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- - By commonarc (**) Date 01-16-2012 14:13
I just got back from North Dakota for a job interview.  The small city of Dickinson on the edge of the Bakken oil boom area.

Welding jobs are crazy plentiful.  Signs up everywhere.  Pipe, tanks, pressure vessels, structural, heavy equipment repair and modification, you name it and they are hiring.
Brand new weldng shops also.  State of the Art stuff.   Very large pipe fab shops with oil wells pumping right on site. 

Some shops I saw with signs for hiring in less than a 1 mile stretch of road:
Steffes Corp
MBI Energy
Contex Energy
Baker Huges
Fischer Ind.

There are dozens more and these are just a few.  Marathon is building a HUGE all mirrored glass office complex here also that is just about finished.  It has an active oil well pumping away right next to the place as a showpiece and a massive shop attached.  Note that just because they don't list a job on thier web site doesn't mean they are not hiring because they are.

Thousands more wells are going in soon and this should last about 5 years or so according to the locals I talked to.
The only monkey wrench in all this is the lack of housing.  DO NOT come here unless you have housing arranged or better yet paid for by the company or you could very well end up homeless here. 

I've never seen anything like this in my life.  It's for long as Obummer and his leftist EPA doesn't shut it all down.
Parent - - By canaan (*) Date 01-16-2012 14:30
Whats the pay like out there?
Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 01-16-2012 15:07 Edited 01-16-2012 15:14
Not sure what the pay is but I assume it is highly competative due to the competition. These are indoor, heated and modern fab shop welding jobs for the most part with health-dental-eye-life-disabilty insurance, 401K, paid vacations, paid holidays, etc. You could quit a job at 9:00AM and have another by lunch time.  I'm serious.  I heard anything less than $20/hr with full bennies for low skilled shop welder work is an insult.  Pipe and ASME pressure welders get much more.  Lots of automated welding also.  CNC stuff.  Huge demand for CDL drivers everywhere.  Other trades like drywallers, roofers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians etc in high demand.  Diesel Mechanics...they are SCREAMING for diesel mechanics and regular auto mechanics as well.  Great training opportunities unavailable anywhere else for sure.  If you have a pulse, show up for work, are not covered in jailhouse tattoos up to your neck, can pass a background check, have basic communication and computer skills, they will hire you in a second and provide thousands of dollars in paid training also.  Check out the Steffes web site.  This is a very large brand new facility and they are hiring now.

Many of these places provide cash bonuses for employee referals that result in a successful hire.  A few hundred dollars or so followed by more if they stay around longer than 6 months. 

Railroad expansion is huge up here also and railroad workers like carmen-welders are needed also.  These are union jobs with Federal Railroad Workers Pensions instead of Social Security.  There are no pipelines so they truck the oil from the wells to a miles long tanker train that is parked right in the center of Dickinson ND.  I drove for two miles and never saw the end of this tanker train.  

This oil boom is just picking up steam.  They are burning off all the Natural Gas fro the oil wells as they have no way to store or transport the stuff.  I heard they are wasting up to $3 Billion a year in Natural Gas and there are companies looking to cash in on that also.

The position I was applying for was a union position in a non-oil related field so I'm not sure what the fab shops pay.  I'm just going by what I heard.

