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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Looking for a sponsor.
- - By smithcd2208 (**) Date 12-10-2011 16:43
Hey all, My name is Chris and graduated from welding school a while back and was certified for structural pipe welding with GTAW in the 6G position and all position plate welding with FCAW.  My certifications have since been lapsed because I have been on the waiting list for apprenticeship with the UA pipefitters local 230 since September of 2010 and am looking for a company who would like to hire me and sponsor me through my apprenticeship training. The local UA doesn't provide a list of signatory contractors so I don't know who to apply at except for one company. I had interviewed at University Mechanical and the shop foreman seemed to be very impressed with me and my resume but couldn't hire me because work is slow and they had just picked up an apprentice a few weeks earlier. I want to learn all their is to know about pipefitting and steamfitting but I know every day that goes by without me welding is one more day that I am losing skill. I just recently was able to get a job at a sheet metal factory but I was trained mostly for structural steel and really I want to be a part of erecting buildings. Also at my current job I am not doing any work with welding or fabricating at all, I just hang parts on racks for the painter to paint them. If anyone knows of a contractor who hires through UA local 230 and who is looking to sponsor an apprentice would you please let me know so i could send a letter and a copy of my resume? Thank you for your time.
Parent - - By tighand430 (***) Date 12-11-2011 02:35
Here's a list of their (Local 230) signatory contractors, anything from plumbing to specialty.  Bechtel might be doing some work at San Onofree right now, really not sure though but do know they have the maintenance there.
Parent - - By smithcd2208 (**) Date 12-11-2011 06:56
I knew about that list and was going to write letters and go to some of the offices this coming Monday. Mainly i was trying to find out if anyone knew of a company that was looking for apprentices specifically, like heard it through the grape vine. Many companies aren't looking for apprentices right now because they are having a hard time keeping their journey men busy, but thanks for the quick reply, I appreciate it.
Parent - - By tighand430 (***) Date 12-11-2011 15:36
Aint heard about much, but rumor is that Colton is getting some work started. Maybe the BA there in 230 can get in touch with the BA there and see if they can get ya out till something there opens up? I know our hall has done it with sister locals before so maybe they can work somethin out.
Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 12-24-2011 19:29
the ua should give you swome time off your schooling since your already a qualified welder
they were giving books away a couple years ago to anyone who could pass the test your describing
their in desperate need of good welders. thats just like the ua take some guy off the street teach him to weld
in 16 wks lmao then send him out as aourneyman  but turn their back on a kid already certified go see George Vasquez at local 250 he'll sell anyone a book
and for the right price a workorder to go with it!!!!
Parent - By vagabond (***) Date 03-06-2012 14:28
You could try Local 364 in Colton, CA as well.  In my opinion you'd be better off there or at 250 than in 230.  Same wages but the cost of living is lower in both places than in San Diego and I'm pretty sure thier monthly dues are less.  364 is supposed to have a lot of work coming up.  PM me if you have any questions etc.  I'm still a member of 364 but I have worked on my tools for years,  I do inspection and supervision stuff.  Good luck.
- By joemahoney Date 03-19-2012 14:03
Local 502 in louisville ky is allways looking for welders , give them a call they will probably give you a book .:grin:
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Looking for a sponsor.

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