisiana and Arkansas poaching deer in Washington Township giving oilfield hands a bad name?

Hence my statement of "apples to oranges".

Maybe a PM might help.

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 12-01-2011 16:52
I just replied to the last post, it was not aimed any anyone in particular(sorry about the confusion there)

...just think that we should be setting a better example for other who may stumble upon our forum...hence my comment.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 12-01-2011 18:18
I agree.

jrw159 :cool:
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-01-2011 19:29 Edited 12-01-2011 22:57
First off. READ MY POST. I NEVER said they live in Texas. I said maybe they live in a State with Similiar Laws to Texas. I never said I "POACH" That means I am Hunting illegally on other peoples land without their permission. I own my own Land.  I DO NOT use Spotlights ! I own Night Vision. It is much more effective. One last thing, I DO abide by the Rules of TPWD. Matter of Fact, The Game Warden here liked my Night Vision so much, He bought his own. I am Trash ? How so ? I own my own place, I am a registered Voter.  I had PLENTY of Repeat Customers. I have a FAT Bank account, I was able to retire at 49 years old (although I still do occasional jobs) I OWN all my Vehicles, I use my OWN actual address on all my IRS forms, I was convicted of State Jail Felony 10 Years ago, I Took Care of it. I have a Passport, I travel alot. I have LOTS of Toys, So what is the Problem ? So, How am I comparing Apples and Oranges ? And how am I considered Trash ? If I am considered Trash, I LIKE IT !!! You need to get over the Past and Grow up.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 12-01-2011 19:41 Edited 12-01-2011 19:43
If you read the article even you should be able to figure it out.  :lol:

What exactly does Texas, a Texas land owner, Texas convicts and their rights IN TEXAS have phuc all to do with seven turds from Louisiana and Arkansas poaching deer in Washington Township, giving oilfield hands a bad name?

It is a rhetorical question. No need to answer. :wink:

You have some serious reading comprehension issues as well. Please note the usage and placement of the word "if".

jrw159 :cool:
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 12-01-2011 20:27

This is like watching a child pick at a scab

Show some self-diciplinie
Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 12-02-2011 01:55
I like beer.
Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 12-02-2011 03:01
Miller Highlife in the 240z cans
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-02-2011 03:11
Crown Royal XR
Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 12-02-2011 03:21
Lol but Cactus Miller Highlife sends ten cents to our troops over seas for every bottle cap you save and turn in . And I drink alot to support my troops. Maybe you should switch to the Highlife!
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-02-2011 06:15
Here's an Idea......I will stay with the Crown and I will send a dime for every bottle !
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 12-02-2011 12:51
Keeping with the best of both world's.  Hardest part for most of us is sticking to the committment and actually counting and sending it in.

I am not doubting or questioning your patriotism or loyalty to country and our servicemen, but it is nice to see a company doing it so some of us with forgetful minds don't have to keep track.  Since I don't drink, I have to find other ways.  Praise the Lord there are many avenues being covered by many organizations to help us in those efforts.  Just don't get apathetic because it has been so long and we are constantly being asked by one person or another to help.  They deserve our support, as much as we can give.  Especially this time of year, being away from their families in the name of freedom for the world.

Sorry about the hijack, thought it a worthy continuance of thought.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 12-02-2011 12:53
Woodford Reserve. :wink:

Parent - - By jpill (**) Date 12-02-2011 14:07
I like biscuits....
Parent - - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 12-09-2011 03:08
I like women
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-09-2011 03:40
I always wondered about that ! Glad you clarified it.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-09-2011 03:43
I like them too, they just don't like Me.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-09-2011 05:16
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Let's set a better example

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