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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / SSBN727, Hank, (Henry Cabrera)
- - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 02-13-2012 16:15 Edited 02-13-2012 16:17

I just spoke to Henry Cabrera.  He is still in the Westhaven Manor Nursing Home and Physical Re-Hab Hospital in Opollo PA!  (1-724-727-3451, room 126.)

Apparently he was in worse shape than he left me believing back when I last spoke to him.  He was not only unable to walk, but he was also suffering from Atrophy in his arms after the chemical imbalance that sent him into the hospital back in October!  Henry told me he will still be in the hospital for a few more weeks!

The worst thing for Henry, is that he doesn't have any internet connection where he is.  As anyone who knows him can readily imagine, it must be like torture for poor Henry to be without a computer!  His Cell Phone charger was left in the last hospital, and lost.  It is an older Verizon phone, and he cannot get a replacement charger anywhere.  He can receive calls, but not make any calls out.

Joe Kane
Parent - - By qcrobert (***) Date 02-13-2012 18:07
Will keep him in our thoughts and prayers, not only for his recovery but for a phone charger!

If there is a Batteries Plus near him?  They have chargers for older phones.

Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 02-13-2012 19:05
Henry's brother told me about his phone charger.  He said he had tried Verizon and Radio Shack and some other places.  He said Henry will just have to get a new cell phone when he gets out.  I sure hope Henry really is getting better.  When I listen to him, I hear the same "positive thinking" "Upbeat" that I heard from one of my younger brothers who died of breast cancer a couple of years ago.  I have a feeling that Henry really does need our prayers!
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 02-13-2012 20:55
He is now on our prayer list at church and his name will be acknowledged each Wed and Sunday till his recovery.

Please do keep us all informed.

Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 02-14-2012 00:26
Hello Joe, I gave Henry a call just a bit ago. He does sound very tired and likely a bit out of it. Told him to get himself better soon and let him know that everyone is pulling for him. I believe he thinks that Al Moore called him and he wasn't quite his usual forum self, completely understandable under the circumstances. I'll be praying for him along with a lot of you other folks. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 03-05-2012 00:18
I spoke with him tonight. He has a Samsung SCHA 930. 

There is internet but everyone has to share and as a result of his condition he can not always get a turn.

He sounds really tired but he is still in the game.

Prayers sent for him.

Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 03-05-2012 14:13
Henry, when you read this, welcome back. I haven't called because I figure you are gonna make it, or you're not. I always battle my way through the muck and mire on my own, and that's why I'm such an arrogant bastard. I am convinced you understand that, and why I don't call you when you are in the hospital fighting your own fight. Good luck, and shoot me a pm when you can......
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / SSBN727, Hank, (Henry Cabrera)

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