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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / "HAPPINESS IS...."
- - By Superflux (****) Date 12-14-2011 09:26

Said my good byes to Afghanistan 2 days ago. Left B'cuz....
1) Make more $$$ stateside (much to my amazement!).
2) Special Forces Colonel was on my base for 60 days TDY and recorded; 81 - 122mm rockets, 4 - 107mm mortars (one of those 107's came into my Battle Damage repair shop and sent 6 of our men to the hospital), 2 vest wearing suicide whack-os, and 1 - vehicle borne bomber.
The vehicle bomb was potentially the most catastrophic. The nut case was driving fuel tanker truck, but wore a vest instead of setting it up in the tank. When he detonated it, it just blew the cab off without blowing up the tanker. Close one! Allah no give virgins for no Infidel casualties. Chuck u farley....
3) I'll sleep better at night with out running to bunkers for rocket attacks.
4) Real food once again.
5) Beer once again.
6) Family and friends, Holiday season.
Now, I'm just chillin' in Amsterdam for a couple of days... doing a little bit bit of "Window Shopping"...nice leather work.........
Back in the real world and off to a real job on Monday.
Life's good!
Parent - By Tyrone (***) Date 12-14-2011 11:46
Welcome back from playing in the sandbox. :wink:
Not too many Welders can put BDR on their resume. 
I'm sure you gained a lot experience, and appreciate the things we have on this side of the pond.

Parent - By weldwade (***) Date 12-14-2011 13:30
Welcome back John! Glad you are making it back before Christmas.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 12-14-2011 13:51
  Good to hear you are going to be home for Christmas safe and sound. #2 through #6 is no surprise to me, but #1 amazes me as well.

Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 12-14-2011 16:07

#1.. Leaving Affghannyland suddenly became a no brainer and top priority was gittin' the heck outta Dodge PRONTO!
Although I wont see the kids for Christmas, they are sure glad to hear of my return.

But again, I ask all my friends to please send a note or anything if you know someone over there. Especially during the holiday season. Every little thing means a lot when you're "in the Zone".
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 12-14-2011 18:06
  I am suprised you are making more stateside. That sure does make it an easy choice. LOL

Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-14-2011 18:19
I appreciate you going over to help them boys out first of all!  I know it is money but it took some guts to take the job on and more guts to stay there!

It is good you are coming home.  I am sure it will make all your friends, family and you breathe easier. Hope you enjoy the new job, good for you!
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-16-2011 05:14
Welcome back. A friend of Mine has been working over there for the last few years as a helicopter mechanic. He flys with the machine. They HAVE been hit with small arms fire, didn't hit anybody or anything flight critical. He has always been a wildman.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 12-17-2011 04:21
Good news! I was wondering what had happened with your decision! Guess we know now! Some places you hate to leave and other's you can't wait to forget!

Amsterdam, what a horrible place to end up after being stuck in the "holy land" for so long! Do they even have laws in Amsterdam?

Window shopping, hahaha, yeah, Ok:wink:, don't get anything Mama's ajax won't take off....or kill!
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 12-15-2011 21:24

Glad to hear of you impending return and we pray it is a safe one all the way home.

Bet you kids are thankful!

Maybe our paths will cross next summer as wife & I are planning some motorcycle trips eastward of Oregon.

Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 12-16-2011 20:21
While you're at it, send us some pix of the leather goods in the windows......:cool::twisted:
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 12-20-2011 00:49
Enjoy one for me, pard!
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 12-20-2011 14:32
I did!
During my 60 hours in Amsterdam, I made up for lost time.
Parent - By joe pirie (***) Date 12-20-2011 19:08
welcome home
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / "HAPPINESS IS...."

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