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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Great Ride
- - By bill boyer 2 Date 03-06-2012 14:26
I have only posted once before but I follow the forums regularly. After 30 years in education I am calling it a day and retiering. My entire 30 year career has been at Northland Career Center in Platte City MO. During this time I have taught a Pre-Vocational program and the night Welding program. For the last 17 years I have been the instructor for the Welding program and I can say it has truly been a pleasure working with the youth of today. Thanks to all that post, its a great resource for educators.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-06-2012 15:04
Bon Voyage Bill!

Enjoy retirement if you can....  I bet you will be itching to get back into the game soon  :)
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-06-2012 16:09
Best wishes Bill, hoping you will find the honey holes always full of fish. Don't be a stranger, stop by often.
<note to self> get canoe and fishing gear ready</note to self>
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 03-06-2012 17:23
Hello Bill, and congratulations on this phase of your lifes journey. Hope that the future holds much more of lifes riches for you and yours. As others have eluded to, you may find that your educational trek isn't necessarily done yet. My prior teaching partner retired after 35 years and for the last 6 years he has been back with us teaching a special population welding class for a couple of days a week, a couple quarters out of the year, and enjoying every minute of it. As he said: I don't have any committee assignments, don't have any meetings to attend, I just get to come in here and teach. He is enjoying his newfound freedom immensely and still having plenty of time for he and his wife to pursue their retirement dreams. Good luck on your future endeavors and best regards, Allan
Parent - By WeldorJoe (*) Date 03-06-2012 18:11
Happy Trails!
Parent - - By qcrobert (***) Date 03-22-2012 18:38
Congrats on your service and retirement, Bill!

Altho retired, please drop in on the forum and share the knowledge you've gained from first hand experience through the years.

Parent - By jsdwelder (***) Date 03-27-2012 01:17
Working in the welding education business for almost 25 years myself I can say "Thank You for your contibution to todays youth". It is both rewarding and frustrating, like anything else. I will say this though, I have never made a weld myself that made feel as good as when you help someone else to make a great weld.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Great Ride

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