Again, the only downside is lack of housing.  If they don't provide it or give you rental assistance, it's not worth it.  Don't come up here for a job if you don't have a place to stay or you'll end up homeless.
Parent - - By canaan (*) Date 01-16-2012 15:43
Do they have camp grounds for campers?
Parent - - By reitenger (*) Date 01-16-2012 17:43
There must be places to put travel trailers.  I have a retired friend and his wife that have been buying travel trailers at auctions, cleaning them up then towing them up there with a for sale sign on them.  So far they have made 3 trips with each of them towing a trailer and haven't spent more than an hour in town before selling the trailers
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 01-16-2012 18:22
Oh yea. Have a friend who was paying $450 a month for a space to park his trailer outside Williston. No water, no eletricity no sewer. He had a honey waggon come by twice a week that cost $75 a week, a generator for electricity and had water delivered to his trailer for $60 a week. Making 6 grand a week and drug up. 
Winters in a travel trailer in North Dakota are brutal. I did a winter in central Minn. and will steal before I do that again And I was 15 years younger.
BUT if I was in my late 20's and single, I would be there in a heartbeat. There are going to be fortunes made and stories for the rest of us.
Parent - By JTMcC (***) Date 01-16-2012 22:08
There are trailers and then there are trailers.
A standard "camping" type trailer will suffer mightily, and really not function well in serious sub zero temps.
A true 4 season trailer is good to go even without being skirted in 15 below. Skirt it and go even deeper into the abyss.
But there are a lot more "weekend camping" trailers out there than there are "live in it in all weather" trailers. The camp for fun people and the full timers follow the fair weather of course, the work dogs go wherever, whenever.
Full tilt weather trailers are pretty reasonable used, but obviously more expensive than a fair weather trailer.
Toy haulers are notoriously cold in poor weather unless you have over 120k to sink. Cheaper camping trailers have some serious condensation problems in the cold and that's a bad, bad thing.
Good insulation, good windows and a serious furnace can make sub zero pretty happy. Without those a guy will be miserable.
That works both ways, not just cold temps but 115 plus, it's the same. Well insulated 4 season trailers will stay cool in real heat. Takes two AC's tho.
RV spot rent just goes with the flow, supply & demand so that's the way it is. Sometimes it's better and sometimes it's not. It's never better in a booming area. Everybody want's to get their cut. For me at least, it still beats paying $850 a week for a junk motel room.
Your shack, your choice.
Most folks probably already knew all this but there ya go.

Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 01-18-2012 22:23
My brother manages our property in Williston for the family, its pure grazing land aside from 2 operating wells would have to talk to him but am sure we'd be damned happy to get $200 a month to park there.  Also no water no electric but hey thats what we got.  :grin:

I've never been there and have no intention of ever going there but has been a nice little God send from inheritance!
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-17-2012 15:57
A contractor is worth 110 an hr. up there. In my opinion, that should be the going rate anywhere, but it isnt.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-18-2012 06:34
With all that work, why wouldnt they put you to work right away? I mean, you're already up there looking for work, how come you're not working already? Housing is your cars back seat if the money is right, yeah? Hell, I would think that if someone went all the way to North Dakota for a job interview, they gotta be hurtin bad or something. I mean they would really be needing a job, and why wouldn't a company put them on right away? I gotta say that, (personally), if I went all the way up there it wouldn't be for a job interview, it would be to take control of my future and go to welding something. Unless of course, you just aren't hiring material or something like that. I'm probably just not seeing it right. Just curious....
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-19-2012 01:42 Edited 01-19-2012 01:44
"Housing is your cars back seat if the money is right, yeah?"  Yeah it is, dang straight!  But that won't work very long this time of year up there or you will be dead.  Have not stayed up there yet but heard enough for me to take it real serious.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-19-2012 02:42
Lifelong Alaskan, stuck in Colorado. I've done it in worse places than North Dakota. You got it straight though Tommy, you do what you gotta do for a good living, even if it's without any comforts at all. Especially if you got a family.....
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 01-20-2012 22:28
Thanks for the heads up. Ive got customers asking all the time about work, just dont think they'd like the 40 below. But hey its work.

And I've got a customer up there with a freshly rebuilt machine that won't start and has a valve cover leak. Need to get it back here for check out, but he doesn't know the town he's in.
- - By atc250r (**) Date 01-16-2012 22:59
Why don't they set up camps for the influx of workers, instead of relying on existing infrastructure?  Doesn't make any sense to me.  I drove through Dickinson last month and couldn't get a hotel room and thought to myself that the client's and contractors need to do what is done in Canada during boom periods- put the workers up in camps.  It's a no-brainer.
Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 01-16-2012 23:41 Edited 01-16-2012 23:51
New man camps just announced near Dickinson.  Just so you know, a man camp is a tiny little dorm room with bathroom down the hall, cafeteria for eating and lights out at 10:00PM.  If you smoke, drink, get in a fight or act up in any way, shape or form, you will be HOMELESS in the North Dakota Winter.  Man Camps are not enough to cope with the influx of workers.  The prices asked for filthy, mold soaked apartments in Dickinson is sick.  $1200 to $1600 + utlilities for a ONE bedroom 1970's era apartment.  Modern two bedroom apartments with a garage and plug in outlet for your block heater for your vehicle is $2000 to $2500 minimum.  You will need a plug-un block or coolant heater for your truck/car but I'm sure you already knew that.

They also do criminal background checks so if you are covered in jailhouse tattoos and just got out of prison, I suggest you try one of the subcontractors to the big boys.  That's how they get around the liability issue of hiring the, shall we say, undesirable types in the trades.  ND folks frown upon jailhouse body art just so you know.  You'll get plenty of attention from the local police also. 

