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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Use your brains
- - By ross (***) Date 04-18-2012 14:39
If you like this forum, just consider the reality that AWS will not continue to host it if people are going to be inappropriate. What is or is not inappropriate is hard to define, and I don't want to argue about it, and when it happens it won't be my decision, but someone's who probably has never been on the forum  ---- but obviously we could lose it all, so why do you want to risk that?

There are other places to be offensive and to blow off steam.

Just give me that.


AWS Marketing
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 04-18-2012 14:58
Well, in an attempt to find some humor in all of this "crap" and still learn something useful(not welding related).....I give you this:

Seriously guys, take ross' advice and help us keep this place for folks to learn about welding and still have a good time and whatnot in the OTB&G.
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 04-18-2012 19:16
:evil:Oh wow John, that was enlightening :twisted: and could even be deemed appropriat around here at times. I'm just glad you brought it up and not me:grin:
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 04-18-2012 19:25
Talk about increasing the knowledge base of the forum...That was just so educational I don't know how I ever survived without that knowledge.

It was interesting but I still think some people have entirely too much time on their hands.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 04-18-2012 20:53
Brent, that just goes to show what some folks will do to get noticed....NO JOHN I didn't mean you:yell:
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-20-2012 04:25
angled entry...........:lol:
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 04-18-2012 19:45
Thanks Ross and John,

That's not too much to ask.
This forum is a great tool that's been of benefit to myself and many others through the years.
Sure would hate to see it ruined.

Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-18-2012 20:37
Point taken Ross....I will relent from the inflammatory stuff.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-20-2012 04:19
Well, I am thoroughly unimpressed with how many whiny, emotionally sensitive, and maladapted idiots on here that have to take almost each thread and turn it into a place to disrespect somebody's opinion. I'm sick of it, and anyone who wants to have a spelling contest with me is going to get what they asked for. I'm not in the business of being walked on, you know.

I don't have the answers, because it isn't just here that it happens. Anytime you put a person with a tiny little mind in a vehicle or in front of a keypad, you have a tuff guy instantly. It sucks, and I'd just as soon be able to reach through the screen sometimes and slap some sense into someone who has nothing intelligent to say.

I sure do like some of the comradery here though. That's why I come here every day, or few days. It's really cool to see what everyone else does for a living, and to hear about the diverse jobs going on in the different parts of the world/country. It is a shame, and I used to come here to blow steam too. Dumb.

With that said, I just take it as it comes, and I hope you can forgive me when someone is out of line and I pipe up. I don't know a better way to deal with online bullies, besides making them look stupid if I can do it.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 04-20-2012 09:00 Edited 04-20-2012 09:05
Sully you have said it perfectly..

When you look forward : "to hear about the diverse jobs going on in the different parts of the world/country."  I look forward to that too. And have over the last decade tried to learn a bit about how to be more welcoming to far away people.

That is what the forum is all about...   And when "maladapted idiots on here that have to take almost each thread and turn it into a place to disrespect "  and "come here to blow steam" by making jokes about harming folks because of thier faith or beliefs, it will most certainly drive away those visitors we have that actually come from diverse parts of the country or world.

When you say I don't have the answers;  That's ok Sully...  The moderators have the answer.. And when somebody makes a post, with the only motivation behind it being a desire to get themselves off by making somebody else uncomfortable about religion, they can delete it.

But the Moderators aren't always here every time some lout comes out from under their rock with the sole intent of making some person or some group feel bad with a joke.  Soooo "when someone is out of line and I pipe up." too.    I guess we have something in common there.

When you say:  "I don't know a better way to deal with online bullies, besides making them look stupid if I can do it."    It is hard not say something isn't it?  To bite your tongue and just let them look stupid all on their own?   It's hard to see grown men that you otherwise respect as professionals and craftsmen, act like boys in a school yard, running in a pack, throwing away their dignity by following the leader who has the big bag of candy, and becomming filthy themselves in the hopes that the big bully may some day throw them another piece of the candy.

