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- - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-20-2004 13:15
Hi Everyone!
As some of you already have noticed, I'm preparing for the CWI exam that's coming up very soon and I've got some questions to ask...

I got a hold of the 3rd edtion manual and I noticed already that a question from chapter 4 (Weld Joint Geometry and Welding Terminology)
is referring to a "T" joint with fillet welds on both sides that is supposedly labled with a number in a figure yet, when you look at the figure, it is'nt there! To be more specific, the page is 4-28, Q4-66 based on figure 6 located on the top right of the page.
The number the question refers to is number 5. The same figure is shown on the previous page (4-27) and the number is'nt used there either.. My question to anyone that can answer is: If you have this (3rd) edition, do you notice the same?

Another question that comes to mind is: Are there other missing numbers in other figures that are found in other chapters in this (3rd) edition also? If there are, would you please let me know about them?
Two last questions pertaining to this book, I noticed that the AWS has already published a 4th edition of this pretty decent book., Has anyone who has had the opportunity to examine a copy notice any errors, typos, problems with the printing or missing numbers or letters pertaining to figures from one or more of the sample questions in any of the chapters or anything else for that matter, in the newest edition?
I noticed when I filled out the Application that the AWS offered the option of AWS D1.1-98, 2000 and 2002. I've got a copy of D1.1-2002.
Can anyone offer any study tips on this version of D1.1?

Can anyone offer any study tips for the three part exam or anything else that may come to mind? I'm looking at some of the past posts regarding preparation and study tips so, anything else that comes to mind certainly can't hurt...
I ask this not only for myself, but also for anyone else that has been studying for their upcoming exams and have noticed how astute you are in answering the multitude of questions that are posted in this forum.
I look foward to your responses and appreciate any help not only for myself, but also to anyone else. Thanks in advance!

SSBN727 Run Silent... Run Deep!!!

Parent - - By DGXL (***) Date 03-20-2004 23:21
Hey there SSBN727:
I finished up a CWI class at the end of January and the students called AWS to find out what revision code to use. They (AWS) told them they are using the 2002 code now for the CWI exam and they had to buy that revision.

If the 98/00 codes are still being used, why would AWS pass this info on? (Possibly to sell more code books?)

Secondly, I highly recommend getting your hands on a more recent revision of the manual, I have the 4th edition and I think there may be a new one available, but I'm not sure.

Good Luck on your exam.

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-21-2004 13:08
Thanks for your advice on the newer edition Cert Manual.
I'm waiting on the newer edition to arrive so, in the meantime I've got to work with what I got... Do you happen to have a copy of the 3rd edition to answer my question? I really want say more but, I think I'll get into trouble if I do so, I'll take the 5th, because I can't e-mail you & let you know about some of the issues I've had with certain entities. I do'nt think it's good idea to mention them in this forum so, I'll leave it at that... It's a shame that in this country, you can no longer speak your mind without the fear of retribution when one speaks out in a professional manner to draw attention to either an injustice, or even a simple error, inadequecy, or just plain double talk especially when one has already tried to draw attention to these issues through the traditional channels!!! Well - I better stop now before I write something that I'll probably get in trouble for!!! Freedom of speech my - whoops!
I almost messed up there!!! Got to watch out for the censors!!!

As far as the 2002 code is concerned; It does'nt surprise me that on the CWI/CWE application, at the bottom where it's written; "You MUST choose one of these codes as your open book test subject" in small font size; The box that one checks for each of the 4 options, underneath where AWS D1.1 is - in parenthesis it states: (1998, 2000 or 2002 editions permissible) so, as I said before, it does'nt surprise me that your students would be told one thing when they call the AWS headquarters and on the application, it states something else!

Thanks for the encouragement DGXL!

SSBN727 Run Silent... Run Deep!!!
Parent - By DGXL (***) Date 03-21-2004 16:44
I have copy of the 2nd edition which will not do you any good either to answer your question.