DICKINSON, N.D. — Dunn County has approved six temporary housing sites for oil patch workers in the past year.
The approvals come at a time when several communities in western North Dakota have banned the so-called man camps.
County planning and zoning administrator Sandy Rohde tells the Dickinson Press that one of the sites in Killdeer will be big enough to house 600 workers.
County planning and zoning administrator Sandy Rohde tells the Dickinson Press ( ) that one of the sites in Killdeer will be big enough to house 600 workers.
Dunn County Emergency Manager Denise Brew says she worries about the traffic that will come with the increased workers. But Brew says she's happy that more people will have a place to live.__

Information from: The Dickinson Press,">
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-17-2012 16:13 Edited 01-18-2012 06:37
I am covered in tatooes, have more scars than most, and cut to the chase despite hurt feelings. I have all the work I can stand, and I have only been out of prison for a little over a month. My work preceeds me. Just sayin....dont let that ignorant "felon"stigma that society wants to taint you with deter you from goin out there and doing good work for the RIGHT PRICE! People want you to feel as if you are not good enough, or undesireable because you told the system to get screwed, because it gives the people who are mediochre a leg up on you. It's the American way nowadays to cowtow to the mighty mighty elite that have never been arrested for making a stand. Sorry, I just couldn't let that comment go. Mainly because I got caught, and they didn't yet. If you are good at what you do, there are people out there in the way of tool pushers, company men, and believe it or not, ceo's of huge companies that embrace the guys who think outside the box, and that offer real fabrication solutions, whereas the mediochre yessir man will offer a mediochre fab job-at best. I have worked as a felon in the patch for many many years, and know all this from experience. I have no lack of work because of my status, and have learned that companies that look at a piece of paper to determine your worth, well, why would you want to work for those corporate cut throats anyway? They only seek to use you for all your worth, then spit you out when someone comes along that will work for 2 bucks cheaper......but will cost them tens of thousands in the end. Nut up, go out there and prove why your tatooes tell a story. I'm so sick of scared people tryin to dictate what I can do, and put limits on my worth. Guess who would be the first one gettin wet if those folks' own kids were drowning in a lake.......or the first one kickin in the door of a burning building?

So what I am saying is ND can get used to it. It's convenient for them to make millions and millions of dollars, but hate you for giving it to them. In conclusion, the very worst liar a person could ever be is a self righteous hypocrate.............I'm done.
Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 01-17-2012 21:35 Edited 01-17-2012 21:40
Glad you are working and out of prison.  I'm just pointing out what I heard from the locals.
It's all background checks to rent a place up here.  Criminal and credit.  If you are a convicted felon, they WILL NOT rent to you as they have a waiting list of people who are not felons willing to pay the high rents.

Same goes for the reputable construction outfits.  Plenty of non-felons looking for work so they will background check you to the max.  Most of these jobs want a CDL so they do driving record checks also.
Ten applicants for every job and 7 or 8 can't pass the drug and background checks from what I heard.

By the way, a teacher in Montana, right on the ND border, was kidnapped and murdered by two transient convicted felons while she was out jogging. She had a husband and five kids.  These two felons were working in the Williston ND oil fields.  The locals don't lock thier doors up here and are getting VERY PISSED OFF with all the prison trash coming out here.  The cops are hammering out of state plates, just so you know.  Maybe you can show a ND State Trooper your jailhouse tats?
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-18-2012 00:09
I have MANY Tattoos and I worked for the "Big Boys" in Williston. I was the Lead Welder for Pioneer Drilling in Willston. I am also a Principal Stock Holder in the Development some of the Feilds  that are being developed up there. I also, as some have pointed out, Have a Felony. I am with Sourdough on this. ALot of you know me. Being a Felon ONLY slows you down IF YOU LET IT ! It is NOT a death sentence or the End of the world. I would be willing to bet that there are MANY on here as well as in Feild who have committed a Felony. They just haven't been caught. The time WILL come. Besides, I have NEVER seen a Drilling Contractor or Oilfield Company, conduct a Background check on a Contract Welder ! And I dont know any of them that hire Single Hand Welders for the type of work thet MOST of us in the Oilfield do. Back grounds to rent a place ? I call BS on that one. I can get a place with a simple Phone Call and a Cashiers Check in Fed Ex !
Parent - By leterburn (**) Date 01-18-2012 01:57
Background check....  doubt it... credit check, yep prob if you deal with the big realty companies.
Show me the skill....   and be reliable.... that's what will keep you in damned good wages. High of -7F tomorrow fellas.....  don't mention the wind,  20-30 mph.
We do it all the time.
Regards, DL
Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 01-18-2012 02:54 Edited 01-18-2012 03:05
Wow...convicted Felons and PROUD of it??  You are a class act Cactus
Call any apartment complex in Williston and Dickinson.  Ask to rent a place.  Do it NOW.  Your dirty money 'cashiers check' will be LAUGHED AT if you are a convicted felon after this Montana teacher was murdered by felons like you.

