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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Counting Blessings
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-19-2011 18:23 Edited 12-19-2011 18:28
Nov and Dec has been a little tough for me and I been complaining about it etc.  I just found this paperweight while cleaning up in the shop. I just saw this and it reminded me why I should be very grateful for everything I have.  I broke this punch by getting in too big a hurry and grabbing a stick of hardened material by mistake.  The other end went completely through a window unit AC and into the wall of an office on the other side.  If I was standing a foot over from where I was it would have been a bad day.  How different would today be now if I had? 

Hope all of you folks have a great holiday season and if you celebrate Christmas...Well Merry Christmas and I hope you and family can enjoy what really is important, each other.


Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 12-19-2011 18:31
Well put Tommy.

I would guess a good many of us have had a close call at least once in our lives and therefore have much to be thankful for.  It is the season to remember all those times and all other things we have to be thankful for.  Many here have come through some hard times this past couple of years.  Health, Work, Family, and more. 

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years gives us a time to reconnect, take account, and, as Tommy said "enjoy what really is important".  I try to remind people often, "Family Time Is NEVER Wasted Time."  You can't buy your way out of it with all the money in the world.  And work doesn't make me nearly as peaceful, grateful, and happy as just a few minutes with the grandkids.

Have a good one each and every one of you. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 12-19-2011 20:23 Edited 12-19-2011 20:51
Making love to a younger woman is dangerous, but if she dies she dies.....

That's a joke of course and in my case I am so fortunate to count my many blessings this season.

My wife, Joanne, age 52, was diagnosed with tumor in her left atrium on Nov 23rd.  Thank the Lord it was benign!  On Thankgiving Day, she had open heart surgery to successfully remove the tumor.  Spent 8 days by her side 24hrs/day in the hospital during the stabilization & recovery period.

On Nov. 22nd, the doctor first diagnosed Joanne's symtoms of aching left forearm, splotchy red palms and what is called splinter hemorages under her finger nail beds as signs of heart disease and scheduled her for tests at the hospital the next day.  After an ultrasound of her chest, an angiogram up her leg, an echoscan down her throat, a procedure using radioactive isotopes to photograph heart blood flow and numerous blood tests from 6am to 7pm we settled in for the night knowing she would have open heart surgery the next day.

Doctor said this type of in-heart tumor is very rare but always a killer or at the least a debilitating stroke.  The tumor is very gellanous and tends to break off stopping blood flow to the brain.  Size of the tumor is the size of a man's thumb!

As unexpected as this was and after the initial shock, we embraced it and became thankful it was found at this stage.

Even with our insurance the medical bills coming in are staggering, and I couldn't be happier now that my wife is out of harm's way.

God answered our prayers this Thanksgiving!

Robert & Joanne Pendergrass
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 12-19-2011 21:09
Sort of related to the OP's topic.

This past week while I was on vacation, I saw this movie:

One thing that struck me was just how much time we waste...suppose this movie was true, how much time would you really waste? In this movie, Time is money, literally. You pay for everything in giving of your time....riding the bus, paying for a meal, rent, living expenses....when you get paid, they add to your time(a watch on your forearm). The rich walk slowly while the poor run as fast fast as they can to get to where they need to be as to not waste it. This movie makes you think about things that really matter to you and makes you evaluate how you "spend" your time. When your clock runs die right there in your tracks. I remember as a kid sleeping in on Saturdays..ect.
point to be made:
You only have so many minutes in your lifetime, and the amount is unknown, so make the most of your time. Hug your kids, tell your family that you love and care about them...ect.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-20-2011 03:51
When the Unstoppable force meets the Immovable object...:eek:

That would have left a mark, or a whole lot worse. Objects like that make Your skin crawl as You think back on the moment.
Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 12-20-2011 19:15
i saw a guy put in the wrong size top die   (TOO BIG) on a scotsmen punchpress. the die exploded hit him in the
mouth and knocked all his teeth out  he was in the hospital for 3 days.
Parent - By reitenger (*) Date 12-21-2011 09:54
I have seen this happen as well.  It has taught me to always store my sets nested, and away from the machine.  That way I have to walk to get a set which makes it harder to mismatch.  I also put the bottom in first and then set the top into it before install.

For the OP, that is a lets stop for the day and have a beer moment.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Counting Blessings

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