You don't want to hear about the proctors who administer the exam, expect the unexpected...
Parent - By thirdeye (***) Date 03-21-2004 17:51

Best of luck on the exam. Hope you have allowed enough time to study at a pace comfortable for you. I’ve always believed that group study (either independently, without instructor, or a structured classroom setting with instructor) is best. Students seem to find some comfort and support when interacting with other students. An added bonus is that most students will have more experience in a particular area and this sparks interest with the others. As you know, there are many excellent older posts on this subject. Everyone, including myself, has their pet peeves. I tend to put a lot of emphasis on terms and definitions, not only for the purpose of answering test questions but also to disqualify certain test answers (narrowing your answers down) if you are stumped by the question. On this examination, the best answer is the correct one. Make sure you read ALL answers before answering. For the purpose of the examination the AWS publications (WIT manual, A3.0, A2.4, etc.) are the sole authorities for the correct answers. Don’t let common sense or rules of thumb sway your decision(s). Don’t waste too much time on any one question, skip it and come back. Check your question number against the answer sheet every 10 questions to make sure you are on the correct line. There is a temptation to challenge or comment on questions but save that until last. Don’t be afraid to answer “none of the above”. Watch out for the negative questions, (all correct except, ……which of the above do not…….which method will not……). I know these are broad tips, but I think they are important ones.

It’s great that you have ordered the latest WIT manual. Did you also get the workbook? If so it will give you an idea of how the examination questions are structured. Take a look at the “Body of Knowledge” and the number of questions on the different topics. It will help you balance your study time.

Hope this helps…….

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-22-2004 01:14
How much time do you have before taking the exam?
John Wright
There is a reason I'm asking, I have something that I can (snail)mail you that might be of some help in your studies.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-22-2004 08:55
Hi JW!
May 29th is the exam... I've been studying for a few months now but,
I'm greatful for any help and sincerely appreciate anything that'll help out in preparation for the exam!!!

After I finish writing this response to you, I'll send you my address via
e-mail... If you want, I'll call my sister tomorrow and have her send you a DHL or Fed-Ex account number so that it'll reach me sooner and that'll take care of the mailing costs...

I can't tell you and everyone else enough how touched and greatful I am for your help and support in aiding me to prepare myself for this upcoming exam!!! Thanks again JW!!! You're all CHAMPS in my book!!!

SSBN727 Run Silent... Run Deep!!! [:^)
Parent - By bmaas1 (***) Date 03-22-2004 14:48
This is all good advice but I'll put in my 2 cents worth anyway.

If you have a welding background then your a step ahead of some people when it comes to the test.
Of the three parts:
1) General knowledge--expect any kind of question that might deal with welding, ie, ndt, processes, etc. Don't be surprised if there are questions on this part that you have absolutely know idea what the answer is or were they came up with the question. Skip the question and then come back to it. If you still don't know what the answer is just choose something, don't leave any question blank. Somebody once told me that if you have to guess pick "c" whether that makes any difference or not.
2) Code Book--On this part speed is essential. Don't be overly concerned with knowing all the code just be relatively familiar with it. Knowing your way around the code and where to find the answers is what is important. Don't rely on your memory for the answers. I would also suggest you TAB your code book for faster indexing and greater ease in navigating through it. Some questions might bounce you around to different areas to find the answer.
3)Practical--About the only advice I can give on this section is when you start forget everything else you know and only reference Part B, no matter what else you've learned only do what Part B says. As far as the weld samples go, the ones I tested on were worn out. Just do your best with what you have to work with.