What a dirtbag trade this has become.

Here is what the locals in the Oil Boom areas are dealing with Cactus. Your kind kindnapped and MURDERED a school teacher and mother of FIVE.   These people never had to lock thier doors before you jailhouse felons started coming up here.  The backlash is coming from the locals and they have pure hatred of your kind.  They hate your filthy ways and your ilk.  Look for major attention to your business and the people you hire you Texas POS.  You can't own a firearm or be licensed in numeorus occupations as a self confessed convicted FELON.  Do you even know that you ignorant Texas hick?    Have you ever worked with any of these guys named below Cactus?  Or maybe you spent some time in prison with them:

Jan. 17, 2012

The two men charged with aggravated kidnapping in the disappearance of missing Montana teacher Sherry Arnold have had numerous run-ins with the law.
Though the FBI will not say what led them to Lester Vann Waters Jr., 47, and Michael Keith Spell, 22, the two men were taken into custody last week and are being held at the Williams County Correctional Center in Williston, N.D while they await extradition to Montana. Both men had been living in an unincorporated area near Parachute, Colo.
Waters has an extensive criminal record in Florida with charges including a weapons offense, narcotic possession, theft, trespassing and leaving the scene of a crash injury. He has served time in Florida jails at least three times.
Records also show that Waters has used about a dozen aliases and has been charged with giving police a false name when arrested.
Spell was arrested and charged with drug possession, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and sexual contact without consent in Colorado in May 2007, but the charges were dropped for unknown reasons.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-18-2012 03:27
What an UNINFORMED LOSER you are. Does a Felony Conviction automatically mean that person is a Murderer ? No one said I was proud of the fact. I simply said it was NOT the End of the World. Dirty Money ? What an IDIOT Statement. I have forgotten more about the Oilfeild than you will ever know. Lots of Money ? Your DAMN right !!! Enough that you would NEVER beleive it in 100 years. To be honest, I dont even need a Cashiers Check. I would just call my old freind Huggie and get a Place... No Problem. I was Married to one of the Locals there for Some time. I know VERY well how they act towards Outsiders. They Hate my Ink ? Doubt it. I got 3 of my Tats in Williston while I was on a Ride with the Local Chapter of the Boozefighters M/C. My Kind ? My bet is, that you would cut off your Shriveled up Nutts to be in My shoes if you knew the Truth. (which you obviously dont !) No wonder you are are having a hard time up there, As*wipe! Last but not least...........YOUR DAMN RIGHT I AM A CLASS ACT !
Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 01-18-2012 03:32 Edited 01-18-2012 03:43
I bet old Huggie in Williston is real happy a convicted Felon like you is using his name Cactus.  Especially after a school teacher was murdered a few miles away by people who share your prison history.  Didn't you learn anything in PRISON Catcus?   

Old Huggie in Williston.....indeedy.  The backlash coming aganist you Texas criminal turds is long in the making.  You are vile, sick, sub-human turds.

I bet Pioneer Drilling in Williston is real happy that you let everyone know they hire CONVICTED FELONS, especially after the school teacher was kindnapped and MURDERED by convicted felons.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-18-2012 03:39
Well he never has had a Problem in the Past.  I have a running Contract with Stallion (Williston Yard) now. It seems they dont care either.  Blaine David (VP Pioneer Drilling) will send my Welders up there in a Phone Call. I have more contacts in that Area than you will gather in the next 10 years. My new Office will open in Newtown,ND on March 15th. Come on by and put in a Application (If you aint Scared of the Boogie Man)
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-18-2012 03:43
Ever stop to think that THERE IS A REASON all of the Oilfield Guys come from Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma ? Somebody has to show them how to do it !
Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 01-18-2012 03:46 Edited 01-18-2012 03:50
Can convicted Felons legally obtain the required licenses and permits in ND?  Are you even LEGAL to work up there?

