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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / test
- - By aevald (*****) Date 03-08-2012 01:31
seeing if I can post pics. Allan
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 03-08-2012 01:33
must be something going on with the site, I have tried posting pics from the office and home, same results.... No pictures. Allan
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 03-08-2012 02:14
I am having the same trouble. I sent a PM to Ross. No answer
Parent - - By jbndt (**) Date 03-08-2012 22:29
Thought it was me and my mobile hot spot ... :eek:

Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 03-23-2012 03:52
See, I'm not the retarded friend to myself then.
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 03-24-2012 00:27
Sourdough, when you get around to compiling some of these great lines of yours in book form, please announce the release date on the forum as I would be one of the first to buy one. Bob.
Parent - By gndchuck (**) Date 03-24-2012 01:03
I 2nd that, think that I wouldn't stop laughing for a few days.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 03-24-2012 23:01 Edited 03-24-2012 23:03
I got a million of them, all itching to pop to the surface at any point in time.......

BUT, there is another post around here somewhere that that would be better attached to....
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 03-24-2012 15:30
And THAT is why I got out of Rig Welding.
I just couldn't be my own Best Retarded Friend any longer.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 03-24-2012 23:05
It's what makes the world go round, my friends....
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / test

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