Hopes this helps,

Brian J. Maas
Parent - By thcqci (***) Date 03-22-2004 16:19
Thirdeye has sound advice. Like he said, skip questions you don't know the answer to. You will find that the same or similar questions may be asked later in the exam and that will help you answer earlier questions. 2 hours for each exam is plenty of time if you did your homework so don't panic. Make sure you stay on the right line with your answers. Terminology is very important so know your definitions. Know your weld symbols. Know your weld discontinuities and where they are found. Don't stay up cramming the night before. If you don't know it then, you won't learn it over night and being tired on exam day is counterproductive. Eat a light to normal breakfast. Heavy, big breakfast make you sleepy. Know how to use your calculator and make metric to english conversions. By the way, when you calculate answers, make sure to calculate them in metric and english when both answers are given. You already have a good body of knowledge. Don't miss the details, but don't worry about what you already know as long as it is sound. Put most of your study into those things you don't know. For me, I was an NDE tech and was strong on code and inspections. Spent zero time studying the things I knew. I knew little about all the different welding processes and even less about metallurgy. Spent my time in these 2 "chapters". Paid off.

As for your code part, they are testing your ability to use a code book (any code book). They are not looking to see if you have memorized the code (in fact you better off if you don't try). Read through it a couple of times to get the flavor of the authors intentions and limitations. What you should do is get very familiar with the index. Know where different things are found in the code. Know where the charts are and how to interpret them. Don't forget the commentary. Bookmark your codebook. You are allowed to bookmark (index) your own book however you like. The good part about the codebook test is it is open book. All the answers are right there and almost all are word for word straight from the book.

The practical is straight forward. Keep in mind what the acceptance criteria they give you is. Often cruddy looking weld will not have anything unacceptable and nice looking welds may have something that does not comply with their fake code book. Look and measure closely. You have been around long enough to know what MT, PT, RT, UT equipment looks like. They just show you pictures and ask what process is being performed.

General exam is 150 questions. You need to score 70%. That should be relatively easy since you can miss 45 questions and still pass. Codebook and Practical are 46 questions each... 70% means you can only miss 13 questions; that is a little tougher.

Study but don't burn yourself out. Peak at the right time. Lots of luck. I am sure you are already well on your way.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-22-2004 17:07
on the code part of the exam, in addition to what others have mentioned.... very important to read the notes that apply, on several questions, the notes will change your answer. They do this to see if you read far enough and checkout the notes that apply.
just a thought to add,
John Wright
Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 03-23-2004 05:29
OK get ready to laugh at me- Get one of those big fat soft pencils that they give to first graders or something like a 2B from an art supply, leave it blunt at the end of the lead. You can now fill in the spot where you select your choice of answer with a single stroke. That saves a little time, and if you run short at the end means you will get to read another question. One can turn the trick. I recommend that you answer every question you read, your intuition (knowledge) will usually make your guesses better than random, mark the guesses so you can reconsider later if you have time. Probably best to write the numbers of guesses on the table or scrap paper if allowed to avoid confusing electrical grading equipment if it is used. The penalty for wrong answers is almost never enough to make guesses unprofitable.

I have not taken this test, this is general test taking advice which has served me well.

Good luck never hurt anyone and I wish it for you.

Parent - By MICHAEL B (*) Date 03-23-2004 13:59
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 03-23-2004 17:27
Just a word of caution on the pencil use, if you have to erase any of the marks, make sure to get it all. We were told that the sheet reader could read two answers for the question and score an automatic wrong answer.
Also, "studies show" (no idea whose studies they are) that 2nd guessing an answer will usually be wrong one. The first "guess" is usually correct.
Chet Guilford
Parent - By - Date 03-23-2004 20:13
I took my CWI Exam in June 2003 to the API 1104 Piping Code. Like some of the other people here, I too took a class before taking my test. I went to Real Educational Services in Mississippi, they have an ad in the back of the Welding Journal. My suggestion is read every question TWICE. Make sure you notice keywords like "shall" and "should". Also, be sure to write down the correct test codes where applicable. An incorrect code could mean a CAWI or no cert at all. These are two simple things that can make a difference
Parent - By ladycwi (*) Date 04-22-2004 16:13
all I can tell you is study and study some more. I took the test to D1.1 and all you need to do is get familiar with how to find the information,also famous words of my instructor were "if you think you know the answer, read on" that little phrase helped me a great deal. Make sure you know your general knowledge also.