No comment on the KIDNAPPED AND MURDERED School teacher and mother of FIVE who was killed by people like you who hire SCUM?

I guess it's just collateral damage

I'm forwarding this whole thread to the local press in Dickinson and Williston.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-18-2012 03:51
Yes They Can. Especially when the Needed  Licenses and Permits are in the Name of the Corporation that I control. And Especially since The Corporation I control, Is injecting another 500 Million into the Local economy ALONG with the Government Mandates and Concessions We are providing. Any more dumb questions ?
Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 01-18-2012 04:10
You "control" a corporation that is pumping $500,000,000 into the local economy? It's amazing a self confessed convicted felon has come so far and still has time to post on an obscure welding forum.

With assets of half a Billion dollars, I'm sure the liabilty lawyers would pounce on you should one of your employees commit a crime with no background checks performed.
Thread has been forwarded to the Bismark, Dickinson and Williston Press. 

Signing out.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-18-2012 04:18 Edited 01-18-2012 04:24
Great ! You are still welcome to come by and Apply. I can pretty much Assure you that you will NOT be hired, But you can Apply. Since I have time to write Post on here, and that seems to upset you, I guess it would REALLY Piss you off to know that I spent most of the Summer months Fishing in my Boat, Out in the Galveston Bay, While Holding Phone Conferences all over the World. AND I made more money before Noon than you make all year while doing it ! ANd by the Way, I have Access to much more that that !
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-19-2012 03:59
I spend the summer in my dingy, playing with my dingy.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-18-2012 03:55 Edited 01-18-2012 03:58
You really need to educate yourself a little more before spouting off.  And then you could cure that case of "Diarrhea of the Mouth" that you seem to have. There are PLENTY of guys who are reading this who just might be offended by your Comments. (Like the Guys I hire that YOU just called SCUM)
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-18-2012 03:57 Edited 01-18-2012 04:12
With your reasoning, EVERY God Fearing, Church Going Preacher or Preist is a Child Molester and Pedophile. Nevermind, I just re read your First Post. I can see how it MUST be hard for a Person like you. You seem to be seeing Jobs Everywhere while you are only Interveiwing. Which means you Can't get one of the Jobs you are talking about.And that means you are Cold and Hungry and UNEMPLOYED ! Jealousy is a B*tch !
Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 01-18-2012 04:44 Edited 01-18-2012 04:47
$58,000 a year?  That's pretty low pay for a guy in charge of a half Billion dollar company with NO website and NO staff.
You're a fraud. Your reported income is $58K per year?


Grand Saline, Texas 75140


Website: No information provided.

Mailing Address

P.O. BOX 231




All Other Support Services
Est. Total Employees: 1
Est. Total Sales: $58,000
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-18-2012 12:44
Try this one IDIOT ! . Not sure where you get your Info. But That 58 k was one week ! Now You Narrowminded little POS. Care to Compare 1099's ? Put your money where your Mouth is!
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-18-2012 12:54
Here's a GOOD Question. WHY do you run your Narrow Minded Mouth and then Hide behind a Profile ? Come on Big Boy. Be a man. Put your Name and Info on your Profile. Are you scared you might get Raped ?
Parent - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 01-27-2012 03:55
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-18-2012 05:47 Edited 01-19-2012 04:01
Cactus, let me interject: this commonarc person is exactly the kind of paranoid, scaredy cat that allows the American government to slowly but surely communize "we the people". His kind are the very reason that the second amendment is on the chopping block, and the rest in close second. Because of people like him our prisons are overflowing, and the mass media is able to control thye whole of us with fear. He is a scared little person with a real chip on his shoulder, and little life experience, which is condusive to his/her inability to discern reality from fiction.

I think he just doesnt realize that we are not proud to be felons, but are proud to have survived following the path of most resistance, and the victory we have over narrow mindedness. Let this guy do his thing, and let mother nature strip him one day of that arrogant pride he so recklessly wields.......:wink:
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 01-18-2012 14:01
This forum is no place for you guys to have an insult contest.
Please take your BS elsewhere.

Moderation please...
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-18-2012 14:05
So, What do you suggest ? Some of us TRY to educate other Individuals who seem to have NO CLUE about real life. In return we get Slammed and Bashed for it. DO you suggest that either myself or others just to Nut up and take the BS ? Heres a hint............NOT IN THIS LIFETIME !!!!
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 01-18-2012 16:53
I suggest that members of this forum keep in mind that this forum has been for years an excellent educational resource for welding professionals around the world where people with every level of experience can share ideas and advice not available elsewhere.
I suggest that a certain level of decorum be preserved in order prevent professional minded contributors from abandoning the site as frivolous.
I suggest that those who are tempted to bash and criticize others try and not act so immature.
I suggest that those who disagree with others opinions not turn the topic into a long drawn out gripe and insult competition.