I'm so glad  that we have so much in common Sully.

Thank you for your post.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-20-2012 14:00

Lawrence, I appreciate that remark.

There is a lot of beauty still here on this green golf ball in the sky. I feel fortunate to be able to see it, even though it's going to hell in a handbasket.
Parent - By 99205 (***) Date 04-21-2012 00:38
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 04-23-2012 14:27
I would take your statements to mean that someone within the powers that be have considered killing the forum based on the inflammatory remarks that had become prevalent.
I would agree that in many times, it has un-necessarily broken down into school yard taunts rather than professional disagreements.

However, before anyone cast a vote for an axe, it may be a good idea to take the following into consideration.
It is the nature of a multicultural forum to encounter ideals and beliefs that are not consistent with our own. Some of those cultures are rift with the inability to admit there may be another way other than theirs. Most of those people use baiting tactics to stir the pot while others simply resort to taunts and name calling.
For those people, I would suggest one warning, and if they fail to head it, being banned. A few cow pucks in the field doesn’t warrant burning the grass off the field just to prevent one cow puck.

My opinion for what it’s worth.
Parent - By 99205 (***) Date 04-24-2012 00:02 Edited 04-24-2012 01:29
I have to agree.  I'm sure, at some point in time, all of us here may be guilty of stirring the pot to some extent.  My problem with recent issues here, is that there are those that believe they are the forums, Sword of Justice.  Those that feel that way, will do what they can, to shut out those that may have a different take on humor or personal lifestyles.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 04-23-2012 22:33
Maybe it would help if there were a section on the Forum where only Members Only could participate. Maybe you could do something like, Limit Access unless it is requested. Knowing that when you are given access, that it is not entirely about Welding topics. Some Topics might be against your personal beleifs or reasoning. I think that would be a GREAT idea !!!!  OH WAIT...... Isnt that what the OTB&G is for ? Stupid me. I forgot.
Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 04-24-2012 00:28
That is exactly what I thought this part of the forum was for.  I don't know what is allowed here any longer.  It seems, if you post something here, and a couple of people don't like it, boom, it's deleted.  Now, where is the line?  Does the line get moved around, by those that feel offended by the slightest politically incorrect statement or joke?  If I call myself a Proud Infidel will I get banned because someone of Muslim beliefs finds that offensive?  The recent post deletions has created a "Grey Area".   "Grey Area" rules can be quickly manipulated by those with the loudest voice.  There are a few here that would benefit by reading, Ecclesiastes 7:16.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 04-25-2012 21:40
That was understood when it WAS a public forum. However, NOW it is availible ONLY by a Request to be admitted BECAUSE of the Content.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 04-25-2012 23:39
You are wrong...

This isn't your tree fort little boy... You are still putting your words out for people from all around the world to see.

The rules about content never changed, and have been posted and locked at the top of the message board.

The moderators explain to you that you can't post filth...  But you keep posting filth.

Other members try to explain the facts to you, in simple ways that a child could understand, and even provide links..  You still post filth or snivel that the filth you posted has been deleted by the Mods.

It's easy to understand... You enjoy saying things that that have no other purpose than to upset AWS forum members on religious grounds..  It gets you off to make jokes about the death of islamics. It gets you off to see how many haters follow your lead.

Then you bloviate about freedom of speech in a forum in which you agreed to not to be filthy as part of the terms of service... You broke the oath, not the moderators who are forced to restrain you.

The moderators made it very clear that the whole thing may go away if the offensive stuff doesn't stop....  You just keep going...  That is a pretty good indicator of what kind of man you really are... Nobody has to be overly "righteous" or judgemental.... You keep up this kind of stuff and  the whole AWS forum goes away...  It doesn't take King Soloman to figure out cause and effect. 

