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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Miss your hood yet
- - By joe pirie (***) Date 12-25-2011 03:20
well Hillbilly since your selling your last 300 you must be enjoying the top side of the
ditch had a feeling you would,  i might put a hood on to help a struggling welder or
a youngster who truly wants to learn  other than that never again will i burn rod
lol. i get a laugh out of some of these shop welders out there that think their the
cream of the  crop as far as welders go, They really  have no cluee just how good
a real pipeliner is everyone in the trades should experience some time on a pipeline 
theyd either rise to the occasion or crawl back to mommie. in local 250 los angeles
about 4500 members than 5o pipeliners and their all worken watch the pipelinere on your
job and see what he does different like hillbilly said theres no wasted motion and they make it look easy
Parent - By phaux (***) Date 12-25-2011 04:43
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 12-25-2011 06:35
Joe Kane's gonna CAP your 4ss again!!!!:eek:
Parent - By joe pirie (***) Date 12-25-2011 06:43
mErRy XmAs
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 12-25-2011 16:53

You're right!  Here goes!

JOE PIRIE-----  How do you write reports?  Surely no one accepts a report written like the posts you regale us with here!!!   Please give us a break!  Capitalize! Spell check! Edit! Space!  Re-read for syntax, continuity and sentence structure.

Parent - - By joe pirie (***) Date 12-26-2011 20:21
Joe I have a different computor at work. My personal laptop has a mind of it's
oewn  (own)  it capitalizes words all by itself adds letters to words jumps
all over the place. i am very ca]reful ( careful) with my reports this is a welding forum
sometimes i just speak whats on my mind. I could care less about wheather im using p;roper,grammar,
sentence structure . im not going to take the time to sp;eel check orf reweed anything especially since i
doesn't work on my computer . Don't like my posts don't read them real easy to find the Delete Button
Syntax what the f is tghat a new STD lmao
Parent - By Mat (***) Date 12-29-2011 02:19
Disable the touch pad.  Dang thing drives me nuts...and that's the parrot's job! :lol:
Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 12-25-2011 07:16 Edited 12-25-2011 15:43
Joe I dont miss being under the hood abit. While although I am having a little bit  of trouble breaking out on the inspection side but it's not a hinderence in my opinion.   I had at one time my cwi and I let it pass and just took it again and will have to take my part b once more. That sucks but at the same time I love that they have made harder. I fly out to do some qc work in NC in January and I will be taking the part B once more there. Currently I am building a test shop to qualify welders. Oklahoma as you well know has there own criteria and I live next to one of the biggest refineries and the guy who was qualifing welders just got kicked out.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 12-26-2011 23:19
Coffeyville.... :eek: what a nightmare! LOL

Parent - - By Jaxddad (**) Date 12-27-2011 19:37
The guy that was testing in that old run down barn in Ponca?
Parent - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 12-28-2011 01:43
Yep that would be the guy. The one who had the cracker jack boxes and junk pipe.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Miss your hood yet

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