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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / U.S. Bridges, Roads Being Built by Chinese Firms
- - By J Hall (***) Date 01-19-2012 23:04
This one should be tough for the supporters of the current regime to swallow....
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-19-2012 23:45
Think they had another thread talking about a bridge in California that was built by.....well, China. Unemployment up and we're shipping them in from across the pond to build our infrastructure. Nice
Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 01-19-2012 23:58
Did you here that load of cra-, no american welders. What the ----
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 01-22-2012 22:49
I am not only angry about the China fabrication, but I am angry at Dianne Sawyer and ABC News.  She indicates that ABC just found out about this shocking agreement, and pretends to be shocked.   How Phony!  They knew about it years ago!  The media is worse than politicians! 

I call a curse form God on Her, and all the ABC executives.  I ask God to give them and their children, and their children's children  bone cancer.

(Why bone cancer?  There is no palliative for the pain!)

Joe Kane
- - By Sberry (***) Date 01-20-2012 01:01
Just what does anyone propose we do about it? We think this is a big liberal lefty idea? Lets just say that Obama could put in a phone call and stop this,,, what you think would be the war cry then? It would be "anti business and more regulation" Cant win? Its the conservatives trying to screw us and blame it on the libs,,, and,,,, looks like its working. .
Parent - By Short Hood (*) Date 01-22-2012 17:26
Its not just the libs. The GOP has their hands in making states like Indiana a right to work state. Anything to lower wages for the working man. Its all about how the millionaires can make more millions at our expense, and by the way, the legislation to bring in more foreign workers was started by a Republican from Utah. If his legislation passes, foreign workers won't even have to apply for a work visa........a sad sad story.........
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 01-22-2012 19:21
It's a bitter pill to swallow, huh?
Yes we can! Hope and Change worked well with his campaign but does nothing to help America. The Messiah, it appears, is only a mere human after all.

Seriously though, Sberry. You don't have to swing at every pitch and be so defensive of the president. You brought politics into this thread. ABC is NOT FOX news and is a proud supporter of the president, you will see in a few short months how true true that is.

We have been losing jobs to foreign countries long before Obama was elected president.
Your side will say greedy capitalist are the blame.
I say our trade & tax laws and too much government excessive regulations play a huge role in it costing so much to build anything in America...especially in Cali.

>Its the conservatives trying to screw us and blame it on the libs,,, and,,,, looks like its working. .

You do sound like Obama. Blame the republicans for his failures. Don't forget, he had supermajority for his first two years and still has the senate.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-22-2012 22:08
I'll freely admit that I am biased, I am a Democrat and I back Union labor.

In the case of the Bay Bridge built in San Francisco it was stated in the ABC newscast that CalDOT and the governor turned down federal funds so they wouldn't have to comply with "Buy American" laws. Those state level decisions were made while Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor. So, to say this should be laid at the feet of the Republicans in California is a valid argument.

When it comes to the next election, remember those millions of man hours of fabrication and millions of dollars that were sent to China by the Republican governor of California. It wasn’t only the nanny that was being screwed by the Republican.

It wasn't too long ago I was asked by a company if I could go out to California to help in the effort to correct all the steel that was misfabricated by the Chinese. My response was, “If you buy something from WalMart and it is broken, what do you do?”

Their response was, “Take it back and ask for my money back.”

My reply was, “Then that is exactly what should be done, send the crap back to China and get your tax money back!”

“But they are getting better!” was the next words I heard.

I vote in favor of sending those same politicians and business people to China. They are screwing this country into the ground. They are sending our national wealth and our future overseas so they can line their own pockets.  Mitt (of Bain fame) should be the first one and Arnold the second one forced to board the China bound ship with a not so slow leak in the hull. 

By the way, did anyone read about the largest ship to ever be built is owned by WalMart? It's sole purpose is to bring Chinese goods to WalMart stores.

Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 01-22-2012 23:15
Wow! That is the first political rant that I have seen from you Al. I must have struck a nerve.
I'm sorry that I said something negative about President Obama.
I didn't see his name on your ship bound for China list though. With his anti coal, nuclear, oil and gas agenda you don't think he qualifies? He has singlehandedly stopped the Keystone XL Pipeline and decreased oil/gas drilling by 40% on federally owned land. His policies of more government control and regulations and his obsession with the government confiscating the profits of the job creators have stagnated any real recovery in America.

I'm with you on the RINO's (Mitt and Arnold) (Republican in name only) though, they won't help the recovery that much, they are too much like the Democrats in big government and spending, part of the problem, not the solution.

I do, however, not wish them death as you do, (hope you were using hyperbole) nor do I wish President Obama any harm, only wish his departure from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. next January.

By the by, I don't see the union trades thriving under Obama. Plenty of opportunities with coal burners (they can build them but I'll bankrupt them was his words), nukes and oil (we will be Brazils best customer) but his green obsession (Google Solyndra) trumps his concern for jobs in America.

President Obama's job czar GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt has racked up huge profits by sending American jobs from an American company overseas. Is his name on the list?

I could go on and on, defending this administration on job creation is a losing cause.
Parent - By 99205 (***) Date 01-22-2012 23:47
Personally I've decided the Republicans want to create jobs, as long as labor costs are low.  Meaning, wages need to be rolled back 30 to 40 percent and cut benefits to the absolute minimum.  The Democrats on the other hand, need to create jobs so the tax coffers can be replenished.  The consequence of this, low wages and increasingly higher tax rates.  The end product is no middle class.  Welcome the the beginning of a 3rd world country.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 01-23-2012 01:04

This is not Al's first venture into politics on the Forum.

Al Moore is not a dyed in the wool Democrat. He is really an "Anyone and anything but a Republican" Democrat.  If there was only a Republican  on the ballot, he would write in for Charles Manson.  (I myself, a registered Democrat,  often write in "Charles Manson", just so I don't have to vote for some undesirable Democratic Candidate on the slate.)

He is the definition of "solidarity" for Union Labor, especially since he is a life long "Union Iron Worker"!  To Al the only definition of "Patriotism" is "Unionism"!
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 01-23-2012 01:37
Thanks Joe.
To each his own.
I don't hold it against Al :grin: or you :lol:

I'm not defending Republicanism, they have their issues as well as the Democrats. Neither side has been very effective in recent years. We cannot keep spending money we don't have on things we don't need while expanding the size and scope and power of the government regardless of what party is in control.

I haven't posted much recently but was lured in by Sberry's automatic defense of Obama...even when the story isn't about Obama.

Concerning unions, I follow a union pipe fitter forum and although most of them will not vote for a republican, I wouldn't be surprised if Charles Manson get 70% of their votes and the republican getting the rest. Not a bunch of happy campers.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 01-23-2012 04:11
To each His own, but it seems to Me that the Democratic party and labor unions of My Grandfather's time [1888-1973] were a whole lot different than they are today.

Republicans might be a lot different too.

I am likely a libertarian at heart, but We have a (2) party system, like it or not.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 01-23-2012 04:30
You are right Dave.
This is not my Dads Democratic party.

I don't defend the Republican party unless they are conservatives. Some democrats are fiscally conservative, some socially conservative, not many are both.

Two party system is broken. When one party is in, the other wants them to they can get in. Both are guilty of that. I like 90% of what Ron Paul (really a libertarian) says but that 10% is hard to buy. Iran with a nuke not a good combo IMO.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 01-24-2012 03:26
I also like Ron Paul's position on a lot, but not all of the issues, but I don't think He can win a general election.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / U.S. Bridges, Roads Being Built by Chinese Firms

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