All the people getting help from this forum, all the people who enjoy giving help, all the people who just like to read and learn.  All those folks get screwed by the likes of you, because you want to tell jokes about killing islamcs on a welding forum and refuse to stop when repeatedly asked.  They tell you to stop,,,, They delete it... You snivel and post more.

Yep your a powerful man alright...

The founding fathers would be sickened by your jokes

Jeff Davis would be sickened by your jokes.

James Bowie, William B. Travis, and Davy Crocket would be sickened by your jokes.

David Duke would approve.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 04-26-2012 00:42 Edited 04-26-2012 15:49
#1 I dont think that anything I have posted regarding any JOKE is Filth. Little Johnny Jokes are more Filthy than the JOKES in Question.

#2  Quote "Then you bloviate about freedom of speech" I don't belive that was me. Check again.

#3 Quote "James Bowie, William B. Travis, and Davy Crocket would be sickened by your jokes." I doubt it. Do you know the Story of the Alamo ? Back then, it was Mexico's General Santa Anna, trying to over run the State of Texas. The men you spoke of defended it with their lives. I TRULY beleive they would have done the same had they been defending this country from the Islamic Culture that we see now.
I beleive it was the GREAT Davy Crocket that said " You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas"
Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 04-26-2012 01:35 Edited 04-26-2012 02:15
Here we are again, having to tolerate Lawrence's name calling, brow beating, maniacal posts.  You, Sir, need to tone it down some.  One persons post, that YOU deem inappropriate, is not going to shut a forum down.  It may be better to let a questionable post die on the vine, because of a lack of responses.  Your need to get on soap box keeps drawing attention to the posts YOU deem objectionable.  Try stepping down from your pedestal and be a little more civil to those you don't agree with.  All of us here, have to be tolerant of you.  Try returning the favor.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 04-26-2012 02:37
Ya know what Doug?

Your right.  

Letting it die on the vine is prolly best.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 04-26-2012 19:34 Edited 04-26-2012 22:04
You REALLY want to know just HOW much BS is being spewed here about a Figgin JOKE ? Below is an ENTIRE POST, right here on AWS that is dedicated to concealed Weapons that have a sole purpose of what ? Killing People. Now, this thread is complete with PICTURES ! And some still say the JOKE is a bad thing. Some of the people that on on the Podium about the JOKE are the very same ones who posted on the other thread ! That is what we call "Talking out both sides of your Arse !" Some things I will NEVER understand.
Parent - By ESC300 (**) Date 04-26-2012 02:29
MY GAWD,what does David Duke have to do with this:roll:
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-26-2012 13:24 Edited 04-26-2012 13:27
   EDIT: On second thought, I will not be saying anything that is not already obviously clear about him.

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-27-2012 01:48
I would disagree with concealed weapons having the sole purpose of killing people....more like preventing you from being killed.  But yea I can see how anything you say can be considered controversial by literally all depends on where you stand and what your reading.  OSHA is a great example of how you cannot stupid proof everything, no matter how hard you try, you end up rendering the initial concept useless....compromise is always cannot stupid proof the internet either folks.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 04-27-2012 02:31
Well, here is a question. When you took your Concealed Weapons Class, you were taught NOT to draw your weapon unless what ? You are in fear of your life. When you were taught to shoot, were you taught to shoot to wound ? Were you taught to draw your weapon to scare people ? If not, then why carry a concealed weapon ? There is only one correct answer.
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 04-27-2012 15:33
Wow!  Ross now, look at what you have gone and done:confused: This has turned this into a good old fashion Republican style champagne debate. I expect ole Newt or the likes will be posting on before long. Better yet a school yard play ground.

I would say; Some what Entertaining at it’s best.

If it were not so sad that some would be so careless as to bring this fine iinstrument of education down in an effort to vindicate them selves.

Oh well, I have been on this Forum from day 1 almost and will be retiring soon but I hope it stays up right regardless.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Use your brains

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