...end of rant
Tim Gary
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-18-2012 17:53
I had to move it off the Main board over to a PW protected area due to the mud slinging.:mad:
:roll:I'm with Tim, in that it doesn't look very professional to see these type of postings.

I just have to wonder what outside people think of our forum when a user is browsing the web looking for help with welding issues and finds this mess on our forum. :sad:
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-18-2012 18:29
And the tongue is a fire, a world of wickedness.
The tongue is set among our members, staining the
whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life,
and set on fire by hell.*~~~James 3:6

Who among you is wise and understanding?
Let him show by his good behavior his deeds
in the gentleness of wisdom.~~~~  James 3:13
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-19-2012 04:03 Edited 01-19-2012 04:09
I love it. It's kind of like when someone in traffic gives you the finger, although if they were standing in front of you on the sidewalk they wouldn't dare, for real fear of retalliation in the way of assaultive behavior. It's just like that, actually......

I say this character commonarc is a real trouble maker like I used to be when I was still a drinking man. He deserves to feel bad about himself so he will associate pain with this website and let us alone to our socially acceptible intercourse. I can tell you this; he/she is gonna have a witty beatin from me each and every time I see one of their posts..........because they deserve it.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 01-18-2012 05:39
Common arc: I am sorry to dissappoint you, but I'm not a rapist, despite my tattoos. I should have known better than to try and enlighten someone of your high stature, and foremost judgement. I don't say this to ruffle your feathers, but you are what I have seen plenty of. You got it figured out. I could never win an endeavor to gain your respect, so I would never try, or win a spelling contest with you either. I know just by your wisdom on this online chat site that you would probably out weld, out work, and quite certainly out match me in any arena. I know all this for sure, because I have tattoos and you dont.

And what those transient boys, (my long lost jailhouse homies), should get is a session in a cage with a horny frustrated gorilla who would rip their limbs off and beat them to death with them.......
- - By atc250r (**) Date 01-16-2012 23:45
That is the best thing that could happen, not only for workers, but for the city itself.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-17-2012 00:23
I read a few articles about heated debates over man camp "permits" up that way.  If you want to see a little of the old west mentality I reckon you can see it first hand up there.  The opportunities for someone wanting to work are awesome tho....too cold for me, I do not think I could handle it.
Parent - - By canaan (*) Date 01-17-2012 01:06
Sounds to me like they are price gouging a little. I don't thinks it right to ever take advantage of any situation it's bad business.
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 01-17-2012 01:19
Maybe not ethical,but it's always been that way in any boom throughout history. The law of supply and demand.
Parent - - By canaan (*) Date 01-17-2012 01:43
Rekon if I demand cheaper rates I would get them?
Parent - - By commonarc (**) Date 01-17-2012 02:17 Edited 01-17-2012 02:20
Price gouging is off the charts bad.  I'm being offered relocation asssitance & rental assistance and I'm still not sure I can make it work. Even the local company can't find me housing. I'm holding back for now due to the housing issues.  If they can't find me housing, I'll have to take a pass.  I went out there for a full week and could find nothing at any price.  It's that bad.

Don't listen to all the BS about ND folks being salt of the earth types.  They are anything but.  The local ND landlords are kicking the elderly, infirm and single moms out into the street to triple the rents by making room for oil workers.  They are booting thier friends and neighbors out and the homeless shelters are filled to capacity with LOCAL people, not oil workers.  It's turned neighbor against neighbor and wounds like this don't heal fast in small communities.  I was shocked by what I saw in regards to panhandlers and beggers standing on the streets with backpacks in subzero windchill.  The vast majority of people getting rich out here are local landlords renting to oil workers and those with mineral rights.  If you make $100K per year out here, you'll be paying 2/3rds out in expenses.  Depend on it.
Parent - By weaver (***) Date 01-17-2012 15:25
You are right, I lived there in Williston for 5 years. Landlords in the whole area should all be shot. We left because it's no place to raise a child. And in response to welding fir the oil companies, they only hire contract welders. I would bet anything on that. If u have a place to live then go, but don't be a fool and live in a camper. I miss the economy but not the gouging. Kind regards to all, Shannon
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