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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Jon Lambert
- - By jon20013 (*****) Date 03-20-2012 05:45
On Feb 24th I was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery.  Seems a tumour inside my bowels had perforated the bowel and began spewing yucky stuff into my innards!

The tumours were cancerous but doctors feel very confident they got all the cancer and my lymph nodes all showed clear so there's a good sign!  I'm with a colostomy bag now, at least for short term, will hopefully be connected again later this year.

I begin chemotherapy tomorrow but am taking this whole experience as a positive to change my lifestyle!

So far surgeons have called my recovery remarkable so am fighting hard!

So, there's an update from me!  My wife Karen has been my pillar of strength.

By the way, my socialized medical care in New Zealand has been nothing short of WORLD CLASS and after 18 days in the hospital, a major surgery involving 3 surgeons and 7 days in extensive care ward, the cost to us is ZERO dollars.  Not bad....
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 03-20-2012 07:34
Hi Jon,

Glad to here you are fighting back and winning!
I'm sure all the forum members thoughts are with you at this time!

Best Regards
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 03-20-2012 11:08
  Sorry to hear about the tumor, but glad to hear of all the good news mixed in.

We will keep you and yours in our prayers.

Stay strong,
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-20-2012 13:00
Whoa Jon, I had no idea. Man, sure am glad that it seems things are looking positive for you after all of that. We'll be praying for your quick recovery.
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 03-20-2012 13:23
Jon, real shocked to hear this but real glad you have the upper hand. I wish you all the best and for a 100% (or as near as possible) recovery.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-20-2012 13:31

Thanks for comming back to the forum to update us.  It's good to hear your voice "so to speak"

May the Lord have more mercy!

Sorry for the hard times... Glad you have reason to be upbeat!
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 03-20-2012 13:59
Wonderful news to hear you are doing well now, Jon!

My wife & I will put you on our prayer list for a full and speedy recovery.

Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 03-20-2012 16:01
Hang tough Jon!
Our prayers are with you.

Years ago my best friend had a colostomy bag.
Ocassionally I would take him out somewhere in his wheel chair, usually to a casino, just to get him out of the house for a while as he was healing up from an injury.
He would wait until we got into a crowd and would vent his colostomy bag, then he'd look at and loudly cuss me for being a disgusting individual.
Then he would giggle for the next hour or so until he "reloaded" then do it again.
You should try that with your better half!

Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 03-20-2012 18:48
Tim, thats funny!!!!  For some reason, the odor from the bag is MUCH, MUCH worse than "normal." :twisted:

I appreciate the words of support from everyone and am blessed that the bowel perforated otherwise I wouldnt have known about the cancer until maybe too late.  A very good eye opener for me and glad to be alive!
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 03-21-2012 03:31 Edited 03-21-2012 03:34
Sounds like Your has been taken care of in time, everything sounds good.

I have been surviving the last 8 years with stage 4 colorectal cancer.

I had a bag for 7 months folowing surgery, and got 6 months of 5FU chemo during that time.

Mine is metasticised to My liver & lungs, have been on much stronger chemo since fall '05.

I am hoping to start a clinical trial that hopefully addresses the recent advancement of the liver tumor
while keeping the lung tumors under control.

- - By jbndt (**) Date 03-20-2012 22:49 Edited 03-24-2012 19:01

All I can say is chlorophyll tablets ...
Helps with the 'aroma' and gives it a pleasing "colour" ...

Get well soon!

Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-21-2012 00:05
Jon I am glad you found out this in the right circumstances....might not have went so well in the field(s) where you work.  I hope you have a speedy recovery, God Bless.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Jon Lambert

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