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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / south texas head setting
- - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 12-16-2011 08:05
This is how we set heads in south Texas in the rain.
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 12-16-2011 10:21
Hey Shad.  What kind of rod oven do you use to keep your Lo Hy rods dry in those conditions..?  lol
Parent - By cmays (***) Date 12-16-2011 18:33
I've found a nice warm pants pocket is about as dry as its going to get while setting a head. I've tried everything somehow something is always going to get muddy and wet.
Parent - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 12-17-2011 03:58
My rod bucket lol
Parent - - By texwelder (***) Date 12-16-2011 12:39
Why do they only want well heads put on at night I have never put one in the daylight I know they probably never do but I ain't had the opportunity to do one yet its just like they very rarely cement yard the casing in during the day either I can't figure that one out either
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-16-2011 20:46
It's Illegal to do them in the Daytime hours. They ALWAYS call you out at 8pm to wait until 5am to start putting the Head on
Parent - - By texwelder (***) Date 12-17-2011 17:52
I kinda figured it was something like that I thought maybe they would sunburn in the day I have always put them on in dark of night
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-17-2011 18:33
In all of my years in this, I can only remember 3 heads that were set during the day. But like Shad said, Thet were SUPPOSED to be done at night. We were there and waiting, they just didn't get it ready in time.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-17-2011 18:34
Cutting the Long String is the same way. They call you out about 3 or 4 oclock. Then you wait for 6-8 hrs just to cut one peice of pipe.
Parent - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 12-17-2011 19:33
The last cut off I did took 16 hours from the time I left the house til I got home. It was thanksgiving day and all hell broke loose on that rig I only worked 30 mins. That day and made 1600.00 it was a good day
Parent - - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 12-17-2011 04:02
I have 3 on this rig the 1st 2 were in the daylight but of course I was told to be there by 6pm3the the night before
Parent - - By weaver (***) Date 12-17-2011 08:02
I did a few hundred in nd, and can count the ones with daylight on one hand, never failed and usually on the weekend. I like the umbrella good idea :)
Parent - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 12-17-2011 12:51
It rained off and on all night. After I got started it started pouring and the steady stream of cold water running down the back of my pants and they failed cover over the rotary table opening I had to do something and it worked good. It was a bad night. Wet and covered in mud ran out of acetylene even forgot to get sumthing to eat. Left the house at 5pm got done at 4am then started the 2 hr trip home stopped in a truck stop slept for and hr got home at 7the took my
daughter to school and the phone rang again to fix a truck. Got done w that at noon and called it a day I was exhausted gotta love it.

Seems like with this rig if I set the conductor before noon its a daylight head set after noon its a night job.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / south texas head setting

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