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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / questionable technique on AWS homepage
- - By devo (***) Date 03-30-2012 17:15
On the right side of the AWS homepage is an image of a welder guiding the electrode with his hand, while the other hand holds the stinger.  I've done this myself for tacking, seen it done on a youtube vid of a hot tap, and I've heard some say its strictly verboten, that only hacks and liberals(just kidding) resort to this method.  It's a nice shot, and being on the AWS homepage would seem to be a tacit endorsement of this method, but I was just wondering what ya'll think about it.
Parent - By Belba (**) Date 03-30-2012 17:52
Why would having more control of your electrode be a bad thing?
Parent - - By WeldinFool (**) Date 03-30-2012 17:58
In the pipe welding industry, only the dumb kids try to stick weld free hand when they're in a tight spot or welding out of position. When you get to where you can do it without burning up the fingers on your glove you are a true journeyman!
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 03-30-2012 20:43
It is a great technique if your not the one buying the gloves.
I've even seen some so hooked (yet going broke buying gloves), that they would use use tig and mig cups/nozzles whilst employing the "pool cue" rod stabilizing technique.
In my opinion, it looks as amateurish as some one taking their eyes off the road to look down at the shifter knob every time they step on the clutch to see where the next gear is going to be.
I was taught that both hands at the stinger was "Professional Posture".
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 03-30-2012 20:56
We use the hi temp pads that you can put over your glove to rest the electrode on. Saves gloves and reflects away a lot of heat.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-30-2012 21:12
One of my students saw that pic and asked me if it was ok, and why diddn't I teach that.

I said something along the lines of.....  Yeah, I've done that.  Always make yourself as comfortable as you you can.. The rod itself is insulated and if there is no oil on your glove it's ok...  We start out easy and make things harder and harder.

I make them do most things with one hand eventually and then with their bad/weak hand...  Two hands on the stinger is fine, keeping in mind that much of the time that second hand may be needed for something else in the real world.

As long as the WPS is being obeyed... I never aruge with succsess.
- By high_flex (**) Date 03-30-2012 21:03
I agree. When out of position it is nice for two hands. However if your in position and doing the same thing everyday, one hand is better. Your brain can tell one hand what to do better than two hands. Thats my thought.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / questionable technique on AWS homepage

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