Lots of Luck
Parent - By brande (***) Date 05-09-2004 04:28

So you're taking the plunge. Congratulations. You'll do fine.

Your background will help immensely-but good study habits are as important as well. Don't overanalyse.

You don't say-or maybe you did and I missed it-if you are taking the seminar. The seminar is good as there is very little on the test that is not covered by the seminar. I was lucky-my employer paid for my seminar. He then layed me off four months later. That's another story, though.

If you are studying on your own, the CM (Certification Manual for Welding Inspectors) was an excellent resource. More useful the the WIT-for me anyway. The CM manual I have is a fourth edition(2000). They even included an errata sheet for the quizzes inside, but not for the text. I did not note any text descrepancies.

As far as taking the test, the biggest thing to remember is that they are testing your ability to use a recognized code. Not this code or that code, but any code. They are not testing your memorization of the code.

I had the unfortunate circumstance of having to switch codes during the seminar due to a paperwork glitch at the AWS (imagine that!!).
Started the week on D1.1 and late wednesday was told I would be testing to API 1104. Since I assumed I would be doing D1.1, I did not attend the API 1104 part of the seminar, or study the code. All worked out, though.

Advice on the exam...
In no particular order...
A lot of this has been covered by previous posts-there have been many good ones.

>Tab your code book-this is legal-so you can find what you need quickly. Time is your enemy.

>Watch any notes, especially at the bottom of tables. They like to question about these.

>During the hands on, you are provided with tools. If yours are junk, as they sometimes are-say something!

>Read questions carefully. Read between the lines. Often there is a right answer, a wrong answer and the AWS answer. As you study, try to get a feel on what THEY(the AWS) is looking for.

>Be very good on the odd welding symbols.

>Take a small flashlight and a good 6" ruler(one you trust and are used to)for the hands on.You may be provided with these items, you also may be prohibited from using your own stuff. Better to have it and not need it.

>Answer what you know first. Do not dwell on puzzling questions. You can always go back after you answer what you are sure of.

>If you are only "pretty sure" you know the answer-go to the codebook and verify.

>It is often said that they will try to "trick"you-READ THE QUESTION THOROUGHLY.When I took my test a few years ago, There was a sentiment that perhaps there were too many CWI's, and the future tests would be more stringent. Nothing in writing, though. The test I took did not seem to have this in mind. The AWS is just trying to give an honest test, and they are going to drill you. They want the better candidates. As it should be.

You will not pass unless you study and know your stuff.
I know you can do this.

>This is real important. Take a watch. Pace yourself.

>Don't get rattled if a few others hand their tests in earlier than the allotted time. Could be they know less, or studied less than you. They may be stupid-or may be human computers. Who knows. Who cares. What they do is their business. What you do is yours.

If you have time after all your questions-go back and verify each of your answers against the codebook as a double check. This is an expensive test-one you don't want to take twice-take as much time as they give you. Be the last guy to hand your test in.
One wrong answer could be the difference from CWI to CAWI. Or CAWI to nothing.

>Watch what you eat the night before and the day of the test. This may seem silly, but some foods can cause sleepiness (turkey, for example). Coffee and tea should be used sparingly. The caffeine will give you a burst of clear-headed energy, but when it wears off-sleepiness can set in. A couple of weeks before, readjust your schedule so you are getting up at the same time as you would when you are taking the test.

>During the test you will have the chance to "protest" any question. This is done if you feel a question is not clear or fair. This is your right, but be sure it is legitimate.

Read the other posts-they all have very good advice.

I know-you're much like me. An old dog trying to study again. Easy when you're 18-much tougher when you are 48.

You can, and will do this. And be successful.

Then you will be cursed like us other CWI's trying to find work AND get reasonable pay-conditions-hours-expenses!! ;-)

Any other questions-email me direct(don't get on BBS as often as I would like)-or give me a call. I've got some study materials that might help.

I'd really like to help any way I can.

Good Luck

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Cert Manual for welding Inspection

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