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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Beebe Blackbird mass kill
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-01-2012 19:02
Well I reckon it is not aliens, shifts in the earths magnetic field, govt death rays or whatever.  I guess it is really just fireworks scaring them to death.  On the one year anniversary of the mass red wing blackbird kill, I found this in my yard this morning and heard there are hundreds more up the street.

Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-01-2012 19:09
New Years fireworks scaring them to death?? :eek:

That's interesting, never heard of that before.

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-01-2012 20:46
Well the official game and fish explanation is it "caused the birds to fly into each other and solid objects in the night when they roost, this bird has terrible vision at night and that is a major contributor to the losses".  Funny though as you don't see a mark one on any of them.
Parent - - By reitenger (*) Date 01-02-2012 17:46
Interesting that the AGF is taking that stance considering fireworks have been going off every year and this is only the second time that this has happened.
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 01-03-2012 00:27
Tommy, you should ask that game warden how the birds fly into solid objects when they are roosting. You'd probably get the same stupid look we got after 3 different sources reported a mtn. lion near town. When we compared the "DOG" track we found on the grade school playground to a picture of a MOUNTAIN LION track and they matched, game and parks said it wasn't possible.
Parent - - By reitenger (*) Date 01-03-2012 01:07
Growing up we took pictures of a mtn lion at our cabin on Lake Norfolk and were told it wasn't taken in the state of Arkansas.  The AGF stance has always been that mtn lions do not exist in the state out there.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-03-2012 01:26
well I know myself that that is BS.....they are here but very rare
Parent - - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 01-14-2012 02:12
Me and a buddy where rabbit hunting and caught a glimse of a mountain lion. About an hour later we ran into the local game warden near where we seen it. When asked to indentify the tracks we where told they where very large dog tracks. He repeated that several times while we explaned to him exactly what we seen and he told US that we where mistaken. So then we asked if we could shoot it and bring it to him. We where then informed that the taking of large cats in Arkansas was a felony. So being the preverbial smarta$$ we are we then asked how in the heck could we be committing a felony when there are no large cats in Arkansas to witch he replied we where correct. :roll: so we again asked if we could shoot it and take it home. To witch he replied do not kill a large cat in his bailywick or we will see the inside of a jail cell. Well..... What about a very large dog then? ............Neadless to say we never got him to admit there where large cats in Arkansas, but we did find out it was illegal to shoot them :lol:
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-14-2012 02:28
OMG  Matthew

That sounds about right. G&F almost vehemently denies big cats here...I have lived here since 81...they are here.  But like I said really rare.  HUH a felony to shoot them?  Well that crap went out the window a few years back when some nut in Greenbriar let loose his "Collection" of wild cats and I think some bears when he got in trouble with the state.  They were announcing on the radio that any hunters that wanted to bag the lions and tigers and bears "oh my" could hunt them day or night.  What a freaking rodeo Greenbriar became that night!!! On another note: I seen the prints on my Mom In laws place up in EL Paso....she had one coming in at night at a neighbors cow pasture.  She shined a light on it while feeding her ducks and her Shepard went nuts...she was running back to the house and fell dropped the flashlight and she swears to this day her Shepard mix run it off and saved her butt.  Those prints were cat prints and they had some weight to em.  I had her call G&F and they would not even come out to check em.
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 01-04-2012 07:05
Uh my 10ga went off bout 6 times at midnight lmao only 8 miles from Beebe,Ar
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Beebe Blackbird mass kill

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